CR 88-142 HMEA Contract . July 12, 1988 Council Rpt 68-142 1988 HMEA CONTRACT , . !!roposed Action Staff recommends that tha Council approve the following motion: Authorize the Mayor Bnd City MBnaier to siin the 198B Hopkins Municipal Emp~o'..e~ Association (HMEA) ~ontract. This action will result in a contract settlement for 1988 between the City and the RHEA. Overview The negotiation process has been prolonged this year primarily due to comparable worth and the new pay equity plan. Negotiations between the City and HMEA have resulted in the following: 0 RMEA has adopted the new pay equity plan. 0 HMEA received a 4' cost of living raise. 0 The City's contribution toward health, life. and dental insurance was '. increased from $175.00 per month to $190.00. 0 Severance benefits will now be avail sb le after the fifth year of employment. 0 Additional vac&tton days were added between the tenth and fifteenth year of service and after twenty-five years of service. The City has also moved closer to full implementation of comparable worth. The pay rates of lower level employees, primarily women, have been moved upward. The salaries of all employees who have been with the City for more than 3 yea~s are now at the midpoinc of their range. Primary Issues to Consider 0 Is this settlement in line with both the cost of living and the need to achieve pay equity? HHFA receives the same cost of living increase as the management employees. The City has made a significant step toward achieving pay equity. Supportin2 Information 0 1988 HMEA contract ~~d . ~s A. Genellie City Clerk