Alley Paving .h AL TERNATIVES FOR ALLEY PAVING-ALLEY E OF 10th AVENUE Between 6th Street South & 7th Street South Northerly Section Concrete Des ign Total Cost * Cost/AF With City Partic(20%) * Cost/AF $5968.75 26.94 $4774.80 21. 55 Asphalt Design Total Cost $3879.67 (35% Cheaper than Concrete) * Cost/AF (no City Partie) 17.51 Southerly Section Concrete Des i gn Total Cost * Cost/AF With City Partie (20%) * Cost.AF Aspha lt Des i gn Total Cost (no City Partie) * Cost/AF $6906.00 31.40 5524.80 25.11 $4804.04 (30% Cheaper than Concrete) 21. 83 * NOTE: Cost/AF is calculated on the Assumption that the entire cost would have to be assessed to the property west of the proposed alley. John J. Strojan City Engineer 6/28/84