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Hennepin County, Minnesota
That the Hopkms Zoning Ordinance No 515 be and the same is hereby amended by
amending the following sections
Subd 19 Buffer area a landscaped or natural area intended to separate and partially
obstruct the view of two adjacent land uses or properties from one another
Subd 27 Church or place of rehgIOus worship an institution that people regularly
attend to partiCIpate in or hold religious services, meetings, and other activities The term
"church" shall not carry secular connotation and shall include bUIldmgs in which rehgious services
of any denomination are held
Subd 94 Nonconforming building a buIlding which lawfully existed prior to the
adoption, revision or amendment of this ordinance, but now such building does not meet the
limitations on building size and/or location on a lot, for the district in which such building is
Subd 95 Nonconforming use a use or activity which lawfully existed prior to the
adoption, revision, or amendment of this ordinance, but which fails by reason of such adoptIon,
revision, or amendment to conform to the use dIstriCt in which It is located
Subd 120 Setback the minimum distance from any lot line that an improvement may be
placed, measured perpendicularly from the lot line to the closest pomt of the improvement
Subd 121 Setback line a line whIch is the specIfied setback distance from and parallel
to any lot line
That section 515 is renumbered
Section 525 13
Subd 3 h) location of trash container, screemng and type of matenal for screening of the trash
container and pIck-up plan,
Section 530 05 delete the following
3 story Multiple Dwelling
multiple dwelling R-3
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53503 subd 2 a) 20 foot front yard setback in whIch there shall be no auto parking The 20
foot setback area shall be landscaped with a permanent barrier between the parking lot and the
setback area
555 16 Trash container screening All condItional use permits under sectIon 525 13 subd
2c are required to screen the trash container with an opaque material
Section 570
Subd 3 Erect shall mean to build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend, or affix and shall
also include the paintmg of wall signs
Subd 7 Sign - banner shall mean any sign intended to be hung either with or without frames,
possessing character, letter, illustrations, or ornamentatIon's applied to paper, plastic, or fabric of
any kind National flags, flags of political subdivisIOns, and symbolic flags of any mstItution or
business shall not be considered banner for the purpose of this section This definition does not
include awnings
570 25 ProhIbIted signs The followmg types of signs are prohibited
t) banners that are erected permanently (for more than 30 days)
570 57
Subd 5 Banners All banners that are erected permanently and existing on January 24, 1995
many continue m use for a penod terminatmg on January 24, 1997
First Readmg
December 6, 1994
Second Reading
December 20, 1994
Date of Publication
January 11, 1995
Date Ordinance Takes Effect
January 31. , 1995