CR 88-113 Executions Greater Minneapolis Day Care r. · I ;. . ,. , .. () ~ -;.' .., o P K \ ,\ June 13, 1988 Council Report 88-113 EXECUTION OF GREATER MINNEAPOLIS DAY CARE ASSOCIATION CONTRACT Propodeg Action. staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Approval of Resolution Authorizinq Execution of Public Service Agreement for Da{ Care Serviqe Witq Greate~ Minneapolis Dav Care ASSociat;on ~ ~ythorizina Assign~ent of the A~reement.s Administ_ation Responsibilities to Hennepin County. This recommendation will allow the Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association to begin using' Hopkins CDBG funds on July 1 in conjunction with their program. OVerview. Recently the Cit.y approved the allocation of $10,000 in 1988 CDOO dollars to the Greater MinneapOlis Day Care Association Day Care Subsidy PrQCJr8m. In conjunction with the funding of this program! the city is now being requested by the County to approve a resolution which accomplishes the following: - authorize execution of an agreement with the Greater MinneapOlis Day Care Association - authorize Hennepin County to administer the program ~ary Issues to Consider. - Is there any benefit to administering the program through the City? Will Hopkins residents benefit from the program? supportinq Information. - Summary of Child Care Subsidy Program - Public Service Agreement -, /J R ,- olution ~ e~~~, Planning & Economic Development Director ~ . . ,. Council Report: 88-113 Page 2 Analysis. Based on the proposal recommended, the City council has the following issues to consider: Is there any benefit to administering the program through the City? Allot the other cities involve.d in this program are administ:ered through the county. Most of their involvement is from a financial stand.point. It would seem that they have the most expertise in dealinq with the program in this area. Will Hopkins rasidents benefit from the program? The money that the City has allocat.ed to the program will be used exclusively for the day care needs of Hopkins residents. Alternatives. 1. Approve the resolution. If approved, the necessary documentation will be executed with the program imp1ementation beginninq July 1. 2. Deny the resolution. The Council will need to provide the staff with a s:pecific di,rection they wish to be pursued. 3. continue for additional information. ~eco11UUendation. Staff reoommends Alternative No. 1 I < ,...y" < < ( ../ ;. .. .. CHILD CARE SLIDING fEE KElps 10';11 to tTOderate inc.ome hmiltes. stabilize their cost of child tare so that they tl" (onUnue working or ,omplete tratntnq programs. Why Ire COB; funds needed? Existing programs funded throug~ Hennepin County and the State Sliding fee program have not been funded adequately. Families..,t\Q qualH)' for the program m~st wait four to twelve !Dnths in order to rece1~e help. lhe child care tax credit is not e~ou~ to meet the needs of low income single parent families. GH'C~ presently has a waiting list of over 200 fa~,'ie~ outside of the City of ~inneapolis wno are either ~ot eligible for exist;~g progra~s or (a~not be served ~ec~use of lac( of funds. I-t)w do the COBG programs help? .Ci)a~ f.;r.1s ar-e use1 IS & f.lntji-'tg of last resort for h:nilies ..no fall ')E:~~eell tle cra-:(s of eli9i~ility, or WOJld ~e o~ a lo"~ wa,i~~1\9 list f~r h~';J frem ther prJ~ra"'ls. :'l~n:)ug" eat" tity.S progra:'1 is re1a~iyely s-.al1. tl)~t~er t~ey maite up Si9"ifi:a"lt st')P3l~ 1:J"l:H"g for I'IIO'\,)' fc"'Hies. lbw does the program 'JCrk? In order to ~e eligi~le a families inco~ mJst be under HUn section 8 guidelines a~d all parents ~ust ~e working or attendi~9 SC~O)' 20 hours or more per wee(. T~e family selects their ow~ child {are arr~~gernent. If t~ey need help in finding a program they are referred to t~e Chi11 Car~ l~formation Ne!.work. fal!