1987-588 ? t' .. Oral.nance 87- 588 An Ordinance relating to dogs and other Sectl.on 925 of the Hopkl.ns City Code. anl.mals; amend~na o THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS DOCS ORDAIN Sectl.on 1. Hopkins City Code, SuDsect10n 925.01, Subd. 5, 1S amended to read: Subd. 5. "Public nU1sance:" the terlll includes but 1.S :-lOt ll.mited to loud. excessive. cont1nUDUS or untl.mely barkl.ng, ~ whl.ning. howll.ng or yelpin~. molesting persons, chasl.ng vehicles. attacking other domestl.c anl.mals. trespassl.ng upon school grounds, or trespassing upon private property 1n such a manner as to damage property. Section 2. Hopkins City Code. Sect1.0n 925.01. 1.5 amendcu by adding the followl.ng subdivisions: ain or injury, Subd. 10. "Bodilv Harm" means illness or any impairment ot physica_ con Subd. 11. "Substantial means bodl.l which involves a temporary but su stantia dl.sr1gurement, or whicn causes a temporar3 but substantial loss or impairment or the function ot any bo ily member or organ, or wnich causes a fracture of any oodily member. Subd. 12. "Great Bodi1 Harm" creates a high probabl.~l.ty at death, ermanent disf!. urement. or which causes ass or l.mpairment or tne tunct10n at an or other serious Od1_y l.njury. an, Subd. 13. inclusive ot, re ti es or bir s 0 _~~. For specl. ic anima type is not shall apply to all forms of any warm-blooded mammal. to do~s and cats, as well as any urDoses at tnis or inance, when the such as og. the term anima descr1.bed herein. Section 3. section to read: Hopkins City Cooe 1S amended by adding a new 925.24. Maximum Number of Dogs. or maintain more than two oogs at over t e or upon the property ot any 1nd1.v1dual Cl.ty or Hopk1ns. Section 4. to read: Hopk1ns City Cooe, SUDsect10n 925.35, 1S amended 925.35. Dogs u~der restraint at t1me l.n the City. this subsection. runn1ng at large. Every owner shall keep a oog all times- A dog mcY not run at large at any The owner ot a dog at large is in violation of Section 5. Hopkins Cl.ty Code 1S amended by addl.ng a new subsectl.on to read: 925.36. Vicious, Dan~er0us, NUl.sance An1mals. of poll.ce or hl.S des1gnee l.S destructl.on or other oan erous or nuisance 2. A vicious anl.mal 1S an an1mal whl.ch has caused erson. or has comm1tteo substant1al or reat DOd1l un er 925.01, SUDO. 11 an 12. An animal wInch has bitten a erson causino un er $ubSCCC1on ~2)_Ol, Subo. 10, sha De h1S eSl.gflee. eXl.stence ot SUCh an anLmal. shall oy th1S subsection. animal - 1 anl.ma _ . worries. chases. or Subd. The owner of any notl.tl.ed l.n If the [or shall make a d Subd. Lar e. sha _ Dan~erous. Vicious or or nUl.sance the anuna O\"nershl.jJ . Nuisance Anl.mals at anl.mal runnl.n at laroe Dears no 1dent1 icat10n the anl.mal shall De eteo. It the anl.mz roceeo as Subd. 8. Additional Requirements. The re uirements of this subsection sha be in a dit10n to those conta1ned e_sewhere in thl.s sectl.on and l.n othcr appll.cable state and local laws. Section 6. to read: Hopkins C1ty Code, Subsect10n 925.45. is amended 925.45. Impounding. Subd. l. In addition to any penalties for the v1olatl.on of this section or any regulation thereunder. an unll.censed dog or a do~ at large ~6-t:-r-a-i:-Aed---deg-&-may be takenby the policC:-the Cl.ty animal warden or the Humane Society of Hennepin Councy and impounded in the designated animal shelter and there confined in a humane manner. Impounded dogs shall be kept for not less than il.ve days unless reclaimed by their owners. If by a license tag or othcr means the owner of