Affidavit of Publication Minnesota Suburban Newspapers, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/shE IS the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known 8l: Hopkins Sailor , and has full knowledge of the facts whlct are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a quallflec e newspaper, as prOVided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A 07, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The printed Ordinance No.86-568 + Map which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once eact week, for one successive weeks, It was first published on Monday , the 1 of December ,1986, and was thereafter printed and published on every and including day of , 19_, and printed below Il , the a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z. both Inclusive. which IS hereby acknowledged as being the SIZE and kind of type used In the composition and publication of the notice ""~....""m::""~ f, frl!~ TITLE Operations Manaqer SubSCribed and sworn to before me on thiS RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commerCial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 2 10 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 36.5e per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) sse per line (Line. word, or Inch rate) $ ~ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ \, -, ,~. da) b '1~ f.~. I~' ~ ~,.. ~"t.-t. ;Ill '.>1 '. (. tc \ ..11 - " . I: F, 1 " (:- ,:-. . . ~ ~~ .<' ~ ~~'1 - -'~i '. ~ , $ 2 10 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 365e per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 354: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) (Official PubU Hennepin COUDty, . Ordinance' AN ORDINANCE" A- Nion 1035 Junk Cars, 'Raclnl C..... Inl of Abandoned or Olher Vehlel 1035 00 Deflnlllon. The followm mance are defmed as follows andoned motor vehicle" mean Statutes Secl10n 16901 that h urs on public property Illegallyor ned for a period of more than 48 the person m control of such frop t has no sub.tantlal potenl1u fu nless It IS keptm an enclosed (3 a motor vehicle voluntarily s accept the CIty or ItS towmg contracto dehne Mmnesota Statutes Section 1 abando,Jfed. motor vehicle wlthm the mean. (2) "~Inl cODCraclOr" means a per ~~~:~f~~~warded by the City under thiS (3) hlcle eon.lllullDg a publle DUIBa' whel h ccupled or not that Is found s vlolat f the ordmances o( the-City of H MIOne or that IS reported stolen or tha snow valor plowmg or the orderly no (4) , I component parts" means'thos essent 0 the mechamcal funcUOnlngJof hmlt~, the ";i,otor drive- tram and! whee (5) car means any motor vehicle partial Ism an tied used for sale of PB rer,lac nt parts for other vehicles' kept ~~a~:~ I~~~:c:rad or whIch IS not properly (6)' clnll ear" means any motor:.v'e opera n a speedway race trick or ot high contests between two or more v (7) oek, car" nleans any motor'- const on whlchls modified. adapte4 Ot .ts or In~e'1ded for operatlnn dn a sj;e1 use eSlgneQ'fof high speed contests bet , tlml f speel! - ':" (8) Olor vehicle" means a motor' v'" Stat Section 169 01 -, Se n 1035 '10 ParklD' or SlOrale f~ Cap! , Truck, "-Tractor, 8elDl-Tralle'~ , Vehl on Public and Prlv_ Properl,flf parkl kteplllg or storage for more tha , truck ctor. semi-trader racmgor Junk/- the,p ose of repair replacemeDt-_m;p mamt cl! work the~eon m or ollaI!Y1tu& parllm "t ,Park,or, other pubhc pro~cf : lands 0 emi~S'unltss such vehicles onan enclos Itdmg - . day Sect., 035 12 Service aJld Repair 0,; service air pamt dismantle overbaul 01 upon ait otor vehicle on or In any Jllibl , hlghwa ulevard parkmg lot or facll.... ' t premise -.,.., o Secllo 035 13 Cerlaln Vehleles DeelaNla Impoun I Thereof Any vehicle coD8tltutl . SeclJon 95 00 (3) of thiS Ordlnance.1Uld aDy 19 d t d b I enclose rage or storage budding" I1en!b , -, an prln e e ow IS publIc ance and such nUlsanee mly be-' thIS Or nce ~ ; Seclt 1035 14'VeblcleB Conslli.ami a 1 MOlor _ hlcles May Be TakeD InlO C.. Mana any POhce officer fIreman or ,r mclud the Supj!nntendent of Roads 8nd.sa. order abandoned motor vehicle or ~ nUl san to be removed and Impounded Inllie- shall IIiIIsurrenderlld to the duly Identlfilld conI ra~'!Pr