02-04-1986 Minutes to "' '~ MINUTES- COUNCIL MEETING - 2-4-86 1 ::. ; A regular ...~ing of the Hopkin. City Council was held on February 4, 1986 at 7.30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Hopkins City Hall. Present vere Mayor Lavin, Councilmembersl sh~rley, Redepenning and Hilbert. Alao present vere ataff, Rapp, Renne, Genelli., Beecher, G. Anderson, N. Anderson, Kerrigan Attorney, J. Miller. I. Mayor Lavin Called the meeting to order at 7130 p.m. Anderson, Strojan, and City II. APPROVAL OP MINUTES OP THE JANUARY 21, 1986 MEETING Mr. Shirley moved and minutes aa presented. Red penning, Aye; Mr. Aye; Mayor Lavin, Aye. Mr. Milbert seconded the mot~on to approve the A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Hilbert, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye: Mr. Anderson, The motion carried unanimously. III. APPROVAL OF DISBURSEMENTS, PRELIST 732 Mr. Redepenning moved and Mr. Hilbert seconded the motion to approve th disbursements on prelist '732 in the amount of $213,052.35. A poll of the vote vas .s followsl Hr. Redepenning, Aye; Mr. Milbert, Aye: Hr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye: Mayor Lav~n, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. . IV. APPROVAL OF LICENSE APPLICATIONS (t 201 - 214) Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Redepenning seconded the motlon to approve the miscellaneous license applications as listed. A poll of the vote was as followsl Hr. Redepenning, Aye: Mr. M~lbert, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye: Mayor Lav~n, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. V. OLD BUSINESSI a. ENGINEER I S REPORT ON 4TH STREET NORTH the Engineering Department furnished a report regardlng the improvement of 4th Street North between 19th Avenue North and 21st Avenue North regarding improving of the street by fin~shing the grade and furnishing a hard surface. All costs would be d~v~ded 50/50 between the City of Hinnetonka and the C~ty of Hopk~ns. The Eng~neer reported that the City would propose to have a meeting w~th the neighborhood involved in this project to make them aware of the proposed improvement, and asked that a hearing date be set. Hr. Shirley moved and Hr. Anderson seconded the motlon to adopt resolution No. 86-10 calling for a hearlng and notlfy all part~es of the proposed assessment. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepenning, Aye; Mr. M~lbert, Aye: Mr. Shirley, Aye: Mr. Anderson, Aye: Mayor Lavin, Aye. The motion carried unan~mously. 1 b. CONSIDER ACTION EDGEMOOR DRIVE SUBDIVISION This item had been cont~nued from the previous meet~ng. Mr. Len Th~el appeared before the Council and requested that it be cont~nued to the next regular meeting. ~...e"~ (F~ r:?(~[ ,,K'" # t" /' { Il',,> ~-< i' ! " (' '/ / ~~~ ~~'--~-'" --~-..~~~ c. _ tt~=-.:L. -. ' <t i. , ~. / 0/ _ / '" ,l o '=- C1 ;,A d--< r ,.I I) / c' 4 .' ,,- ~ {tl AJ....,~ l' .,.,./ ( 1/ , / , ~ ~ 2 Hr. Hilbert .ov.d and Mr. Anderson seconded the motion to continue this item to the next regular meeting. A poll of the vote was as fallows. Mr. Red.penning, Aye, Hr. Hilbert, Aye, Mr. Shirley, Aye: Mr. Anderson, Aye, Hayor Lavin, Aye. The motion carried unanimOUSly. NEW BUSINESSI a. WAIVER OF PLATTING REQUIREMENTS AT 921 MAINSTREET The Council was asked to review and take action on an application by Robert Mason/Don Perkl for a waiver of platting requlrements to divide the lot at 921 Mainstreet. Hr. Shirley moved and Hr. Hilbert seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 86-l2 approving a waiver of platting requirements. