CR 88-218 Grand Opening Municipal Parking Ramp . , (j M -s. '" fJ {1 K. ~ \' November 9. 1988 Council Report: 88-218 GRAND OPENING OF MUNICIPAL PARKING RAMP Propoaed Action. Staft reoommenda adoption of the following motion: Move that staff be autborized to prepare plans and hold a gr~nd opening of the municipal p"l'king ramp. Adoption of this motion will result in a greed opening of the munioipal parking ramp on Lot 400. O.,.rY.lev. Th6 construotion of the munioipal parking ra.p is nearing completion with anticipated completion in mid December. Tbe staff has a d9sire to coordinate and conduct a grand opening on the parking ramp to celebrate the ramps construction. e The DOifotown Business Group has contacted staff and haa a desire to partioipate iu tne grand opening should one be authorized by the Council. Statt 1e proposing that it work with the Downtown Group and with one or two members of the Council to plan and conduot the grand opening. Prl.a~y Issue. to ConDider. o What 1a the proposed time trame tor the grand opening? Statt would recomQend to the planning committee that the grand opening be held in m1d December. o What 18 the source of funds tor the grand opening? Staff is proposing to utilize Development Fund for this project funds (208). from Downtown the o Who ~ould be involved in the planning of the grand opening? Staff is recommending that a committe~ composed of one to two Council members, one or two business community leaders, and staff work on the plans and preparati?ns. . ~~~_. Steven C. Mielke Community Development Director .. ,'. 7 , ,:' _ . .' : ."; ...,.... r ~. , . . . I~ ":. . . ... ,. .~:. .',. ": ..,.' ." . .. .