08-08-1989 MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 8, 1989 COUNCIL WORKSESSION A Council worksession was held on August 8, 1989 at 7 p.m. in the Raspberry Room of Hopkins City Hall. Present were Mayor Berg and Councilmembers Robert Anderson, Chuck Redepenning, Chuck Kritzler, and Jim Shirley. Also present were Fire Chief Klocek, City Manager Rapp, Economic Development Director Jim Kerrigan , Community Development Analyst Brian Fritsinger and Engineer Gordon Anderson. I. PRESENTATION - FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief David Klocek appeared before the Council to explain the operation of the Fire Department. He explained that the Fire Department is divided into five divisions. The Fire Suppression Division is headed by Assistant Fire Chief Ray Petersen. The Fire Prevention Division is headed by Deputy Fire Chief George Magdal. The Training Division is headed by Deputy Chief Dale Specken. The Emergency Medical Service Division is headed by captain Rick Kiefer. The Hazardous Material Division is headed by Captain Don Beckering. II. DISCUSSION - STORM SEWER UTILITY RATES Gordon Anderson reviewed the proposed storm sewer utility ordinance with the Council. Under this ordinance storm water drainage fees would be charged to each of the properties in the City according to the run-off calculated for those properties. A notice will be sent to all property owners in the City to inform them of the Council's proposed action. The second reading of the ordinance is scheduled for August 15, 1989. III. PRIORITIZING T.I.F. PROJECTS/DISCUSS BOND Jim Kerrigan explained to the Council that prior to April 1, 1990 the City can finance a redevelopment bond with tax increments from a pre-1979 tax increment district through 2009. After April 1, 1990, increments that are not Obligated for payment of a bond can only be collected until 2001. By financing a bond with pre-1979 increments prior to April 1, 1990, the City has the ability to collect increments for an additional 8 years. with this in mind, the Council was asked to choose the projects that they want completed in the next three years. The projects that were indicated as top priority were: Alleyscape improvement Mainstreet renovation Excelsior Avenue Streetscape grocery store underground existing utilities parking facility 10' ft. strip vacant property - block 5 mid-block 4 acquisition housing The Council asked Mr. Kerrigan to determine which of these projects could be done without bonding and return this information to them. III. DISTRIBUTE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Council was asked to review the Capital Improvement Program information which was given to them. This item will be discussed at the September 12 worksession. IV. ADOPTION OF TAX LEVY AND BUDGET RESOLUTION Resolution No. 89-69 "A RESOLUTION APPROVING 1989 TAX LEVY COLLECTIBLE IN 1990" was presented to the Council for adoption. Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Shirley seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 89-69. The motion carried unanimously. V. DISCUSSION - LOW INCOME DEFERRED ASSESSMENT POLICY The Council briefly discussed setting a policy whereby low income homeowners would be eligible to receive a deferred assessment for the cost of tree removal on their property. Under this policy the assessment would be deferred until the property is sold. The City would pay the initial cost of the tree removal but would recapture that cost plus interest for the intervening years at the time of sale. The Council was generally in agreement with this policy but asked staff to check to see if the policy should read at the time of sale or when non-homesteaded. VII. PLASTIC PACKAGING ORDINANCE The City Manager if they wished to take a position on plastic packaging to be presented at a hearing held by Hennepin County on Thursday. The Council felt they did not know enough about the issues to make a decision at this time. They asked that Kathy Bodmer, the recycling coordinator make a presentation on plastic recycling to them at a future worksession. In response to a memo from Jon Thiel, Public Works Director, regarding street improvements on Cambridge street, the Council stated they would like to see this area included in the 1990 street improvement projects. The meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. Respectfully submitted, Councilmember Jean Kaeding, Secy. Councilmember Councilmember ATTEST: Councilmember Nelson W. Berg, Mayor