11-05-1986 Council Mtg ....- 4' NORTH 20th AV''-:;:J1JE J..SSOCIl,TION Page 1 of 3 RECOj.Jl.i:Jffi;\TIOn Rr,G"\in)J?J~ 'I'jr~ ZONIHG OF TffB PINES TRAILER COURT . -. Hopklns c~ty Council Neetlng November 5, 1986 We, the members of the NORTH 20th AVElfUE ASSOCIATIOH, recommend that the Hopkins Clty Council oppose any rezoning of the area currently occup~ed by the Plnes Trailer Court for commerc~al purposes and instead malnta~n the existlng resldential zonlng of that property; ~.e., we recommend either a) that the Pines property be lrnproved and upgraded in compliance wlth state mobile home park guldellnes and commun~ty standards; or b) that the property be developed for multlple houslng ~n strlct compl~ance ~~th Clty codes and co~munlty standards and with an updated, safe trafflc-flow pattern. The issues and concerns that lead us to thlS position are listed on Page 3 (see attached). SUPPORTERS OF THIS RZCm~.ffi~mATION: . ~Ir!~ I~ ~I$~~ c ~ If: lit~ ~J( eI-;Je.o q ~ .LIt AI~ ;;:ttJ7'< ,;iv<e, ~wWf ). fh-r-L/ 38" - ). 0 /tv€- /Yo, ~f}? ~3'i!_$6TJJ~YKNi), 4fY~i _ 1("_~t-hJtv..,\-.J6. lQ,( A .rL- VLu L C( -Z 0- ff ~ c.J-h ~ ~ -::> \ - ~ C1 J:Z.... 1 /V. (5. (VcJl-V'/ /'. ~?' ,?-o'" ~(" ~" \,';1 /, ~\" /~- ;lId ax- )t. ~(;//~ [Ah/ ~ dh-'Z~~ ~t:l&<-l-~t: dH/&-c/t:J ~tP -c?o;t--I ~vU' 77. Name Address Reslding here s~nce ~f-,;;J.o1:L~ 71 it -;;w Ag, Ab/~. 1-..:1._;)..dZ; ~ ~i /qsv 1'7'"/// /'176 'PI:, ~~tf~~. /976 /q7~ I?.s-~ /?S:1- J 0'8Q /95(/' ;'9 .5' .& ....... Name Address .7f'~ 51 ?-c,Jj{~';;t . ! J{,!J-A'v ~ ~ ~- j ~ ~ [J t/vtLv^f P1-o II (p~{jjK~ ~KV~ S3)JtJXJ7M4-v ~~ ~-<-L "k zdl LZ- Ie /~.:~>:Ib/ f)~ ~~ 2.:2 --dad- ~7;{) ?r-cJ.- e(' ~ ;<?- - ;<o'/j" ~,'74- ..~(/-,--v ~ 9- b - 9- '" kL 9co -}~ -:-J..AAJ--yJ~ P;;;;cv-c /S-~qp - /In-. IV? I ( e Page 2 of 3 Besidlng here s~nce t t 7/ / 13j- 19a~ /7~f r ( /;1 / / /c;7-g/ I Cf g'~ / ?J-!6 lot' . --- e- ,- Page 3 of 3 NORTH 20th bVENUE ASSOCI~TIOR CONCERNS lJill ISSU:;;3 In RECOiJ.!:E:J;DIIJG COFTIIroED RESIDENTIAL ZONIHG OF TIE pn~s TRAILER COURT A. Increased trafflc in residentlal areas 1. Any commercial development of the Pines wIll greatly augment traffic of dellvery and customer vehicles. (Traffic is already at a hlgh level for a resident~al area due to the poorly controlled intersectlon at JJ&instreet and Shady Oak Road and to recent commercial development ln the sane area. This will directly affect North 20th Avenue wh~ch ~s already used by many dr~vers as a shortcut between Shady Oak Road, North First Street and Ha~nstreet.) 2. The safety of wallQng school chlldren wlll be Jeopardized. (The P~nes and the areas north, south and east of it are all withln 0.6 miles of Kather~ne Curren Elenentary School--mean~ng chlldren are not bused but are consldered walkers.) 3. A large parking lot requlred by any co~~erc~al develop- ment liould. only inv~te "crulsers" to extend the~r route down to 29th Avenue and surrounding residential areas, thus ~ncreasing an already frustrating problem. B. Negative impact of commercial development on the surroundlng resldential area 1. Commerclal development encroaching on residentlal areas brings noise, traff~c, unsightliness (dumpsters, loadlng docks, unf~nlshed-block walls, etc.) rlght 1:ithln slght and sound of the resident~al neighbors. 2. The residents of North 20th Avenue and other areas surrounding the Plnes, most of them long-time resldents, have high standards for nell-kept homes and a clean, quiet nelghborhood. Extenslve commercial development nearby would lmpinge upon these high standards. 3. It hardly seems necessary to sacrif~ce the res~den~ial areas of Ho')kins for co_^mercial development wlule there are so many co~~ercial bU21d~ngs currently vacant ~n dOvmt01ffi ifopldns. This seens to be in compl~ance F2th the current City of Ho_~~:~ns ten-year plan for maintaln2na resident~al zoninb ~n th~s ar~a. And we would be more interested in seeing attentlon paid to develop~~g dO~ffitov~ Hopkins, as eVldence that our tax dollars go~ng to the Cl ty Center Developnent Cor.9orat~on are be:mg l:1sely spent. ~~ , WE, the neighbors on 19th Avenue South, are against the idea of the Pines Mobile property to be rezoned as commercial property. We strongly feel there would be heavy traffic along 19th Ave. So. which worries us about our children's safety. Even though the entrance and eXlt of the shopping area would be off Shady Oak Road and Mainstreet many people would avoid the traffic confusion on Shady Oak and use 19th instead. The location of Katherine Curren School is only two blocks from this proposed rezoning that with added traffic may cause problems with children walking to school. Another worry would be the congregation of youth, "the cruisers", in the new parking lot area. e- An added note: We personally would like to see the Pines property as all residential homes. ~~~ r - ~ ; iJ(h-/ ~aJ-J , ~ ~ ~ A~'-r~/~ ~ (\l\ll(~~f ~1"~~-j-~ i-J)!..&itt- --V TrJ--/' ((;,~~ (/".5'71- I' ./"!;jJ J \ vd ~ ., 7! t~./_~---.. ~~v /:,~ c/;{ ~c' 4~/~v- -{trtcJ; 1 ~f 1 ~~ rf ()C;~\L J~' ~-rcf tV )J-~ fi~ ~~0(a:; . ~~ /l7tL~~~-e~rJ ~~ ;tlJru:dLe~ A - i /1 pI? 7L~<?- rJ-/!o ~ u " - -<-( .