BE IT ORDAINED by the council of the city of Hopkins as follows:
section 1. That section 605.00 through 605.05 of the Hopkins
city Code be amended as follows:
Section 605 - Sar5a~eT-R~55*SftT-aftd-~*~~er Solid Waste
605.01. Definitions. Subdivision 1. For purposes of this
section the terms defined in this subsection have the meanings
given them.
Subd. 4. "Authorized Res*deft~*a:l: Waste Receptacle" means an
authorized waste container used to store res*deft~*a:l: waste until
the time of collection. (a) within the City Service Area the
authorized residential waste receptacle shall be a plastic
rollout refuse container, provided by the City, which is
compatible with the City's fully automated trucks and crimping
mechanisms. (b) For non-City service Areas which receive
individual container collection service, the authorized
res*deft~*a:l: waste receptacle shall be a container made of metal
or other weather tight, rodent proof material with a tight
fitting cover and shall be of a size and capacity acceptable to
the refuse collector licensed to empty the container. (c) For
non-City Service Areas which receive centralized dumpster
collection service, the authorized res*deft~*a:l: waste receptacle
shall be a container made of metal or other weather tight, rodent
proof material with a tight fitting lid.
Subd. 11. "Dwellinq Unit" means a residential accommodation
includinq complete kitchen facilities permanently installed which
are arranqed. desiqned. used or intended for use exclusivelY as
livinq quarters for one familY and not more than an aqqreqate of
two roomers or boarders.
Subd. 17. "Institutional Buildinq" includes
private. and means public or private schools.
synaqoques. nursinq homes. daycare facilities.
hospitals and similar establishments.
publ ic and
Subd. 33. "Tree Waste" means parts of qrown trees which are
qreater than one inch in diameter and pruninqs.
Subd. 34. "Unacceptable Waste" includes but is not limited
to the followinq: asbestos: ash: cesspool and other human waste:
demolition or other construction debris: explosives: foundry
sand: hazardous materials includinq explosives: Hazardous Waste:
human or animal remains: liquid waste: lead acid batteries: maior
appliances: maior parts of machinery. vehicles and equipment:
Medical Waste: mininq waste: used oils. crank case oils. cuttinq
oils: radioactive materials: sludqe: sewaqe: street sweepinqs:
tires: transformers.
605.02 Mixed Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal
Subd. 2. Preparation of Non-Recyclable Materials M*xed
M~ft*e*~a:l:-Se:l:*d-Was~e. at Refuse. The owner or occupant of any
residential dwelling, multiple-familY dwellinq, commercial
building or institutional buildinq and any other person having
refuse as herein defined shall keep on such premises sufficient
authorized waste receptacles for storage of refuse accumulating
on the premises between disposal and collection. All garbage
accumulating between the times of collection shall first be
wrapped, or bagged in paper or plastic, or other similar material
and then placed in an authorized receptacle. A:I::I:-<<~~:ffise
~er!lefts _ w_:i -th_:it\--t~-e-i-Cy--seZ"'V'i:ee- -Area - !lI6y-~e-~er>a~6~e- -yM'd--wtts't-e
Subd. 3. Separation of Recvclable materials
a) It shall be the duty of every owner or occupant of
a residential dwellinq(s) havinq recyclable materials which
accumulate on the premises to separate recyclable materials from
refuse. place the recyclable materials in a city approved
container and set the recyclable materials out for collection in
a manner that is desiqnated bv the City.
b) Effective Januarv 1. 1991 for Multiple-familv
dwellinq(s) and effective Julv 1. 1991 for commercial buildinqs.
and institutional buildinq(s) it shall be the duty of each owner
and occupant of said properties havinq recyclable materials which
accumulate on the premises to separate recyclable materials from
refuse and provide for the collection of recyclable materials in
authorized waste receptacles usinq methods aqreed to bv the owner
and licensed hauler of choice.
c) Yard Waste-aftd-Br~sft,;, It shall be the duty of
persons within the City Service Area may to separate yard waste
and brush from their mixed municipal solid waste for collection
by the City or authorized contractor. Proper preparation of the
yard waste and brush will be determined by the rules, regulations
and procedures that are desiqnated bv the city. Yard Waste
disposal in the Non-citv Service Area shall be in accordance with
Minnesota Statutes Section 115A.931.
d) Brush and Tree Waste. It shall be the duty of
every owner or occupant of residential dwellinq(s). multiple-
familY dwellinq(s). commercial and institutional buildinq(s) to
separate brush and tree waste from their mixed municipal solid
waste bv the rules. requlations and procedures that are
desiqnated bv the City.
605.03 Prohibitions.
Subd. 1. B~me*fter-~i:b-~ Unauthorized dumpinq. The
dumping, depositing, placing or abandoning of any rubbish,
hazardous waste, problem materials, yard waste, junk, junk cars
or parts thereof, animal waste or remains, or any other refuse on
any private or public property, except the lawful storage of such
materials in authorized waste receptacles as permitted by Chapter
605, is prohibited.
605.05. Penal ties . Subdivision 1. It is unlawful for any
person to violate any provision or fail to comply with any order
or regulation made in this section. Any such violation or
failure shall constitute a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof may be punished by a fine of not more than $700 and
imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days, or both. Each act
of a violation and every day on which a violation occurs or
continues is a separate violation. Any penalty imposed for a
violation of this section shall be remedied within a reasonable
time. Each day that such violation is permitted to exist shall
constitute a separate offense. The application of the above
penalties will not prevent the enforced removal of the prohibited
condition pursuant to the law or this code.
Subd. 2. Effective Januarv 1. 1992 a violation of any
provision of section 605.02 Subd. 3. shall result in a $25.00
penalty for each owner or occupant of a residential dwellinq(s)
and a $100.00 penalty for each owner or occupant of a multiple-
familY dwellinq(s). commercial or institutional buildinq(s). A
violator shall be qiven a written warninq for the initial
violation. A penalty shall be imposed for each subsequent
violation. Penalties that remain unpaid for more than 30 days
shall be charqed to the utility account of the violator. Anv
penalty that is placed on a utility account may be an assessment
aqainst the violator's property. Such amount shall be certified
to the county auditor and collected in the same manner as taxes
and/or special assessments aqainst the premises and may be
subiect to a civil action initiated bv the city. The fifth and
each succeedinq violation of sections 605.02 Subd. 3.. of this
Article shall be a misdemeanor. Each day durinq which the
violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Date of Publication:
August 7, 1990
August 21, 1990
August 29, 1990
Date Ordinance Takes Effect:
September 18, 1990
~ City Clerk