onlY,I;1PltD,payment.of the tow~ and alnlstranve' charges set forth In the' the f shmg of proof of msurance com Mmne. a Statutes Section 65B 48 as amend sectll035 15.yehlcles,to be Tal,ed.., pound under thIS Ordmance shall be lmn., by the lice Department. which tag sban: ordere y saId Police Department. andtlieJ tag sh be delivered to the towlDg contractor Sect. _ 1035 16 Reporl of PoUce omeer. authorJ d person dlrectmg' the Impoundl'. prepa r written report of tlie descrlpl10n of among her thl'!gS. IDclude the followlDg: mOl!'r mber- number ottlres tools an<!oQI - proper general descrlplton of the car WItJi' parts nd such other mformatllin - as. m a,dequ Iy the vehicle and property dehye cop 0 ch report. sIgned by tbe officer - , c r at the lime of ImpoundlDg The to ort, and shall check such report, lIII1l ed a receipt for the vehicle and pll mal and one copy of saId report ~1 be fIle m the Police Department Tbe Poliee said CI'es to the Director of Fmanee ' Sec n 1035 17 Immediate Sale el CeI1 const. tlOg a public nUisance or an a.... seven odel years of age. IS lacklnI vital' dlSPla! license plate currently valid In II forelg' ountry. It shall Immediately be ell pursua to Secl10n 1035 20 of this Ordmance notlflca. n, reclamation. or tftle provisions 0 Sectl0J11035 18 Nollee When a motor vehide or an a" dODed motor vehicle does not faD ~~~~78' i towmg contra~lor shall giye notice (1) orth the date and place of the takI serial ber of the vebfcle and the !ice whe (2) I m the owner and any rea Ideo the to charges then accrued aga st the sched storage and other charges 10 he ma (3) the .oWller and aDY l'l!adJly ldentf their Ialm the vebfcle UDder Seel10D (4) t failure of the OWller or read freco JSe their r1gbt to reclaim the v rom f the notfce shall be deemed a w IDter velucle and a IllIIIR8t 10 the lI8Ie or au t 10 Sectioa 1035 _. 81id tba the ez of IIUCIt f1fteea (IS) day perioCJ (5) DOtice IIIIaD lie .. by ruJItered ni 11II7, of the YeIdcIe and 10 aD readll7ldeati11ahr 1...,--....10.............. .-.hIe~ !lie reciIIend.... ad aD .......... tbe no .~fII-.a~..dIe aiea al1luidlitell. PlII1IIIIIIld IIlIIIees ~ be ---< , economy .--- ,SeCtlon J03L -. ~.!e Minnesota Suburban Newspapers, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authOrized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopkins Sailor , and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied With all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A 07, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The printed Ordinance #86-567 which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks, It was first published on Mondav , the 3 of November 1986, and was thereafter printed and published on every and including . the day of a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z. both InclUSive. which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the composition and publication of the notice ".",,,.,,..m::"""&r4 ~ ,~~~. TITLE Operations Manaqer SubSCribed and sworn to before me on thiS liImlt'q" jU\C:I"lIDEL ... . ....q\ illl....'1 (~-":~'-'--VJ NOTAQv PUBLIC - M'NNESOL", t-'\~ -..., -.-: ';. , 't: HI:NN[['IN COUNTY ;~ ~y My commiSSion exp're~ 7-2.92 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ ~ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ Minnesota Suburban Newspapers, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopkins Sailor , and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02. 331A 07, and other applicable laws. as amended (B) The printed Ordinance No.86-566 which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks, It was first published on Mondav ,the 29 of Sept , 19 86 , and was thereafter printed and published on every and Including day of , 19_. and printed below IS , the a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive. which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the compOSition and publication of the notice ,.old. rghIJklm::1r\IlI\" '''btn/"L-/# Ie, . . (OlflClal PubllcatlOD) lITY'OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, MJnltesota ORDINAN<.E NO 86-566 AN ORDINANCE AMENDlllI~ ' ORDINANCE NO 427116, ~~ , PERTAINING TO NOI'I""_ ,; <'ONFORMING tlSEID ~~~'1 ,J' <'ONFORMING ST . UR_ ') BE IT ORDA1ll1F;1>, the:?C!ty CounCil of the~:'of opkltts as follows ' ,.r'f"'~~ ~ ~4_ ~ T hat the li'!J'Jil1\ii'zo g QrdlnanceJ No 427 06 be ~l1d\be mEt,js hereby' ame!ld€d'~~l!d.l/fi the folio'img pro;r vlslon87'"......c~.".:~:~.