1994-750 ~ \r CITY OF HOPKINS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN - ORDINANCE NO. 94-750 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 440 OF THE HOPKINS CITY CODE TO REMOVE THE REQUIREMENT FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CONTRACTORS' LICENSES The City Counc11 of the C1ty of Hopk1ns does hereby orda1n: SECTION 1. That Sect10n 440.01, Subd1v1s10n 2 be amended to read as follows: Subd. 2. L1cense requ1red. Except as otherw1se prov1ded 1n sect10n, every ma1R er 1Ra~~~Ra~Rt bU11d1ng contractor shall reg1ster w1th obta1n a license from the C1ty bU11d1ng 1nspector for the performance of work or 1mprovement for wh1ch a C1ty bU11d1ng perm1t 1S requ1red and shall the requ1red fee established by resolut10n of the C1ty Counc11. th1S and any pay SECTION 2. That Sect10n 440.01, Subdiv1s10n 5 be amended to read as follows: Subd. 5. L1cense app11cat10n. A 11cense may be 1ssued to a contractor by the bU11d1ng 1nspector upon wr1tten app11cat10n therefor wh1ch shall requ1re and conta1n proof of such app11cant's qualifications and wh1ch shall contain but shall not be 11m1ted to the 1nformat1on requ1red by th1s subsect10n. SECTION 3. follows: That Sect10n 440.01, Subd1v1sion 5 (a) be amended to read as (a) A "ritteR resume statement of the experlence and ab11ity 1n the bU11d1ng trades of the ma1n app11cant 1nclud1ng such references as the C1ty may from t1me to t1me requ1re. EV1dence of qua11f1cat10ns may 1nclude aRY ~erHUt, a s1m11ar 11cense er ccrt1f1cate 1ssued by atty-a city, county or agency of the state of M1nnesota to the app11cant and ~ ~be cons1dered as pr1ma fac1e eV1dence of the contractor' s competency under th1s sect10n. Whenever any agency of the state of Minnesota 1mposes 11cens1ng or reg1strat10n requ1rements for any trade 11cense under th1s sect10n, proof of sat1sfact10n of all state requ1rements shall be prov1ded w1th the 11cense app11cat10n. SECTION 4. That Sect10n 440.03 be amended to read as follows: 440.03. 011 and gas 1nstallers. Subd1v1s10n 1. Installat10n of 011 burn1ng heaters; 11cense requ1red. No person, f1rm or corporat10n shall 1nstall 1n the C1ty any 011 burn1ng dev1ce for heat1ng purposes or equ1pment connected therew1th, w1thout procur1ng a 11cense to 1nstall 011 burners from the c1ty bU11d1ng 1nspector and paYlng the requ1red fee estab11shed by resolut10n of the C1ty Counc11. Subd. 2. Installat10n of gas burn1ng heaters; 11cense requ1red. No person, firm or corporat10n shall 1nstall 1n the city any gas burn1ng deV1ce for heat1ng purposes or equ1pment connected therew1th, w1thout f1rst procur1ng a 11cense to 1nstall gas burners from the C1ty bU11d1ng 1nspector and paY1ng the requ1red fee estab11shed by resolut10n of the C1ty Counc11. , .. SECTION 5. That Sect10n 440.05, Subd1v1s10n 2 be amended to read as follows: . Subd. 2. Perm1ts requ1red. It 1S unlawful to construct, 1nstall, alter or repa1r any plumb1ng, dra1n, vent, sump, water closet, s1nk, lavatory or any other plumb1ng f1xture w1th1n the C1ty, w1thout f1rst obta1n1ng a perm1t from the C1ty bU11d1ng 1nspector maRa~er to do such work. Applicat10n for such permit shall be made at the off1ce of the clerl[ to the bU11ding 1nspection department on forms supp11ed by the C1ty. The app11cat10n shall be accompan1ed by the respect1ve fees. No perm1t shall be requ1red in case of repa1rs not affect1ng san1tat10n, such as mend1ng of leaks 1n faucets, valves or water supply p1pes, mend1ng of broken f1xtures, tanks, k1tchen b011ers, releas1ng frozen p1pes or rodd1ng and flush1ng of any house sewer or dra1n. SECTION 6. follows: That Section 440.07, be added to the Hophns C1ty to read as 440.07. Appeal. Any person aggrieved by the action of the bU11d1ng inspector 1n the den1al of a 11cense as prov1ded 1n Sect10n 440 may appeal to the City Council. Such appeal shall be taken by f111ng w1th the Counc11 w1th1n fourteen (14) days after not1ce of the act10n compla1ned of, a wr1tten statement sett1ng forth fully the grounds for the appeal. The Counc11 shall set a t1me and place for hear1ng on such appeal, and not1ce of such hear1ng shall be g1ven to the appellant. No 1nd1vldual may conduct any bus1ness regulated hereunder wh11e an appeal 1S pend1ng. SECTION 7. The ent1re C1ty Code shall be amended to replace the words "fee set by Chapter X" or s1m11ar language, w1th the words "fee as set by C1ty Counc11 resolut10n", wherever such word1ng appears. SECTION 8. The effect1ve date of th1s ord1nance shall be twenty days after pub11cat10n. F1rst Read1ng: December 6, 1994 Second Read1ng: December 20, 1994 Date of Pub11cat10n: January 11, 1995 31, 1995 Effect1ve Date of Ord1nance: C1ty Clerk , /--/-, , , APPROVEd AS , ~I : r l/ CITY OF HOPKINS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 94-750 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 440 OF THE HOPKINS CITY CODE TO REMOVE THE REQUIREMENT FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CONTRACTORS' LICENSES Th1s ord1nance removes the requirement for C1ty Council approval of contractors' 11censes. The C1ty'S bU11d1ng inspector w111 1ssue the 11censes. A pr1nted copy of the ent1re ordinance is ava11able from the C1ty Clerk and at the Hopk1ns 11brary. F1rst Read1ng: December 6, 1994 Second Read1ng: December 20, 1994 Date of Pub11cat1on: January 11, 1995 Effect1ve Date of Ord1nance: January 3d, 1995