Car Parking
by and between the Clty of Hopklns,
party of the flrst part, lessor, and
day of _
a munlclpal
, 1984,
of the second part, Lessee,
WITNESSETH, that the sald party of the flrst part, in
conslderatlon of the rents and covenants, herelnafter mentloned,
does hereby Demlse, Leaseand Let unto the sald party of the
second part, and the sald party of the second part does hereby
hlre and take from the sald party of the flrst part, the
followlng descrlbed premlses, sltuated In the Clty of Hopklns,
County of Hennepln, and State of Mlnnesota, VlZ:
That part of the East-West alley In Block 6,
West Mlnneapolls Second Dlvlslon lYlng between
the extenslon across sald alley of the West Ilne of
Lot and the East Ilne of Lot , Block 6,
West Mlnneapolls Second Dlvlslon.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the above rented premises unto the said
Lessee, untll sald lease lS termlnated by elther party as
herelnafter set forth and provlded. Sald Lessee hereby agrees to
pay sald Lessor as rent for the above mentloned premlses, the sum
of One Dollar per year the receipt whereof lS hereby acknowledged
for 1984.
And sald premlses shall be used by the Lessee for the
parklng of motor vehlcles at a 900 angle to the structure and for
no other purpose.
It lS further understood and agreed that thlS lease
agreement may be cancelled by elther party at any tlme upon a 90
day wrltten notlce of such cancellatlon malled or otherwlse
served by the party cancelllng upon uhe ot'h,erl,party' heret'<Dl at
tfue address of the party reclplent as follows:
Clty of Hopklns
1010 Flrst Street South
Hopklns, Mlnnesota 55343
And the sald Lessee also covenants and agrees to and wlth
the sald Lessor not to asslgn thlS lease or underlet the above
rented premlses without flrst obrtalnlng the wrltten consent of
sald Lessor ant that It wlll at the eXplratlon of the tlme as
hereln reclted, qUletly yield and surrender the aforesaid
premises to the Lessor, In as good condl tlon and repalr as when
It took them.