CR 88-147 Beer License - Hopkins Jaycees
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July 15 t 1988 Report: 88-147
3.2 Beer License for Hopkins
Jayoee's for August 1 1 I 1988
and August , 8, 1988
proJ.'.osed Aatio~
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: ~
tll a. t the Hopkins City Council approve the application for
3.2 beer at the Music in tbe Park for August 11 . 1968 and
Au gUB t 18. 1988 between tbe hours of 3:00:p.m.and 9:00 p.m.
by the Hopkins Jaycee's.
On July 13, 1988 Brad Johnson of the Hokins Jaycee's made
-.'. application for a 3.2 beer license for the sale of beer at
tile August 11th and August 18th Music in the Park conoerts.
The Police Department has reviewed this application and can
find no reason to deny tbe applioation.
P~imary I~~ues to C~nsider.
!he Hopkins Jaycee's have sponsored many events in the City.
aad staff has no reason to believe this would not be
conducted in the same responsible manner.
Sapporting Information.
0 The complete applicati~n and police report is
a~a1lable from the City Clerk.
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Pat Gisborne, Deputy City Clerk
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