Reallocation of receipts exceeding Est. 'DATE: July 13, 1984 TO: Mayor & Councll FROM: -t SUBJECT: Wllllam P. Cralg, Clty Manager Request for Reallocatlon of Recelpts Exceedlng Estlmates The Mayor suggested recently department needed the purchase provlded ln the 1984 budget). of the general prunlng process the one. at the Councll meetlng that the pollce of a KR-IO radar unlt (In addltlon to the one In fact, they had requested two, but as part to meet antlclpated revenues, recelved only A KR-IO radar unlt costs approxlmately $1,995.00. speclflcally to the subject, as follows: The Clty Charter speaks . Sectlon 7.07. ALTERATIONS IN THE BUDGET. Except as set forth ln Sectlon 7.16, after the budget shall have been duly adopted, the Councll shall not have power to lncrease the amounts therein flxed, whether by the lnsertion of new ltems or otherwlse, beyond the estlmated revenues, unless the actual recelpts shall exceed such estlmates, and ln that event not beyond such actual recelpts. The sums fixed ln the budget are approprlated at the beglnnlng of the f lscal year for the several purposes named the re ln and no other. The Councll may reduce salarles or the sums approprlated for any other purpose, or authorlze the transfer of sums from unexpended balances to other purposes. The Clty dld recelve an unexpected revenue ln the amount of $3,916.00 due to the unexpected sale of the Hopklns Bowl, due to the varlOUS non refundable llcenses lnvolved. ThlS money can be allocated by Councll, lf desired, for the purchase of a radar unlt. I would agree that such a unlt would be an asset to the department, and would allow better response to resldent complalnts of speed vlolatlons ln thelr nelghborhood. Respectfully submltted, ~~ Wllllam P. Craig Clty Manager ~