\i"e~ may change programs at afiY time ttley wish. Families pay a portion of the cost of child care based on the fee schedule developed for the state sliding fee prC9fam. lhe s'idi~9 fee program pays the rem~inder of the cost up to a limit established each year thro~gh a State Department of Jo~s and 'Training study of is\Ierage costs of care. in order to receive child (are subsidy a single parent must attempt to collect any child sup~rt due them through Hennepin County Child Supp:>rt and Collections. Eligibility is renewed every six nonthS. Parents are required to p~y;d~ II signed written statement of income and situation,as wel' as b~(~~P documentation from emp'oyers. school, etc. to show their income and work/training statu). . . i' ;:;; \ . . , '. '. :., .. . .' . / . ~ L. . . , .' ~ ' . ~ '. .. 'f' " ' ~~~T.~ A ~. Js ther~ ~ dupJ1,.tton of effortl 0- Ctllld tire rundlng Is a Pot,tI..rk or program. fro. ..rlou. funding .ouroe. -"ith d1fre..nt eligIbility g"ldeltn.., GlIDeA "'.... to .ort out fundIng oPtIon. for pa..nt., pa..nt. <Ill GH3CA or or. ..r....d to u. by the Child Car. Infor...tlon "et...rk. r"lly day .ar. ho..... ..nlers, or other agentl... Co"nty and Stote funding .our... are U.ed ""ene..r posslbl.. If I fa"fly to not able to g.t .ther f"nding, COBG fund. are ".ed. llan." are ...In,talned On a w'ltlng li.t In the order Of their .all. Thl. ll.t i. Upd.tld three ti... per y.... A. mon.y b....... ..anable famllie. are <ontact.d In order to ..rlfy t~elr current situation and eligibility. . .\~ t,. a"u,t a family mu.t tOntribut. is ba..~ on their gro.s intome plu. .hild SltP:x>rt. In general, the Sliding fee Scale "eq~;res a minimum payment of · ~ut 130 per I10nth fro", f omil ies ,",,0 a re be low 60. 0 f toe . tate ll1l!dian I n<o,., (5HI) for thei r · I,. f.mi ly. 60s SMI I. need.~ to <0 ver the b..it liui ng nee~s of a f .mil y. As f a"'i 1 y I ncome Increase.. the a", un t the par.,ts must pay for to it d tare in th is p,"" gram r i ies a!lou t 15< ro r hery 11 they are 0 YOr ttle 6:l'l SHZ fi gure, The re... ini ng 7Sc goes to pay h f gher ta 'e. and pm .ide an l'lcel'ltive for the family to continue to improve their ~ituation. As a "mily', Into"" apProaches the Section 8 limit they are usually paYing nearly a 11 Q 1 t n e co s t of the; r ell i1 d care. Present 1,)1 the 601; SMI and (~ction 8 gross annual i r\CO me levels are as follows: Monthl y Month 11 Famil y size .601 SMI LPa rent fe~} Section 8 (Pare": ",;.) - ------ .... - Family of 2 $12.560 ($23) $22.000 ( $ 32 7 ) Family of 3 $15.516 (S28 ) 124,750 ($279) " Faml1y of 4 $18,471 ( S 29 ) $27.500 ( 1290) How much subsidy does each fa.fly receive? th. sub.idy Is tailored to eath fa..lly's .ituation. Child .are co.ts for a family .ary widely a"Ording to the number of Chlldre.. their ago, and the nUrDer of hours in tare. After school COre for one child ",y cost IS little as S3 per day while tull tl"" tare for t.., thildr.. may be O..r 530 per day. ~"Y fht 'ubSldy a"'unt """ld be o.erly generous for so"," families and not O1ough to ma~e the difference for others, t~e "'''unt of 'u"Idy depen1s 6ft t'. cost or tare nee1e1 and the ~""nt a family Can pay as d.termined by t~e S1id~n9 fee scale. . What i~comes receive su~sidy and how does the Sliding fee 'Crt? T.. '11110g fee .tale i. ba.ed on the St.te ~dfa' J.co~ (S~ll woi.~ ;s 'djusted for fa",ily size, SMI i. t~e POint at w'i.h half of the families In t" state with t~e same family .Ize earn 00... and half .arn 1.... the amount ~s updated annually by the federal governme~t. ._~ . ...-.....~..~... ... . .. . . - .... . '; ...?: ~ -, - , ~, 4. [)e-scription 1) Need - Many low and nuderate income families are single parent families or have t~ parents """'0 are working or in school. When these families have young children the cost of child care ~y create I disincentive ro continue to work or pursue training. According to 1980 census data 57X of all Richfield "'Omen with children under sh were in the labor force. 