~ \ ..-..'t....~r~<""' ..... 427.lf6,1AI~'>\A non-conlormmg- use s I'lIot"be extended .but an addl' e..llTpermltted.use.shall"- not j) ., ;the extensLon,of a i ~ n4in- . <e IL~ne addl- , tiOn- r pro~lsll1.ns of. . " this ~-;' '~-.~ "l~ ;non-eott10rm- .' in, -whlcb, ""'per-,,'~ inttt cted on II lot of - '_ suIt ayn,e,lm-".,,;: pro,v C ..- ilmp,rov~emeDt 1:.~ meets' I 0 - r"8Vlslons 01 this _ -. ordlliane/l' '.o,~" ", ,'- \ First r.ead"1qi~"gular meetmg on the CIlY COWlcilWthe City ol)loPkui',S.\ held on 912186 and fmally read, ap,' r,roved. adopted and ordered pub-.i' Ished at a regular meeting of sald-' CounCIl of said City on 9/16/86 ELLEN LAVIN Mayor J SCOTT RENNE 5Mk~~r~JLLER, City Attorney (Sept 29, 1986) -HOP " day to 'tll;;L~ TITLE Operations Manaqer SubSCribed and sworn to before me on this NOT A~Y PUBLIC _ MINNESOf;l, H"I\INr:':N COUNTY My cornm'SSlOn expire, 7-2-92 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest clasSified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) MaXimum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 2 10 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 3654: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 35e per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ ~ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ ,/ Minnesota Suburban Newspapers, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authOrized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopkins Sailor , and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied With all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as prOVided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A 07, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The pnnted Ordinance No.86-565 which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks, It was first published on MondaV' 1 , the of Sept , 19 86 , and was thereafter printed and published on every and Including , the , 19_, and printed below IS day of a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the compOSition and publication of the notice .,~''''''''m::'''"ZLf J, ;JJJ~ TITLE Operations Mana~er Subscnbed and sworn to before me on this 19--.JL6 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 2 10 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 365e per line (Line. word, or Inch rate) 35e per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ ~ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ (OfficIal Pubheallon) CITY OF HOPKINS , Hennepin- County, MIDDesota Ordinance No 86-565 AN ORDINANCE 'AMENDING , HOPKINS ZONING ORDINANCE NO 417" OR ING WASTE I , FACILITIES, LL ZONING-' ,', I : B~ IT 0 by the City I CounCil of Hopklrls as I tollows 1 ~ 'Tha t the g Ordm'ance No 427 48 b e IS hereby amended b 1I0wlng pro- : ..... VISions 427 48 (11 be prohibit districts FIrst read at eetmg of 'the City Counctl f Hopkms ' he1c:l on AUg\1s nd fmally I _read approved. a op and ordered l'ubllshed at a regular meetmg of said CounCil on August 19, 1986 ELLEN LAVIN. Mayor J SCOTT RENNE City Clerk . / JERRE A MILLER CIty Attorney , (Sept 1 1986) -HOP day to Minnesota Suburban Newspapers, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopkins Sailor , and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as prOVided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A 07, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The printed Ordinance No.86-564 which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks, It was first published on Monday , the of Sept , 19 86 , and was thereafter printed and published on every and including , the , 19_, and printed below IS day of a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both IncluSive, which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the compOSition and publication of the notice ._"""'m::'''"'3;~# 1.:, 1:1);~ TITLE Operattons Manager SubsCribed and sworn to before me on this b~if\~~~ fTc'"'.; --. '-1 '"k\ :;":. =fJ< ": NOTARY PUBLIC _ MIN"JESOT.4, '\;<'i","",:; HLNN[:"IN COUNTY ~~.