any impnunded dog can be identifl.cd, the poundmaster, the clerk or deputy shall make a reasonable accempt to notify the owner by telephone or mail of the impoundment. Dog~ not claimed by their owners within five days of such notice, 1t such dog is wearing a proper dog license, or withl.n fl.ve days after impoundment if the owner of such dog cannot be identified, shall be humanely disposed of by an agency delegated so to dn by the city. The Department Ordl.nance. e Section 7. to read: Hopk1ns City Code, Subsection 925.51, ~s amended 925.51. thl.s 15 of section 15 a m1sdemeanor and each oay the v~01at1on contl.nues a separate violatl.on. A dog l~cense 1ssued to a person convl.cced a violat10n of subsection 925.27 ~s automat1cally revoKeo on Penalties. Vio1at10n of any of the prov~Sl.ons of convictl.on and a new dog :~~ense @ay noc be issued to that person for a period of one year from the date of conviction. ~~~~~ v-i-e-l-a-t=- i-Rg----a-R:t-~r 0 v i ~ 1. e-fl-5--e-f~l=H..-5---5e-e-t:-4-8-ft---e- r---B-f--a-ny---e-r--de~---o-r- 1. _l-..~~ _...J_~ 11 ... l-.. ~. .. ;"'~A Fe-~U "- .J t :ren--~=_e_B~-_sh_a_= , u t> on CD n'R::-€-t-3..-e-&-t II c::: e o "i:)-a-B-?u-fH: &f=u- h-y--a-_E~_e-f--Re-t----l-e-s-s--~5-:-GG--&r <liD::: e t-fl.an-~(h--I-E--a,,"1-J'- v-:e-l-a-t;-i-eB-_--be---c-<?-R-t-i--ftB-if\.g-.----e-a-c-h--.a...ay~5--J..}-1:-€I~~ief\--&l=I-ag~~eB--a- s-e.p.a-r~ _ -V-"b-<?-l-a-t-l:-<? l+-.--f-E------a-P. y-~::-&0-r.,..---e.e---t.e-l::H1d-gW-!-t y--lry-a--&e-B-Ft-o..:f- v-i-e-l...a-t-:l:-Rg-~-t-.;,-<?R ---9-2:-~:;._+,--t:-ha-b-~se~-&-pe-r -rtl-i-t:-tH:--!4.-t:-e-R-5e---t-B--&'r.Lfl-, h-a-;:: lxH:--,----€'-t""- - h-a-v-e-- ---t -u-&&M-y----E'-f --Geg-5----5~1---&e--de-e-flH~e--a-u-t=Bm-a-t: ---i-€a ! : y r--e-u ~--d-ttd- _ ~- R-e-w--d e-g---!- i€ e-n-s-e- rta-y- -3e---i:-s-G l:l-eG--t e--5B-€ J:r.-p-e-:r 5-Effi----f: e-r-.3- p--e-r~~~-Q-Ae-~;...r-~ Sect10n 8. This Ordinance is effective on 1987 in accordance wl.th Subsection 110.11 and the Cl.ty Charter. day of day of 1937. Adopted th 1.S Approved tIns . 1987. . Mayor Attest: City Clerk * ",If" .J. .... Minn sota Suburban Newspap rs AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ~ which . week, (Offlc.al'Publi'" , ,ORDINANCE NOI> , An OrdlOanceJ,elallng to dogs and other I , tbe Hopluns CI~ode' - THE CITY CO\!Il!fIL OF THE CITY OF 80 SectIon 1 Bi> "~ns City Code, SUbSectIOD: reaa ,,: 'Subd 5 " nUIsance " the term mcl excessive C'lit 'us or untImelY b\uiw!'...,~ molestlOg' persoijJ;. chas,mg vehlcl~~, "W!!1 , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS , trespasslOg Il2 ,school grounds, -!IT, tres): such a mann~' 0 damage properjy ." . , SectIOn 2 ~j' CIty Code" Sectlollt,r, followlOg su~lt s. "" the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as, Subd 10 Harm': J;Ilell/l. pb,.!ca Impalrme IC"~ c01ldluOD. "'''''he Subd 11, anUal Bodily Ila"li.i' lOvolves a "'y bul OubstaDtlar!!Jl- temporary s&anhal loss or Imp. bodily me_ DiIlaD, or 'w"ch I.a_ member Subd 12~ blgh probab ment, or wb USe1 a perm~t or"p,.-e the funruolII\ oy bodily mem~! er;9 In~':.'"';d 13 )f. > al" meaDS ..,~~.?r;" - bul Dol hmll dogs lIIl' calS, as ~it':n ' For purpose: onliDance, :lib described. 9 .." the term I animals as d .erelD _::...~~~r SeclloD 3 H Y Code is am_ . 925 24 Ma _ber of Dog.. 