541 of these al"e single parents. In 1980 the median 1ncxHne for ft!l1lale he!ded single parent faml1ies was $6.901. In ,order to work or pursue training families need dependable child care at il cost theyu,. afford. Many low and noderate income fUl111es cannot receive help from existfng child cane subsidy programs because they do not meet specific program eligibility requirements. or because there are wafting lists due to insufficient funding. As of Feb. 1987 there are sixteen Richfield families on GMDCA's waiting list for child care assistance who cannot be helped because of lack of funds. 2) Project - The child care Sliding fee program subsidizes child care costs for low and ITDderate income families when parents are working or in school. The amount of subsidy varies on a Sliding fee according to family size and income. Parents using the program choose their..own child care arrangement. Such a program stabilizes the cost of child care at an affordable level for families while making maxilQ~m use of Subsidy dollars. The program allows parents to conHnue to work or ' participate in training programs. 3) Implementation - The City of Richfield will contract with Greater Minneapo lis Day Care Association (GMDCA). a tax exempt. non~profit organization, to administer the Sliding fee chi~d care program. GHOCA also administers Such programs for other municipalities and a portion of the State Sliding Fee program for Hennepin COunty. Parents apply directly to GMDCA. Families must verify their income as well as their work or training status When they begin the program and at least every six months thereafter. Families are helped on a first come first serve basis. GMOCA provides a co-<Jrdinated way to help families needing child care assistance Which maximize the use of other potential subsidy programs for famil ies. t f' · ~ 17- RlBUc SERVICES ~ ~ 'Ibis agreement nade aJ"Id E!1'rt:er13d into by and between the City of , hereinafter refarred to as the "City' ani Greater Kinneapolis Oily Care, a pmlic service aqercy, hereinafter referred to as the II Agency" , ~Elli: ~, the City is an authoriZEd ~tirq lmit in the Ulban Hennepin County ChmIlnity DsI1e.l~ Block Grant ~ by virtue of a joint ~J.C1tiQ'1 agt'eaDertt executed between the City am Hennepin CaJnty p.u:suant to !oEA 471.59, am ~, the City has allocated Year XIV O.rban Hennepin COUnty C:JlmJnity Devel.qment Block Grant funds for the ~ of ~ the Orlld Care Sli.d:irr;J Fee program administered by the kJen,-y, !Of 'IHEREfiU<t;, in OCXlSideration of the 1II.1t:ual covenants ani prm.ises a:>nta.i.ned in this 1q1.a=u~ut, the parties hereto nutually agree to the follcwinJ tenDs ani ocn:iiticms: I 1be City aqJ:ees to provide _ dollars frail the Urban Hennepin camty Cnnftndty Cevel.~lt Blcx:k Grant to the 1qerr::;y in sut:POrt of the Child Care Sli.d.in} Fee Pl-"'OgLaaa. '!be City resezves the right to assign its administrative respotlsibUity, plI"SUant to the ~ of the Url:;en Hennepin ca.mt-.1 O:Imun:ity I)Nelopnent Block Grant P1~L4III, to any other cxxperatirq unit. n 'Ihe Agency agrees to provide the City or its assignee: 1. A financial statem:!nt for the past full year. 2. A statement of PJblic reve.'1Ue soorces for the period June 1, 1987 ~ June 30, 1988. m '!he h:Jercj agrees to award tun:ls to eligible c3f.Plicants residi.rq in the City on a first o::m::! first servoo basis with maint.ena.rla:! of a waitirq list of eligible applicants. - - /. . . Pt:mllc Services Agreement DlyoL.'""e Page 'nolo IV 'Ib9 1q!rcy agrees to allocate f\.n!s to eliqihle recipients based on the state of Ki..nnesct.a DepartJDent of Public welfare Slidirq Fee Scale with the u. s. Department of Hcusirg ard Url::lan DeYel~ Sectioo 8 iD.::axwa limits used as a ceilirg o..rtoff for eligibility. v 'ltJe ~ provides ~ that it will o::mply with: ~. Ar.1mini.strative reportin;J requi.mments of the CDmt:y. 2. Title "'1: of the Civil Rights Act:. of 1S64 (PL88-352). (Ncnti.scriminaticn in }nVYLcJDI. or activities receivi.n;J federal financial assistance.) 