Reallocation of receipts DATE: July 13, 1984 TO: .FROM: SUBJECT: Mayor & CouncIl WIllIam P. CraIg, CIty Manager Request for ReallocatIon of ReceIpts Exceeding EstImates The Mayor suggested recently at the CouncIl meeting that the polIce department needed the purchase of a KR-IO radar unIt (In addItIon to the one provIded In the 1984 budget). In fact, they had requested two, but as part of the general pruning process to meet anticIpated revenues, received only the one. A KR-IO radar unit costs approxImately $1,995.00. specifIcally to the subject, as follows: The City Charter speaks e Section 7.07. ALTERATIONS IN THE BUDGET. Except as set forth in Section 7.16, after the budget shall have been duly adopted, the CouncIl shall not have power to Increase the amounts thereIn fixed, whether by the Insertion of new Items or otherwise, beyond the estimated revenues, unless the actual receipts shall exceed such estimates, and in that event not beyond such actual receIpts. The sums fIxed in the budget are appropriated at the begInning of the fIscal year for the several purposes named thereIn and no other. The Council may reduce salaries or the sums appropriated for any other purpose, or authorize the transfer of sums from unexpended balances to other purposes. The CIty did receive an unexpected revenue in the amount of $3,916.00 due to the unexpected sale of the Hopkins Bowl, due to the various non refundable lIcenses involved. This money can be allocated by Council, if desired, for the purchase of a radar unit. I would agree that such a unit would be an asset to the department, and would allow better response to resident complaInts of speed violations in their neighborhood. Respectfully submitted, 2:.fl ~ William P. Craig City Manager . . TABULATION OF BIDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON FELTL COURT Blds Opened Friday, July 13, 1984, 10:00 A.M. NORTHWEST ASPHALT $ 86.907.00* MIDWEST ASPHALT 87,281.75 ALEXANDER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 89.370.10 VALLEY PAVING INC. 89,858.25 BURY & CARLSON INC. 91,619.80 HARDRIVES INC. 93,582.75 C. S. McCROSSAN 95,361.50 BARBER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 100,283.50 * corrected figure Engineer recommends the low bid of NORTHWEST ASPHALT .