CR 88-222 Celebrate Minnesota
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Novembar 10, 1988
Council Report: 68-222
PrODoaed lotion.
Hove to authorize membership applioation to Celebrate Minnesota 1990
and to 1netruot Cl ty staft' to formulate ideas f'or an improvement
project to be done in 1q89 which would be eligible for a State grant.
Adoption or this motion will
Celebrate Minnesota 1990 program
improvement grant fo~ 1989.
and make
allow m~mber8b1p
the City e11gible
roI' an
Minnesota will be hosting the 1990 u.s. Olympic Festival. As part ot
this national event, tbe State of Min.nesota hopes to celebrate tbe
event and to highlight MinnesotaYs cities with the Celebrate Minnesota
1990 program.
Celebrate Mlnnesota 1s a two part program.
run a publi 01 t y campaign highlighting the
running a grant improvement program to
p~ojects within eacb city.
Celebrate Minnesota will
01 ties and also wi 11 be
help accommodate special
Official as.bership to Celebrate M1~nesota 1990 will allow tor the
publicity of the Raspberry Festival anel Heri tage Days and as vell
allow tbe City to place signs at the border at low to no coat to the
Issues to Consider.
What 1s the impact of membership to Celebrate Minnesota
What are the grant guidelines?
What are current staff ideas for the grant?
Supgort~Information .
o Starr Analysis of Issues
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-Steven C. Mielke
Community Development
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Page 2
Statt Analysis ot Issues.
What is the impact of membership to Celebrate Minne~ota?
As part ot the Celebrate Minnesota 1990 campaign, ellch member oity
viII be allowed to list the city celebratiol!S whioh are planned tor
1990. Staff Is recommending tbat the Raspberry Festival and Beritage
Days be listed as the city-wide festivals.
As a me.ber of Celebrate Minnesota, the City would also be allowed to
purohase signs to be placed at the entrance to the City to indicate
that tbe City 1s a meaber of Celebrate Minnesota and as well a sign
could be placed at the location of the iaprovelllent project which is
approved as part of the grant application.
Eligibility tor a project grant is only possible if we become a member
of Celebrate Minnesota.
What are the grant guidelines?
The State bas set aside $700,000.00 to be used by cities aa part ot
their i_provelllent projects. A grant application is due to tbe state
on December 161 1988 which would highlight a community improve.ent
project and would allow tor up to 25J ot the project coat to be pa1d
by the State. A maximum of $25,000.00 of State 1I0ney i8 available per
olty on a competit1ve basis.
What are the current staff ideas for a grant?
Staff has discussed a variety of potential projects and have listed
the following:
o Shady Oak nature area improvements
o Water tower clean-up/dress-up project
o Up-grade County Road #3 frem 11th Avenue South to County
Road #18
oRe-landscape City Hall
These ideas are generated from the Recreation, Public Works and
Community Development staff and are projects whioh we feel would be of
adequate scale and would involve property which the City controls and
would be easy to establish by the December 16 deadline. Staff will
need assistance from the Council in setting priorities to these
potential projects and adding project ideas should tbere be any.
These ideas would be brought back to the Council for final approval on
the 13th of December ~ith an application being submitted to the state
three days later.