CR 88-93 Renew Computer Maintenance Agreement . . ,.,. p .'. ,-'c.- . ~ \. Kay 6, 1988 .o;-~....-';'> llENEV COMPUTER. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Couneil Rpt: 88-93 PrQoosed Act:ie>D. Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move ~~ro~~n~~el:~:~~ maintenance aareement with Mod~rn Computer SYstems. In~. _______,____ ___ ______~ AD annual DreDayment. Overvi,lL. '!'he City has be.d an agreement with Modern Computer Systems. Inc. since the purchased the Texas Instrument computer equipment in 1984. The agreement runs June 1 to Kay 31. The annual cost of $5,388.00 has not changed from the agreement. A lOt discount for annual prepayment is again offered which would the net cost $4,849.20. Pri_ry Issues To Collslde:w;:. o Modern's cost is lower than tvo other sources solicited. o Service response an~ quality has been excellent. ~.A~ "c." e . Rapt as-93 page 2 O.tailed Backgroung The City has used Modern Computer Systems the four years since the Finance computer waR installed. Service is also available throuqh computoservice and directly troll Texas Instrument, Inc., however their costs are hiqher. Response for service has been ..axcallent which is critiC'al when certain applications are being processed. In addition to the norsal preventative maintenance cal18, the City required six emergency calls this past period mostly for the printer 0 'lbe prior period only two emerqency calls wel'e necessary. This year we added an equipment replacement clause as the nead tor SODe equipment change will be necessary soon. The clause allows the City to apply the \L'1u8ed portion of the ..intenance fee t!)wards an agre8Jllen~ for new equipment or receive a retund. . . .,: :-'-)k~1 j '} ,j . ,~, . ,." ,to- . I /1'.. . . ,'... . ~,:. "'.' _ ;' .... : ~ "'. . '. r':.:. . .: .' '. -...: ~, ,."'. ....,