CR 88-124 Electrial Ordinance Change
June 15, 1988
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Council Report: 88-124
~9sed Action....
The Building Inspection Department recommends the adoption of the
following motion: Move approval of the second readinq of Ordlnance No.
88-618 as presented.
By approving this resolution,
administrati ve portions of the
permits and licenses from the
electrical fees.
the City Council
Citv Electrical
City as well
will be deleting
Code that require
as the payment of
The City Council recently elected to contract with the State Board of
Electricity to provide for administration of the City Electrical Code.
The state Board of Electricity administers the electrical code,
provides for its own licensing, permits, and collects the state fee.
In order to avoid confusion, the administrative sections of the City
Buildinq Code relating to City electrical inspection should be
At the June 7, 1988 regular meetinq, the City Council approved the
first reading of Ordinance No. 88-618.
SUDPortina Info~ation.
o Ordinance No. 88-618
o CUrrent Code Language
1. Approve the ordinance change as submitted deleting
reference to city electrical inspection and permits.
2. Leave the ordinance as is without the proposed change.
This option woUld cause confusion by requiring a city
pe~~it and a collection of fees but without city
inspection. City staff recommends alternative '1.
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Tom Anderson
Building Official
ORDINANCE No. 88~618
An ordinance relating to the Hopkins Building, Housing, and
construction Regulations: Deleting section 400.07 and section 400.13,
the requirements for a city electrical permit and fee.
Subsection 400 of the Hopkins City Code is amended by deleting
section 400.07 and section 400.13.
Adopted this
day of
, 1988
Approved this
day of
, 1988
Donald Mi1bert. Mayor
City Clerk
Hopkins City Code
400.07. State electrical license. Subdivision 1. Unless otherwise provided by
state law no person llIay practice OJ:' engage in the business or trade of elec-
trical construction and installation within the city unless such person 18 the
holder of a valid and current license from the state. No pereon Day engage In
the business of electrical contracting ~ithin the city unless such person is the
holder of a valid and current electrical contractor's license from tbe state.
Unless otherwise provided by state l8w no per~on may perform any electrical work
regulated by this code without first having obtained a permit to do so. The
fees required for permits issu~d pursuant to this subsection are contained 1n
chapter X.
Subd. 2. Permits to owners. Permits may be iSSUEd to persons who own and
occupy single family dwellings for work performed within or on such dwellings.
400.09. ~ilding and construction permits: issuance and procedu~~. Subdivi-
sion 1. Procedure upon application. The procedure for issuance of building
permits is provided in the State Building Code.
Subd. 2. Other permits. If any other type of permit is required for A
building or structure besides a building permit, such as an off-street parking
permit or a conditional use permit, the building permit may not be issued until
the building official is satisfied tbat other required permits (1) have already
been issued, (11) will be issued at the same time, or {iii} have been autborized
and will be issued.
Subd. 3. Plans and specifications-retention. When a building permit 1s
issued, the building official shall return one set of the plans and specifica-
tions to the applicant and one copy shall be kept in tbe office of the building
official as designated in the current records retention schedule.
400.11. Permit fees: other provisiot'lS. Gen.eral rule. It is the intent of
this section that the fees set by chapter X are to supplant and supersede
corresponding fee requirements in any code or ordlna~ce adopted by reference in
this section except 8S provided in subsection 400.03, subdivision 4.
400.13. Electrical fees. Subdivision 1. Fees.
installations and inspections are set by chapte~
The fees for electrical
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Hopkins City Code
400.13, Subd. 2
Subd. 2. Fees doubled. If a person begins work for which a permit frOlri
the electrical inspector is required without th~ permit to or during the day of
commencement of such work. or on the next succeeding business day where Buch
work 1s commenced on a Saturday or on a Sunday or a holiday, the person shall,
when subsequently securing such permit. pay double the fees provided for suc~
Subd. 3. False atatements. No person may make any false statements in
connection with the securing of a permit from the building inspector.
Subd. 4. Violations. No person may make any false statement in th~
affidavit 8S sworn statement made, as required by this code. in connection. with
the securing of 8 permit from the electrical inspector.
Subd. 5. Violations and penaltie~. Any person who ~kes a false or untrue
statement in an application for any permit authorized by this section or who
shall deceive, or attempt to deceive, any authorized inspector or employee of
the city by any statement or answer made in connection with such application,
and any person, firm or corporation who shall not com~ly with the requirements
of this ordinance shall be guilty of a penal offense.
Subd. 6. Inspections. Persons licensed under the provisions of this
section are subject to police and public surveillance and inspection. The
issuance of any permit or license authorizes and emp~ers all proper officials
of the city to enter upon the premises for the purpose of ascertaining the
manner in which compliance with this section is achieved.
Subd. 7. Unauthorized work. It is unlawful for a person to begin the
construction, installation, alteration or repairs of any electrical installation
without having first secured the necessary permit therefor, either previous to
or during the day of the commencement of any such work, or on the next succeed-
ing working day.
Subd. 8. Separate offense. Each day in which any unlicensed or
unpermit:ted or condemned installation under this subsection is permitted to
exist constitutes a separate violation.
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