3. sectia'l 109 of the KaJsi.n:J and <kDlImity Developoent Act of 1974 as amerded. (Nc:n1i.sc:rim:itic:n in any pxogram or activity subject to pravisicn of the HCDA.) 4. am CiIcular A-102 Attad1Delt 0, 5ectioo 14, pa.rag:ratil (h) by assuri.n; the grantee, fa:ieral grantor aqetrCf, the' CcIlpt:roller General of the United States or art! dllyauthorized representative aCXJeSS to all records d.i.rectly pertinent to this <D1trac:t for the purpose of maJci.D:I aulit ~.mU.natic:n( excerpts, an:! transcriptions. s. am Ci:toJ.1.ar A-I02 Att:ad1ment C(2), an:i mai.ntain all re:pired 1"eCX)Ms for it period of three yean; after moaivirq final payment. 6. CMB Ci:ttular A-8? "0:Jst Principles for state an:i Iccal Government,. :% am Circular A-122 ItCbst Principles far Non Profit", as ~iate. VI '!he 1qen..:y, prior to finan:::ial re:inb.1rseme.nC, shall provide the city or its assignee with: 1. Individual D:ita confiden'-~ity fom. 2, Listin:;J of clients, their adjresses, am annmt of ass~ per client. vn 'Ihi.s AgreEmmt is effective as of July 1, 1988, an::! shall continue in full fon::e and effect until all furrls made available tU'rler this AgreerrEnt have been e.xpen.:led in aCCX)~ with paragraJ;:hs I -VI, b.1t no later than December 31, 1989. I .. I - . . -'--~'--- -;---"'lir ' ,r' r.. ~ ".,.:\::J~ . "- .,cr I?Ublic services ~4t ~ Page '1hree IN ~ ~F, the parties hereto have set their hanis ani affiY.sd their seals this day of , 19_. Upm p-rcper exsc:ut.ian, this Agleement will be le;Jally valid am bi.~i:a;;. ani Its - ~... - GRF.A7m MDtiFAroLIS 0t\Y CARE J\SSOCIATIQi Cl'lY OF S'lME oF !aNNE3JrA By /1,-#1' ;j.--c-~~ Its ExBcutive Di.rectar By Its Mayor I f, . . . . CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 88-52 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF PUBLIC SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR DAYCARE SERVICES WITH GREATER MINNEAPOLIS DAY CARE ASSOCIATION AND AUTHORIZING ASSIGNMEMT OF THE AGREEMENT'S ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES TO HENNEPIN COUNTY WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins has executed a Joint Powers Aqreement with Hennepin county, thereby aqreeinq to participate in a grant application under the Urban County designation provided for in the Housinq and community Development Act of 1974: and, WHEREAS, part of the authorized activity for Year XIV is the support of daycare services through the administrative agency known as the Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Block Grant proqrUl as administered throuqh the Urban Hennepin County requires that each city funding daycare activity with Communi ty Development Block Gra.nt monies must enter into a Public Service Agreement with the Greatey. MinneApolis Day Care Association; and, WHEREAS, the Public Service Aqreement with the Greater Hinneapolis Day Care Assooiation allows the city to authorize Hennepin County to discharge the responsibilities of the City regarding the adll1inistration of the daycare proqram: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the City of Hopkins are authorized to execute ar! Agreement wi th the Greater MinneapOlis Day Care Association for child daycare services for Year XIV of the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant program; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Hennepin County through its Office of Planning and Development be requested to directly discharge the responsibilities of the city regarding the administration of this program for Year XIV, as provided for in the Public Service Agreement. Donald J. Hilbert, Mayor