CR 88-219 Suburban Rate Authority . . . .ff "'" () o \\ (J K ' November 9t '988 Council Report: 88-219 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY Conceroa Over Funding of Co~b1ned Sewer Separation St. Paul & Minneapolis Propoeed Aotion. Staft recolllmends the following motion: "~ve that Reaolu tion Resolution opposinK spreading or replacement fund1n~ tor separation in st. Paul and Minneapolis. 88-.2.!. sewef> Thi8 action will align the Ci ty of Hopkins wi tb the SRI. and otber supporting cities. Oyer-viev. Tbe IPA bad threatened the metropolitan area that all sanitary 8ev~r connections liould have to stop until all storm and sanitary severs were separated. This would have greatly affected the SRi meabers whioh represented the groving population of the area. The SRA worked with the MPCA and others to develop a method o~ fttDdins the separation projeots in the two core c1 ties. No interest State loans were a part of that plan. These loans to the core cities were ror&iven in tbe garbage billa ot the last legislature. Tbe SRA thinks tbat this is placing a burden OD the rest of the state. The 81A 1s alao concerned that the oore cities will also request State tUDCUDg tor anticipated 10sB of Federal funds tor the projects. Prlaary I.aues to Consider. o Should the City of Hopkins move a reaolutioD supporting SRA? As mentionad above, there is concern that State funding will be reques ted iJ y the core 01 ties. The SRA stand 1s that all the other cities put their separate systema in and the core cities should do the same. Supporting Information. o SRA letter to member cities from Chairman William D. Schaell. Resolution 88-94 /---Q ~ . . ~ G rdon P. A:derson Director of Engineering "'. . . '. 'e T '.. . 'p . . ~-. . . .. . .." . .' ,'!. ~: .' .~.." I . " _ ,. :", ," ".' ,"., t. :" ". '.:'_ , ...." _p '. . . .:' .. . . . ... CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 88-94 WHEREAS, the Suburban Rate Authority has assisted the Metropolitan Council, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Minnesota Legislature in formulating a program fQr funding combined sewer separation In the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul; and WHEREAS, such sewer separation is required by law and by contract, and is otherwise desirable; and WHEREAS, expected federal funding for the program has been cancelled and replacement funding must be identified; and WHEREAS, most cities in the seven metropolitan area have built separate sanitary and sewer systems, principally through local funding; and county storm WHEREAS, the ci ties of St. Paul and Minneapolis have obtained leglelation forzl ving approximately $32 million in separation loans fro~ the state; NOW, THEREFORE, the council of the City oC Hopkins, does by this resolution state that it is opposed to the spreading or t.he replacement runding upon the State Treasu~y, and that it believes the most equitable resolution is for the arrected cities to themselves provide that Cunding. Adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of tbe City of Hopkins, November 15, 1988. Donald J. Hilbert Mayor In 1983 and. after the Suburban Rate Authority was very active in working with the MPCA and others to dev~lop a method of funding Combined Sewer Separation .projects .in the two core cities. The purpose of SRA participation ',' was, of course, to safeguard insofar as possible the resources of its members, who. had ipstalled their own separated se.."er.5. }l.t that ti!!ll? EPA was threatening to shut off all hookuPd in the Metropolitan area until the problem was resolved. Such action would have landed particularly hard Upon SRA members who are experiencing growth.. After many meetings over a period' of approxi- mately two years, and appearances in .the legiSlature, it ,'. passed a bill providing for a loan and grant program ,. which would enable St. Paul and Minneapol is to complete ::",,,,-,;,,""'~" ,:,~~,>thei,r_ sewe:( separations by 1996. ,The scheme settled upon by all of the parties included a combination of federal grants, no interest state loans to be repaid beginning in "..,---.... 1~96, state grants and self-help. In the waning hours of the last legiSlature, two provisions were inserted in the appropriations bill which repealed the provisions re- quiring repayrn2'11: of the loaf's. "'<12""; -,,~o...1,.:o.','~ WP," n:;t" heard by any cl.1Jrimittee of the lesislatu.ce, exc-2pt a conference comrnit~ee on the appropriations bill~ In ",- '. ~"'eEl!~ DlOO...."NG10N "COlliN P"h JVII NS VILL f CHAMPliN CUlC,E PINfS COlUM81A H[l(;H~S DEtPf-lAVfN EPEN ~AIRIl' lOIN... Hl!Ouv O!!!!""IW"~ "ASTlNGS HOPl'.INS lAo\.lOEtDAlE 1'AAl'tI ptA1N IlV.l'l.fwooo MINNOONr:A MlNNfTIIIS fA NfW IlIIGHTON NORTH ST, PAUL OIONO 0SSE0 PlYoIo>OUlH ItlCHflEtD . ,... .... " '~lf.' ItOSfVIUl VAOI! l~'''llll !'\1C0Pft ' . . " SPlING 'JUl. VAONAI$ Hf1G+CTS WAYlAT" WfST $l, ',,01. WOOOlANO " ~ c ; . " ' . ~ SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY r-'" ,- ,'., '. -010 ''1-' . ....... 11 'j '. . . ' '., ~ I . (j l: r 2 .J 10U8 ". "'0 -);) j I. ...JL.- "JL..I..~ w~ ...................-...~. ~~!...,..~~PtPif MEMORANDUM TO: SRA Member City Managers and Clerks FROM: William D. Schoell ChaIrman DATE: October 27, 1988 RE: Funding of Combined Sewer Separation Programs in St. Paul and Minneapolis ~,~'At,its.~uarterly meeting on October 19 the Suburban Rate Authority Board of Directors unanimously passed a reso- lution urging member cities to contact their State elected representatives regarding the funding of the Combined Sewer Separat ion Program in the Ci ties of St. Paul and Minneapolis. The Board recommends that cities adopt a resolution along the lines of the enclosed model. i- 2000 FIRST BANK PLACE WEST. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 . (612\ 333-0543 .,,,,,,,,, . '"', . . . . . ...' SRA Member Cities October 27, 1988 Page 2 effect, the repealer forgives approximately $32 million in loans to the two cities. Another more important matter, at least in terms of dollars, is the abolition of the federal grant program. It now appears that the federal share will be reduced by approximately $49 million from that expected when the funding plan was developed. The legislature will have to face the problem this session. The Board anticipates that the two cities will ask the legislature to make up the $49 million in federal monp.y which will not be forthcoming. The Board feels it 'is patently unfair for the residents of the state to pay for the replacement and separation of sewers in St. Paul and Minneapolis. The SRA Board feels that it is imperative that we speak Upe In addition to passing the resolution or something similar, elected officials should ma~e sure that their state legislative delegation under- stands the problem. I would appreciate it if you will provide a copy of the resolution, should your council decide to adopt it, to me or to SRA counsel. A brief report on what other steps have been taken would assist the SRA Board at its January meeting in determining what more to do on this subject. Enclosure 00601 tOl. bIB (~f)~ cc: Directors - - ::---",,.'~