~;Y My commISSion expire; 7-2-92 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) MaXimum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 210 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 365e per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) sse per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ ~ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ day ~\~~_~_..., ;y;~~ ~-.. r-~~: , '';: (offJ~iJ-' Publleallon) / CI'fY OF HOPKINS HennepIn Couo:ii::}dlnn~sota _,. ORDINANC'ft'O 86-564 , 'AN ORDINANCE;AUTHORI~ING I OPI!:RATION.:DrA MOTORIZED GOLF'CARTIDESIGNATING " 'THE MANNE D LOC!\T10N OF '- 'ITS.USE PERATION ' . BE IT ORD 0, by the CounCil I of ~:~t~~~Yl or 1I1~:r ".:s~~II~";,~d for '"the enrorce of this Ordinance. ;, the follow I . titles or phrases " shall have t 109 meaning . a Perml It an ulIJ!xplred document IS pklDs City Clerk or h Ive which ~ certifies an ration of a motorized tile City of Hopkm)l In Ided for and allowe b PhYBle any perso amputatiOn either or bo , has been otll " U1anner reM , burdensome ( " Section 2 ' CART USE No , person shall r operate a motor- Ized gOlf carl1' . n or across a public street,' avea oadway wlthm the , City of Hop cept by permit as , herelDarte~ ed Section LICATION FOR I PERMIT tion shall be made , In wrlllng orUls furnished bY, the City of sand shaJllnclude but not b d to the followlDg Information! v 'a Nam~', and address of owner I op i b Desc ; the goJrc c Ollv of exptra , d Stat . handicap. e Sltne ::~t~~r~~f, '. safely ope Eac/l per not to e~ ce , annually Hopkms m \lilt at eVidence t germ It wa , the o.r:;;;~ durmg the ,request by , applIcant Signed' by cant IS abl Ized golf c ~ ways SeCtion WAYS Th motorIzed pursuant dmance ar the apphc The ope ~ lzed hereu from sunr tlon shall ~ ment wea : ImpaIred , other con ....or at ~I)f "j clent hgh vehicles 'the deslg '(orlzed g . I'slow mo operating Se~tlo)l TRAfFl '1ihng a to permit roadways , appllcabl vehicle p traffic la when tho ably be , carts exc vIsions 0 . driver hc i First r the Coun August 5 :' f.~~~~v:~, Council of 1986 to ment of a physlclan physical handicap I at the applicant can (oil cart s..,1I b~ for a period e year and U1ay be wed The City of oke an exlstrnll per. e upon receipt of person to whom the can nil longer safe- orlzed golf cart on adways, At' any time period and upon y of HopklDs. the bmlt a certificate Ian that the appli. y operate amotor- he deSignated road- I IGNATED ROAD- , ways upon whICh a r~t:J'd~~, ~c~:ab~~ utes as outhned In ' the applicant I fol( carts author- I only be operated set Such opera_ mlsslble In Inele- I hen visibility ~Is . smoke, fog or edmg vlslblhty. there Is insufll- ~e~n~of~~t~~ a))s ,Ea~h mo- all display the e" el'\lblem when . ted roadways ' L1CATION OF eriperiion oper- , oWcal' pursuant on designated rights and duties er of any other e state hIghway ulationB except cannot reason,- otorlzed golf e wIth the pro- pertaInIng to lar meeting of r Hopkms held aliy read and ordered pub- eUnll of said 9n Augu~t 19, LLEN LAVIN Mayor- , .. IJ SCOT'J: .RENNE CIty Clerk ' JERRE A MILLER j, ,CIty Attorney', , (~ept' 1. 1986) -HOP Minnesota Suburban Newspapers, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopkins Sailor , and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02. 331A 07, and other applicable laws. as amended (B) The printed Ordinance No.86-S63 which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks, It was first published on Monday 14 ,the of July , 1986 , and was thereafter printed and published on every and Including , the day of , 19_, and printed below IS a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive. which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the composition and publication of the notice ""'"'''.''''m::'''..'