'lIfe} 'malDtalD ~"'dOIS"!.'M'I Ibe propen ,blJllri.1I8l...... SectIon 4 H .ty Code; Sti, 9 925 35 DOl at lar(e. . . ' reOlra'DI A dog may nQt~~ The OWDer I large la ID YIoIa....'lc , SectIon 5 Ity (:ooe IS amen~~ , read \ '... '.91li>3&._Vle g-. Nelsance~1 . Sulld" I -T ... Pellce Qr hlo, ~ Impoul\dm . ~-.liIaan:~~~~:al ~ a ~~~~il~ d .........al i8 an aalmil perSOD, 0 tted, substanda,1 0 UDder 925 1 aDd' 12 , Subd 3. I wblcb baa blue."a , dellDed ua tlOD 925 01, S....'. to aDlmal. Tb ,olice or his dnIP Ihe exlste .. animal, aIJaII pI ' by Iblo sub SUb", 4 A animal,~.or.p~r :==.~ .,.. . .~ The owner of aDY -. IIIIialII lilled In wrillal al>1 10 pe..- bI ahall be g!ven leD d!!lY CIdef Qf Po bi. deslgaee for,..:d. aDlmal 18 I. daDlerou 01' --Ii "'- s..bseclloD Wiler dees__. dal~ of ,sal , Ibe CfdeIef FeBeijl' order eo he proper. TIle CMoll" Ibe aDlma DIO ~ _, sball 1m y make" ~ Tbe aoll ed by ibis ............ cia.. UD eo Mall.............., . Ib.e aolmif~':l ~enoe or, If .. ubUl'~' owaer'. 'l!l:'IP,.Il!"e - ,J-+ Subd ~J!~ng Iflbeo_~- 10 tbe daJ)lle\'j)jis nalure of tIIe.......1Ii Cblel 01 POI~lIie 'or bls deslpee at a~ demand illr d hearIDg. AIlei' ~ Police, orlii slgDee, ahan........ a ft the aDlm~' ~ S\ dangerous, ~ .;. Police or '!.re..gnee obaD mw ..... ~o Cblef 01.. .!i~ or blo deslpee .......,11 deslruClion\>-:.dJe OWDer sbaD 1...._1e be lakeD i.uO~cuslody '114)i SubdJi-::D.DgeroUs, VlclQU8 or NaIiai ous, v' ~~ nUIsan~e aDlmal ........ aDd .1 . mol bears ao ~de.tIlkallo owner anlRralsball bel..~ com ' Ihe anrmal 10 claimed; iii i shall as provided la Sii1JdIv1a18 a n1m not be released 10 ............ Subd. or SubdiVIsion . ~.!;, Sub 1110llal ReqalremelJl&.~ shall iuon to Ibooe coDtalIIefi.e o.be e'slate aDd localla....' , . Sec IRS CIty Code Sabsectio)., Illig: .," t> IlIon 10 any penalt.es!t> hereunder an ullhce~ ayJbe taken by the-~f , of Hennepm CounlJ'. iI . nd there COIIflned In a h not I five days di . or r means the 0111 . er the c1erJ9.o: the.owner by lelel'hon ~~ owners w.thL'1 dog llcellSe. or, r 0 such dog.C8IIIlOt; age!)l:'J' delegated so to- opkill. PoDce Depart ..: vlolaliQ. of Ibla Ordln.1 . o,eDlial'ilanger 10 b.!Q!!!'. 'anlmal'll_ber Qr Olb~ . r::~~sV~~(~~"]' r andt:.'e8dt .day.. the v.Ii! 'dog Ji'cease ISSued tll a.. 9lZS,%,7 IS ilulQmat.caJly rev - license _~.isBuedtothat,. .-- ~ dateo(..~""', ,~~~:~- C~ty of flo~klns .. , , STATE OF MINNESOTA) S8 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson Hopkins Sailor ,and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied With all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as prOVided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A 07, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The printed Ordinance No. 87-588 IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each for one successive weeks, It was first published on MondaY , the 28 day of Sept ,19 87 , and was thereafter printed and published on every and IncludIng , the _ day of , 19_, and printed below IS a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclUSive, which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the compoSition and publication of the notice abCdergbIJklm::Qrs7J;4 I- , 1!)~ TITLE Operations Manager before me on thiS ry pr~~;~:;~ ~IDEL M. HEDBlOM I, . ~~;," . NOTM'I PUnLlC _ MINNESOTA l, ' ---J ,-,_', '{I Hl:NNEi'IN COUNTY '<::...~;;:- Mv commission 8^plres 7.2.92 l1'l?4?~ (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commerCial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 1 85 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 401e per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 38e per line (LIne. word. or Inch rate) RATE INFORMATION $ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $