BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Hopkins as follows:
SECTION 1. That Section 1325.23, be revised as follows:
1325.23 Designation of city Towing Contractor; Contract
Subd. 1 . Bidafor Towing Contractor. The City Manager
shall adTyTertiae for. bida by recommend to the City Council that .a
contract be made with a person, firzn, or corporation. desiring to
act as towing contractor for vehicles impounded under this
Ordinance. eft€l the City Council may by motion or resolution
accept the bid otone or morelicenaed biddera aD official to~;ing
contractoro .of the City authorize the Mayor. and City Manager to
enter into a contract with the r~conunended person, firm, or
SECTION 2. That Section 1325.09 be amended to replace the term
"fireman" with the term "firefighter".
SECTION 3. That Section 1325.13 be amended as follows:
1325..13 Report of Police Officer. Any police officer or other
authorized person directing the impounding of any motor vehicle
shall prepare a written report of the description of such
vehicle, which report shall, among other things, include the
following: make of car; license number; number of tires; tools
and other separate art~cles of personal property; general
description of the car with regard to condition, damaged parts,
and such other information as may be necessary to describe
adequately the vehicle and property delivered to the towing
contractor. A copy of such report, signed by the officer, shall
be delivered to the towing contractor at the time of impounding.
The towing contractor shall receipt for such report, and shall
check such report, and his signature thereon shall be considered
a receipt for the vehicle and property described in said report.
The original and one copy of said report, and towing contractor's
receipt shall be filed in the Police Department. The. Police
Deportment aholl.. deliver one of aoid copiea to the Director of
SECTION 4. Section 1325.29- shall be amended as follows:
1325.29. Release Form. At the time of return of the vehicle the
official towing contractor shall release the same by a release in
writing which shall state the date of such release together with
the charges enumerated thereon and the purpose for which such
charges were made. The release shall be made in one original and
three two copies, all of which shall be signed by the towing
contractor and the person to whom such release is made. The
official towing contractor shall retain the original of such
release and shall deliver one copy thereof to the owner of the
vehicle and two copies to the police department. The police
dcpartmcntohall dcli~cr onc copy to the director of finance.
SECTION 5. Section 1325.31 shall be deleted in its entirety.
First Reading:
January 5, 1993
Second Reading:
January 19, 1993
, Date of Publication:
January -27, 1993
Date Ordinance Takes Effect:
16, 1993
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city Clerk