~ ~ ~ TITLE Operations Manager SubsCribed and sworn to before me on thiS RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commerCial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 210 per line (Line, word. or Inch rate) 3654: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 354: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ ~ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ , ' ':1OtflC;I,1,PubU~allo~}, - - '""' ciTiY,O'F HOJ!K.lN,j,'., ': 'HENNEPINCOUN'.,., ' , __ MINNESOTA _, ,; '. ,',ORDINA,~CE>No,,86,563 'It. ,,'.AN'ORDINANCE AMEjIIDJNG",", t:r,HJl.t',~'AR'I-OF; HOfKINS'.ZONINGo' 'OI\D~Nl\NCEHZ7 Pl;:RTA1NING'4'!;l(' -" AND CHANGING THE ZONING' . --JlE;lII'; ORDAINED; by the Clty~ , (lounC!I~' the_ efty ~l!JtopkID8' as'; follows'~ - >, ~_,': 'SEC'I:IJI e p!eseot -zoDlOg; classl(l upon-the rollowi~ IQg de hereby re~: :.peal f:tIie~,sal~L '-Pre <a8R-!-A:." BlocJ(~lf.l,;: ~ 8' allln,West;.', DivlsloW,-ui:;'; ~diX;1I1e8~!,'" oad ri~lit...o..f~'.~ teS Block oId,;u.., ~ , :rjur(l,DlV1sloii'~~ ;i~cli'2 :)iMg'2~:~c Il.ld Glblis-,F,rst ~ Inll~apol1sN~: ",o" neil C~lI;Qgo~,,l; all road, right-of. ~ l' ts 13 'BlOCk' 2:,tn ~~ on to Wes~ Mlh)\' .- ..... '- ,'" f)l.rc,J t'therJ!of""D<jlle~ offi~ei,:;Q(.Uhe . nd'fllr~iI!;il'('. *_ ,7~:A- e "preReDl/.~ ap''-ado~i!~ 04tng~Qc:' 'dlDance Y ame~ded I <'ami chan nee With:th\ij I '.above_pr<>y. . , ",";t.' . "\flr~t're"lI ~t' ~ reguldl' me~ting/o'f: ':the CJtY',Councll p(, -the:, CitY"ribX 'Hopkins :'h<:ld 6/1~ 1986; and,f!nitlly ',i'i!dd' approved ador.~td:<tDdil)rderedl. : ,1i1lbJ,shoo',at a- regu .... nleetlng-'heliLj ,;oD'tbe,lst of JulY l~";'...- ' "\;:;~-~-. ,>., ,: ":.,-,, ~-' ...,..LEfi'J..A~I~,! ~ . , , _ 0 _ ,>",' ", JlUyor.. 'J' SCo1'T RENNE! ' , ' > ~~<" Clt Clerk,' r r' {t~.~ I '\JEhRE\MI(;[;ER r _'" .:,;~ , City Attorney" __",,' ;:' .,":. , ..., ,(July 14 ~,..ltj) 7IJOP -',' , ');;~ ':i..> 1;.' .(;7..... day to Minnesota Suburban Newspapers, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authorrzed agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopkins Sailor , and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied With all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A 07, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The prrnted Ordinance No.86-562 which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was prrnted and published once each week. for one successive weeks, It was first published on Monday 30 , the of June , 19 86, and was thereafter printed and published on every and Including day of ,19_. and prrnted below IS . the a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive. which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the composition and publication of the notice "1"dtfghllklm::INlI\~ ;{, ~~ TITLE Operations Manager SubsCribed and sworn to before me on thiS July 2, 198~ RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 2 10 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 3654: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 35CI: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ ~ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ (Official PubUeallon) I CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN CDUNTY, ,MINNESOTA ORDINANCE' NO 86-562 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING _ THAT PART OF HOPKINS ZONING ORDINANCE 'NO. 427 PERTAINING TO AND CHANGING THE ZONING BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of tlle City of Hopkins as follows ';n.,-,)~ . SECTION 1 TJ\~Jlre.e\lt zon.- IDg c1asslftcal~On'/.b~-A upon the followmg de.~tlbflt.pr41mlses IS here- by rIlPeale~~reu thereof the ~~d I>remli,~;~" :, ereby zoned as PAR I ,.!-o~'- 'nd 32, Block 19, West MlOnel! Center acco,tlllng to the plat ~ r on fIle or of record In the office oOf;tl!e Register of Deeds In and for .lI~DDepln County I SECTIO!,\- 2', '~hat the presently 1 eXlstmg H~ilklnS,toD1nlJ Map adopted j as part of ~)I.t~ Zomng Ordmance 'I No 427 Is-~e~ amended and changed m' _ eorilaoce with the ~ above provlsl --~' :.. First read at"lt~ailiaT meeting of 1 the City Council o'ithiClfy or Hopkins I held June 3, 1986. and' finally read. I approved, adopted and ordered pub- ~ llshed at a regular meellng held 1ln l the 16th day~f June 1986 'c; J SCO'rcT R",NNE - , ; City C1erk~ ~ _ " ~ , _ : _~. , ,ELLEN LAVIN ; , '--J-" day to Minn sota Suburban Newspapers, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopkins Sailor , and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as prOVided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A 07, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The printed Ordinance No.86-56l which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks, It was first pUblished on Monday ,the 3 of March , 19....8...6, and was thereafter printed and published on every and including day of , 19_, and printed below IS , the a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both InclUSive, which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the compOSition and publication of the notice ."