05-05-09 WSMay 5, 2009 Page 1 Other: MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AT CONCLUSION OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Mayor Maxwell called the meeting to order at 9:12 pm. Present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members, Brausen, Youakim, Halverson and City Manager Rick Getschow City Council member Youakim thought the mural presentation was very good. She really hopes that we are able to use the mural image for City promotion and marketing and other things such as post cards. City Manager Getschow will check into this. Council member Youakim asked about the Mainstreet Days City booth. City Manager Getschow stated that the City will have a booth for the Step To It Challenge and will also include other City information at that booth. Council members are encouraged to stop by. Council member Brausen asked that the City Manager follow -up with the resident of Park Ridge neighborhood that presented the petition for the parking lot. The City Manager will make sure to provide something in writing to that resident stating that the petition indeed was received and is a permanent part of the minutes of the council meeting. City Manager Getschow stated that the City Green Committee has been meeting since the spring and have been coming up with different ideas for savings and efficiency in the City in addition to new projects and initiatives that are part of the Go Green Goal. There will be a work session in the summer with the Go Green committee. City Manager Getschow stated that he has been approached by several faith community organizations, schools and businesses to conduct community service projects or a "Day of Community Service" throughout the community and there are a list of several projects that are being provided to these groups, such as, park pick -up, trail clean -up, park maintenance and even storm sewer stenciling projects. With no further business, a motion was made by Youakim, seconded by Brausen to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm. Rick Getschow, Secretary ATTEST: Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor