Hennepin County, Minnesota
Resolution No. 87-58
WHEREAS, Ellen Lavin has served the City of Hopkins for six
years, first as Council member from July 1, 1981
to June 30, 1985, and than as Mayor from July 1,
1985 to June 30, 1987, and
WHEREAS, Ellen Lavin has served the City during periods of
great challenge and significant change, and
WHEREAS, Ellen Lavin has provided the leadership necessary
to ensure positive change and a better quality of
life for our community, and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Hopkins wishes to
acknowledge the many contributions of Ellen Lavin
to the City, and honor her for her
accomplishments, then
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City council of the city
of Hopkins does hereby express it's sincere appreciation for her
outstanding service to the City of Hopkins.
Donald Milbert, Councilmember
Robert Anderson, Councilmember
Chuck Redepenning, Councilmember
James Shirley, Councilmember
c:> Craig R. Rapp, City Manager