~"..""m::","'~ t .111~ Operations Manager TITLE SubsCribed and sworn to before me on thiS ! day of March, 19 86 No !1fi~~~ER~ ~ ~OTARY PUBLIC. MINNESOT~ ~ HENNEPIN COUNTY My commission expires July 2, 1986 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commerCial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 2 10 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 365e per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 354: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ ~ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ >-~~7:o....' -~'~J ~:~~oliIC"~~ ,_> ' ,', _ tlno~B '?t ,','; '''"' " ~BENNEPIN'-€OU ~ ., ~ f " <:- ", " ,G,RDINAN - ',,', AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CB~ --<:1;l'Y ,()F,~!lO:PKIN8'1m cObErO:f;~ < " ", ANItV ARlo , BE.JT'ORDAIN tile (lIty,Ce~ii, "That Chali't n SOOJJ(!,of"tb{ WHopJlIn's' , !,b'y'JIlm~n<fel (eel! In tile Su wnllers-JlereID flTJpe e ' <J J' ~~p..r: BUSI '-'':.. ,;"'C'J,':'" 119 C g '/Ilachllies . '. FOO - ',"".,' <,;,,' - 145 V "food ,c '146 ' ge.ffoO- . 'ng.of.~. . hel hally ~fa .. pub ' o{ft.m~~' ~~~.~~;~ " :,;: J SC,OTT if' CIty Clerk , ~JERRE MILLER CIty.: Attorney" C : J ~ ~ ~ r , day to Minnesota Suburban N wspap rs, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson . being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopkins Sailor , and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified ,. newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A 07, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The printed Ordinance No.86-560 which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks, It was first published on Monday 3 ,the of March , 19 86, and was thereafter printed and published on every and Including , the day of , 19_, and printed below IS a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the composition and publication of the notice "oc..""""m::'''''~ 1-, ~ TITLE Operations Manager SubsCribed and sworn to before me on this ~ RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest clasSified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 2 10 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 3654: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 35~ per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ '0: ~;.;; l~1HirJij;~~Jc~i>J~~4t1Ni~1 j.;<'; OlWJll^~CE'm);'86,~o, < 7 <b " '''"ClT.'Y~tJ{OPKINS''', . <- -;;.-:.. tftt>M.E:.NNEtlN.OOUNTY; -~ (J '!F~ , '1e- ~,< ,MINNESOTA " :" i ,,~ ,Alii ORQJNA~C'E1A:MEN))jNGlJ.t'l 1'HAU~'AR"- Jl'OPKINS'kof' ZONING/OR )110,'427 .'" < 'PERTA HANGING' , AP by the, Cijy , , HopkJii.t' 8s.;, .. .,:::.-~~~~-~ prest'nt pro,- , Ises are here. , tliereof the', said localfon ~ '!~w, ~ he~a81295, " l 5lui~fNr,' ' 'JttW:fs~h~:" : ,Re~ldeD- 7' '. quarter'~ wnshlp" ill 11 ofthl\, '< oOhe" entlal " ee~ing of o Hopkins "hel , and,'flnally read, appr9ve and ordered pUbl!lll!eil'a,t "l'regu ahllleetli held'I' on,tlieJ81h allY of F-ebruary,,1 86 " '.', .t....:?7'" ,E~pEN ~y\N", ,.",if;r" 1.. .~,-,-c- Mayor J SCOWl\Bt~NNE,<-'J'" ~ City~tle~1i' ..' 'z ~ ,:JElRRE ilfoItr;ER.:,tJ' ,.~ I"'':' C)ti'Attorliey;""v . i ; '.' JMarch 3, 1986) ,HOP day to Minnesota Suburban N wspapers, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson . being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authOrized agent and employee of the publiSher of the newspaper known as Hopkins Sailor , and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied With all of the requirements constituting qualificatIon as a qualified " newspape" as p,ov,ded by M,nnesote Statute 331 A02, 331 A 07, and othe' appl'cable laws, as amended (B) The printed Ordinance No.8 6-55 9 which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks, It was first published on Monday 3 ,the of