Resolutions & Exbit t ~-, . ( . - CITY OF HOPKINS Hennep1n County, M1nnesota RESOLUTION NO. 1597 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING POLICY OF CONCRETE PAVING FOR ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS WHEREAS, alleys In the C1ty of Hopkins are and have been surfaced, re-surfaced, or paved, pursuant e1ther to proper pet1t1ons by property owners abutt1ng such 1mprovement or by proper action of the C1ty Counc11, and WHEREAS, the cost of such surfac1ng and pavlng lS spec1ally assessed aga1nst all property benef1ted thereby and, WHEREAS, lt has been the practlce and POllCY that the cost of ma1ntenance and repa1r of all alleys 1S pald by the Clty from General Revenue Funds w1thout spec1al assessment, and WHEREAS, In all cases where alleys have been surfaced or paved w1th mater1als other than concrete, the necess1ty for such ma1ntenance and repair has been In excess of that necessary, requlred or deslrable In connectlon with alleys paved w1th concrete and/or In connectlon w1th other streets or thoroughfares more heavily used and traveled, and WHEREAS, a study by the Eng1neerlng Department of the C1ty demonstrates that alleys paved w1th concrete are more economical, servlceable and deslrable In and for the C1ty of Hopk1ns. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the C1ty of Hopk1ns shall not hereafter author1ze or order the pavlng or surfacing of any alley in the Clty wlth materlals other than concrete. 2. That further, 1n all such cases the Clty shalY contribute and pay for any and all such alley pav1ng proJects from the General City Funds, a sum equal to 20~ of the cost thereof, the remalnlng 80% to be spec1ally assessed as prov1ded by law. Passed and adopted at a regular meetlng of the Hopklns C1ty Councll held on May 16, 1967. C. R. PETERSON, Secretary JOHN F. HANLEY, Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, Clty Attorney .. ~, CITY OF HOPKINS Hennep1n County, M1nnesota RESOLUTION NO. 84- 3145 A RESOLUTION ORDERING ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE BY REMOVING CERTAIN INFECTED ELM AND/OR OAK TREES IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS WHEREAS, pursuant to C1ty of Hopk1ns Ordinance No. 79-467 and pursuant to MSA Chapter 18, and pursuant to Chapter 4, Rules and Regulat10ns of the Department of Agr1cul ture (AGR-IOl-120), the forester of the Ci ty of Hopk1ns has found cond1tions indicating the presence of Dutch Elm or Oak WIlt Infestat10n eXIst and have eX1sted upon the followIng propertIes: (see IlSt attached, marked Exh1b1t A) WHEREAS, not1ce of such fIndIngs has been glven to the owners of record of the prem1ses; and WHEREAS, no part of sa1d 1nfected trees have been removed or otherw1se treated, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the C1ty Counc1l of the C1ty of Hopk1ns, as follows: That the prem1ses of sa1d 1nfected trees, Wh1Ch are in number and Ilsted have been and are duly marked and are located as Ilsted, const1tute a publ1C nU1sance as more fully set forth 1n the prov1s1ons of Hopk1ns Ord1nance No. 79-467 M.S.A. Chapter 18, and Rules and Regulations of the Department of AgrIculture (AGR 101-120), and such nU1sances are hereby ordered to be 1mmedlately abated by cuttIng and removal of all such infected trees thereon. It IS further ordered that a Not1ce of the 1ntent1on of the Counc1l so to abate saId nUIsance shall be publIshed once and a copy thereof maIled to the affected property owners, Wh1Ch NotIce shall spec1fy that act10n upon th1S Resolut1on shall be taken at a spec1al meetIng of the C1ty Counc1l to be ,held August 7. 1984 such publ1cat1on to be not less than one week pr10r to the date of such meet1ng. The Counc1l at such meet1ng shall hear all property owners w1th reference to the above matter. It 1S further resolved that a copy of th1S ResolutIon shall be ma1led immedIately to the owners of the property Involved here1n. HopkIns, 1984. Passed and MInnesota at adopted by the Counc1l a regular meet1ng held of the the 3rd C1ty of day of July J. SCOTT RENNE CIty Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER Mayor JERRE A. MILLER CIty Attorney .... ....... EXHIBIT A . 142 HarrIson Avenue South 1 Elm 20" $130.00 20 - 20th Avenue North 1 Elm 14" $ 91.00 17 Lor1ng Road 3 Elms 12" 12" 11" 2'J-6-- Ty lor AUenllP North 7 EIIUi:::> - 'j'+" 232 Tyler Avenue North 1 Elm 17" $227 .-$---4 G 1 . SO $110.50