Affidavit of Pub .-~ Minnesota Suburban N wspapers, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopkins Sailor , and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the reqUirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper. as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A 07, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The pnnted Ordinance No.87-570 .-= which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper. and was printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks, It was first published on Monday 19 , the of J an u a r y , 19 8 7 , and was thereafter pnnted and pu bllshed on every and including day of , the , 19_. and printed below IS a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive. which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the composition and publication of the notice abcdefghljklmnopqrstuvwKYz ~ I:... BY tJc, . --;-----,,;:y----;;::..----:;::., ~", (o.fflclall'.ubUcatloD)" .,- HEN"IEPIN,Co.U~TY,'_c ,- .;.. _MINNESo.TA. ,. ". ' . o.RDlNANCE NO. 87-570 AN o.RDlNANC /\BLlSHING GARBb ft, 1987 AND AME~J eo515;o.F-~ THel . ODE.QF ~, , j, CES WHER>EAS' the'refW!e, rate,haslIot changed ~hic'{'ApJ;l1 L;;J98!i ilnd.'o/ler- atfng costs" <" tlnqo;w rlse;,alJd- WHERE a dramaltc I~crease In landfill t!P f~Il.~ occurr~\vIth' Do~rehe!.Jn . ~ (. BE IT~O by the Councd' of tbe City. as follows . I Th~ lS.\Subdl\!isioD I (cJ; of.- opklns Code of Ordin8 ereby' aoil!nded . a8,~n ~ ~- (c) CHAR~"" FOp COLLECTION BYCI'h'r.: ~ ' .' l The f" - , ~arges.for .th4l. fol- 10WlDI. '!/! perrormelL6~- the' City sbaD.lle. cbarged by and paId to f~~~C , ,!"og t1ii!r~ot~B ~ol!' SIN AND MULTI- ,F.AMI, N"ML. ONI, TS:~: ANn T Rr,,,;' .~, ,..; _ $9 40 ,tlnlf --1940 th' addltiooal for, In- yard plc vice '_" , -~ U EF E DATE Tile pro. . ~ visl this Oi'dloalice shallt take', ,sod ,be.lD force In', ',conn 'il~all bllllDl,reo"" , . deied bere_1i from aod after"1 - February I, ." ,<[ j. -FIrst read at meeUng of the Council of th pklll8 beld 'I I 00 Decei1,lber' 1 , 'and:,flnll!.lr read, approved:a and'ol'der'ed,', . gubbShed ara regulaf;rireeUlig of said I l:..~ncll ,ot 8al~ City' on lJ'~ua!'Y 6) J '?," " ELUiiN'LAYlIlf: , ~,._ "" - -M'ayor~ J' SCO~T RENNE:' '. .,: c.ty Clerk,..' , " ^\ '. JERRE,A, MILLER' CIty' Attorney - (Jan: 19, 1987)-HOP day to /71~ TITLE Operations Manaqer and sworn to before me on thiS ~~ up~~":,\;, MER.I .l M HrrY~LOM (r!;,:.:' , -~'!:') NOTMY pU.lIC - j',II.'CilSOTA '\:.. " /} HLNc.:~ ill CCUt,TY ':"~'-~ "'~V COlilrtlIS..IO'l GrOlm:! 7-2-92 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commerCial users for comparable space (2) MaXimum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 1 85 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 40 1<1: per line (Line. word, or Inch rate) 38<1: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $