03-08-1988 WKSP
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Present at the meeting were Councilmembers, Kritzler,
Anderson and shirley. Redepenning arrived at 8 p.m. and
Mayor Milbert arrived at 9 p.m. Staff members present were
craig Rapp, ci ty Manager; Steve Mielke, Communi ty
Development Director; Jim Kerrigan, Planning and Economic
Development Director; Dick Wilson, Recreation Director; Earl
Johnson, Police Chief; and Jim Liddy, Police Commander.
I. Discussion - Parking Ramp Design Issues
Mr. Kerrigan explained that the reason for this discussion
was to talk over design plans for the parking ramp. The
design was discussed with the staff. The staff and Mr.
Vedi, the architect for the project, will be meeting with
CCDC to get their input, and also will meet with NorWest
Bank. After these meetings, Vedi Company will present a
preliminary design plan to the Council.
It is estimated that the design phase will take
approximately two months. Mr. Vedi presented a suggested
design plan to the Council. Mr. Vedi explained that they
tried to design a structure that would serve all the
surrounding area. They would design the ramp so that it
would have the capability of being expanded, should this
be90me necessary in the future. He pointed out the proposed
ramp access. He discussed their plans for customer/employee
parking during construction, and the safety issues
$urrounding the ramp.
II. Discussion - community Survey
Mr. William Morris and Ms. Diane Traxler of Decision
Resources discussed the methods of conducting citizen
surveys. Mr. Morris explained that there are three methods
of conducting surveys; telephone, mail out and in person.
Mail out is the least expensive, but also is the least
accurate. An in-person survey would perhaps prove to be the
most accurate, but would also be extremely costly. The
telephone survey would seem to be the most practical from
every standpoint.
III. Discussion - special Events POlicy
Staff requested that the Council give them some direction in
the handling of special events such as, parades, festivals
etc. The clean-up after such events requires many hours of
city time. A city policy has never been identified to deal
with this type of activity.
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Council decided that an application should be required, a
fee should be set, and that the Council would then act on
each application and would have the right to approve or or
disapprove, or waive the fee.
IV. Donation of American Flags
The VFW will donate two American flags to the City. They
asked to donate a MIA-POW flag to fly along with the
American flags. Council agreed that this could be done.
V. City picnic
The City picnic is being planned for August 4 . Council
agreed to have the City allocate $500 toward expenses for
the picnic.
VI. Chemical Health Commission Request
The Chemical Health Commission received a grant of $1,000
from the Raspberry Festival Committee. They asked
permission to spend $550 to defray the costs of printing the
Parent Community Network publication. The Council gave
their permission for them to do so.
VII. Discussion - Mall Plan of Action
The Police department submitted a plan of action to control
traffic on the Mall in 1988. After discussing alternatives,
the Council agreed that they should try this plan for three
weeks to see how it works.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Kaeding ,
Secretary ()
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