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepenning, Aye, Mr. Hilbert, Aye, Hr. Shirley, Aye, Hr. Anderson, Aye: Hayor Lavln, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. b. APPROVAL OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS LIABILITY POLICY Th finance department furnished the Council with quotes recelved for this insurance, and recommended that the League of Minnesota Cities Insuranc Trust quote of $6,345 premium for a $600,000 polley be accepted. Hr.Milbert moved and Hr. Redepenn~ng seconded the motion to accept the quote of the League of Hinnesota Cities as recommended by the f~nance department. A poll of the vote was as followsl Mr. Redepenn~ng, Aye: Hr. Milbert, Aye: Hr. Shirley, Aye: Mr. Anderson, Aye: Mayor Lavin, Aye. Th motion carr~ed unanlmously. c. REHAB LOAN - WILLIAM KRAUSE Hr. Shirley moved and Mr. Redepenning seconded the motion to cont~nue this item to the next meeting, since Mr. Krause was not ln attendance. A poll of the vote was as follows I Hr. Redepenning, Aye: Hr. Milbert, Aye, Hr. Shirley, Aye, Hr. Anderson, Aye: Mayor Lav~n, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. d. REVISION OF LICENSE FEE ORDINANCE Staff requested that the license fee ordinance be changed to comply with restrictions placed on fee changes in 47l.707. Hr. Hilbert moved and Mr. Redepenn~ng Ordinance 86-561 for flrst read1ng. follows I Hr. Redepenning, Aye: Mr. Hr. Anderson, Aye, Mayor Lav~n, Aye. seconded the mot~on to approve A poll of the vote was as Milbert, Aye: Mr. Sh~rley, Aye: The motion carrled unan~mously. e. CONSIDER ACTION ON DEVELOPMENT AGREEHENT - DERRICK CORP. e Mr. Dick Krier of the Derr~ck Company appeared before Counc~l to request a 3O-day agreement for exclusive development rlghts on Block 7 (Harriman) and Block 5 (Specialty). In this 30-day per~od, the Derrick Company would work w~th staff to development prel~minary plans. In this time period, the Derrick Company would conduct a market assessment and assess financing projections. , ,,- l .}t 3 Hr. Ml1bert moved and Mr. Red.penning seconded the motion to approve a 30-day exclusive agreement vith the Derrick Company and instruct the City Attorney to draw up an agreement suitable to both parties. A poll of the vote was as followsl Mr. Redepenning, Aye, Mr. Hilbert, Aye, Hr. Shirley, Aye, Mr. Anderson, Aye, Hayor Lavin, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. f. GAMBLING LICENSE RENEWALS - AMERICAN LEGION, ELKS, VFW LADIES AUXILIARY & COOTIES Hr. Redepenning moved and Hr. Anderson seconded the motion to not take action allowing the Hinnesota Charitable Gambling Control Board to act on the application. A poll of the vote was as followsl Mr. Redepenning, Aye, Hr. Hilbert, Aye, Mr. Shirley, Aye, Hr. Anderson, Aye, Mayor Lavin, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. g. REQUEST BY NW BELL TO PLACE BURIED CABLE AT 917 MAINSTREET Hr. Anderson moved and Hr. Hilbert seconded the motion to approve the request. A poll of the vote was as folloW81 Hr. Redepenning, Aye: Mr. Hilbert, Aye, Hr. Shirley, Aye, Mr. Anderson, Aye, Mayor Lavin, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. h. APPOINTHENT TO THE JOINT RECREATION BOARD Hr. Ander80n moved and Mr. Shirley 8econded the motlon to appo~nt Michael Win8hip to replace Eugene Haxwell on the JOlnt Recreation Board. A poll of the vote was as folloW81 Mr. Redepenn~ng, Aye, Hr. Hllbert, Aye, Hr. Shirley, Aye: Mr. Anderson, Aye: Mayor Lavln, Aye. The mot~on carried unanimously. i. APPOINTMENTS TO LIQUOR ADVISORY BOARD Hr. Craig Rapp, City Hanager and Don Perkl, the Liquor Associat1on's repre8entative recommended the following people be chosen to form the Liquor Advisory Boardl Mike Tait, Tim Lennox, Greg 0180n, Kathy Noll, Dave Gravdahl, Paul Slaton and Dr. Wllliam L. Jefferies. These people represent bU8lness, industry, schools, PTA, llquor retailers, former publlC officlals, and the medical profession. Along with the above it was proposed that a representatlve of MAAD also be asked to serve on th~s comm~ttee. Hr. Redepenning moved and Mr. Hilbert 8econded the motion to approve the appointment of the person8 reco~uended to 8ervice on the Liquor Advisory Board. A poll of the vote was as follows. Hr. Redepenn~ng, Aye, Mr. Milbert, Aye: Hr. Shirley, Aye: Hr. Anderson, Aye: Mayor Lavin, Aye. The motion carried unan~mously. j. RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING CAM ANDRE FOR REAPPOINTMENT TO THE HINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD Mr. Milbert moved and Hr. Anderson seconded Re8olutlon' 86-9 recommending Cam Andre for Hinnehaha Creek Watershed District Board. the motion to adopt reappo~ntment to the k. POLICE OFFICER'S WAGE CONTRACT FOR 1986 4 , ~ 4 Mr. Milbert moved and Hr. Redepenning seconded the motion to approve the contract as presented. A poll of the vote was as followsl Hr. R depenning, Aye, Mr. Hilbert, Aye, Hr. Shirley, Aye: Mr. Anderson, Aye, Hayor Lavin, Aye. The motion carr1ed unanimously. 