March , 19 86, and was thereafter printed and published on every and Including , the day of , 19_, and printed below IS a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the compOSition and publication of the notice . """""""m::","~ t. m~ TITLE Operations Manaqer SubsCribed and sworn to before me on thiS ~ RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) MaXimum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 2 10 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 365e per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 354: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ ~ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ day to Minnesota Suburban Newspapers, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authOrized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopkins Sailor , and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied With all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified . newspaper, as prOVided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A 07, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The printed Ordinance No.86-569 which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks, It was first published on Mondav 1 , the of December ,1986, and was thereafter printed and published on every and including , the day of ,19_. and printed below IS a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both InclUSive, whIch IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the compOSition and publication of the notice "h'defghIJklm:~r<lu\~~f I:J f/!T~ - TITLE Operations Manaqer SubSCribed and sworn to before me on thiS NOTARY PUBliC - MINNESOT6 ]-2-92 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commerCial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 2 10 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 3654: per line (Line. word, or Inch rate) 35e per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ day (Official, P.lIbll.l'allon) '~ OR ItO~ 86.569 ' AN 0 -(\C1'IN6 I THE H "DE OF 1988 BE I HE CITY' COUN '"CJTY OF HOPK ,l,,. Sectl d Pisua~t I , to the ~lj sotll~> Stalu nd ISQZh and th ,0)1llCil-\, .Mreby Code.:-, OcrouI9n8c611(stlidre'~ epared at the ' " a ted Oclob<>r ' 1, 1986 T ISlan. rear, , range men. ' nand re, ~~3:;~~~1 cgep~f~~c~~h~ I erWlse pr1 dlOance Sec 2 C . A substaD' tlal quanti ode shall be prmted for strlbutlOn and a\lllllablltty IC ill such rea, son able qua d at such r"a, ' son able cha ay~be filled by the CItY Cle copies shall be, f:~~rf~~~~a~l ' ~~'C IDspection ',n Sec 3 "I Pubhcal'Oh The, City) Clerk ' orthwlth' publts.n. notICe of the blhty of the Code~ for two 'SUCCI' weeks, Sec 4 Ord ace. "101, Affected OrdlllaDces of Ity not IDcluded,mf the Code as t l'1'!exlsted on the day prIOr to the 'er~ctlve date of thIS ordlDance ar 'riot affected, repealed, amended or a Ilr~d by the adopttonof the Code ~. Sec 5 EXI II.e. The d hereto for.. e the 'rearra tlOn of eXl accompli. . accomplis ~provlslOnh 0 Charter Th thiS recodlfl strued so crease or nghts, dutl or any per tlve date 0 , of the Code the sa me f[Oe;k~:ss a~ tually coot ( ordmances. committed crued, or '1 or pumshm r:~o:t l~fl~ Sec I; I ThiS ordma aPj:gp~ta~ Clty~ Clerk copies of t dIstrIbute c city offICes <iuanbbes the Clty,COU Sec 8 Prl Code IS Jlrl law of the 'Sec 9, dmance IS n' accordance ~ wltli Se"tIO City Charter I The Hopkl e of 1988 Is fffectlve on 0, 1986 '.' Adopted t of Novemher: 19~pprov~d th~tli'day of Novem~ ber, 1986 , 'I . ELLEN,LA~I1'( Attest ' Ma,Ybr I J scoT'r RENNE CI ty Clerk (Dec,I,1986).HOP to Rlglh. aDd Llabll. ItlOlI by repeal of ng ordmances' and nl and recodlflCa,c nd new or-dmances ( the Code has been accordance,wltI, the' . Ie law and th'l City' p'r. cedurescfollowed Ih' n are not to be c'lln, , Iter, dlmlDlsh, 11l- wise modify any abilities of the CIty.' ~~n,\-~~ ~~~vf::~~~ ) as they as they are ance as those of es of' the' CIty of l1ally, but. not ac,,' of s\lch preVIOUS, act done, offense' accrulDg or ac, enalty, forfeIture;, rred, or asseslied date 01 the Code enactment . In Code AppeD4ix " I be IDcluded In- an , Ix to the Code " 'Di.lrJbul.OD The . custodian of all, The Clerk may' thlt Code to stJ~h ployees m ~uch be ~uthorlzed by