1. CHANGE DATE OF SECOND COUNCIL MEETING IN MARCH Because of a precinct caucuses scheduled at the city hall for March l8 (the regular meeting date), an alternate meetlng date needed to be scheduled. Mr. Hilbert moved and Hr. Redepenning seconded the mot1on to change the meting date from Harch 18 to Harch 19 at the regular tlme. A poll of the vote was as followsl Hr. Redepenn~ng, Aye: Mr. M~lbert, Aye: Hr. Shirley, Aye: Mr. Anderson, Aye: Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. m. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE NO. 86-559 AMENDING HOPKINS ZONING ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS. The Zoning & Planning Commiss~on requested that the section of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Condltional Use Permits be changed to make it more restrictive. After review~ng the ordinances of other communitles, staff prepared the revised ordinance for approval. Hr. Shirley moved and Hr. Anderson Ordinance 86-559 for first read~ng. follows I Hr. Redepenning, Aye: Hr. Hr. Anderson, Aye: Mayor Lavin, Aye. seconded the mot~on to approve A poll of the vote was as Milbert, Aye: Mr. Sh~rley, Aye: The mot~on carr~ed unanlmously. n. RESOLUTION CHANGING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Staff reported that the Comprehens~ve Plan d~d not agree w~th the zonlng for the West l/2 of the Southwest l/4 of the Southwest 1/2 except road of Section 25, Townsh~p l17, Range 22, and recommended that the Plan be changed to agree with zoning. Hr. Redepenning moved and Mr. M~lbert seconded the mot~on ~esolution . 86-8 amend~ng the Comprehenslve Plan. A poll of was as follows I Mr. Redepenn~ng, Aye: Mr. Mllbert, Aye: Mr. Aye, Hr. Anderson, Aye, Hayor Lav~n, Aye. The mot~on unanimously. to adopt the vote Sh~rley, carr~ed o. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 86-560 REZONING PROPERTY IN SW HOPKINS Th Zoning & Planning Commission strip of property containing the the former landfill property from at a public hearing on November consider the first reading of this approved the rezon~ng Westbrooke Patio Homes R-6 Resldent~al to R-l 26, 1985. The Counc~l ordinance. of a small Just east of Res~dential, was asked to Hr. Shirley moved and Hr. Hilbert seconded the mot~on to approve the Ordinance for first reading. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye, Mr. Hilbert, Aye: Mr. Shirley, Aye: Mr. Anderson, Aye, Hayor Lavin, Aye. The mot~on carr led unanimously. e p. SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR PROJECT Hr. Thomas Maple of Hlller , Schroeder F~nanc~al, Inc appeared before the Council requesting that they set a hearing date for a 324 un~t 0' "' I multifamily project proposed for the southwest corner of Smetana Road " Peltl Court. Hr. Anderson moved and Hr. Redepenning seconded the motion to set a he.rin9 for Harch 4, 1986. A poll of the vote was as followsl Hr. Redepenning, Aye, Hr. Hilbert, Aye: Hr. Shirley, Aye: Hr. Anderson, Aye, Hayor Lavin, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. REPORTS PROH COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEESI , 4 Hr. Redepenning passed out a newsletter which they propose to produce monthly. In regard to the search for the CCDC Director, the f~eld has been narroved to four and they will be interviewed soon. ADJOURNMENT I Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Redepenning seconded the motion to adJourn the meeting at 9130 p.m. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Red penning, Aye, Hr. Milbert, Aye, Mr. Shirley, Aye, Hr. Anderson, Aye, Hayor Lavin, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ~~. Jean Kaed~ COUNCILHEMBERS: ATTEST: ---------------------- Ellen Lavin, Hayor