Resolutions CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepln County, Mlnnesota ~. RESOLUTION NO. 84-3147 WHEREAS, the property known as the Southwest Industrlal Redevelopment Area was established in 1978 as a tax lncrement project area numbered by Hennepln County as "156", WHEREAS, the total expense undertaken by the Hopklns Houslng and Redevelopment Authorlty for the project has been recovered, plus lnterest, through tax lncrement payments, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Clty Councll of the Clty of Hopklns, Mlnnesota as follows: 1. That Tax Increment Project Area 156, comprlslng the property known as the Southwest Industrlal Redevelopment Area, has been completed, effectlve December 31, 1984. 2 . That Hennepln County lS hereby authorlzed to dlscontlnue collectlng tax lncrements from sald Project Area 156, effectlve December 31, 1984. Adopted by the Councll of the Clty of Hopklns, Mlnnesota thls 17th day of July 1984. J. SCOTT RENNE, Clty Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER, Mayor JERRE A. MILLER Clty Attorney I hereby ce rtl fy tha t the forego lng Re sol u tlon l sat rue and correct copy of the resolutlon presented to and adopted by the Clty Councll of the Clty of Hopklns, Mlnnesota at a duly !'llJthnY'17prl mppt, nO' tnoY>or.f' ...01 rl r.~ +-lr.~ , 7...lr. -'_.. _.co T , h , ^^' · It' ~~ CITY OF HOPKINS HennepIn County, MInnesota ~. RESOLUTION NO. 84- 3148 A RESOLUTION ORDERING ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE BY REMOVING CERTAIN INFECTED ELM AND/OR OAK TREES IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS WHEREAS, pursuant to CIty of HopkIns OrdInance No. 79-467 and pursuant to MSA Chapter 18, and pursuant to Chapter 4, Rules and RegulatIons of the Department of AgrIcul ture (AGR-IOl-120), the forester of the Ci ty of HopkIns has found condItIons IndIcat1ng the presence of Dutch Elm or Oak Wilt 1nfestat1on eX1st and have eXIsted upon the follow1ng propertIes: (see list attached, marked Exhib1t A) WHEREAS, not1ce of such fInd1ngs has been gIven to the owners of record of the prem1ses; and WHEREAS, no part of saId Infected trees have been removed or otherW1se treated, ,.. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Counc1l of the C1ty of HopkIns, as follows: That the prem1ses of saId 1nfected trees, which are in number and Ilsted have been and are duly marked and are located as Ilsted, const1tute a public nUIsance as more fully set forth 1n the prov1sIons of Hopk1ns OrdInance No. 79-467 M.S.A. Chapter 18, and Rules and RegulatIons of the Department of AgrIcul ture (AGR 101-120), and such nuisances are hereby ordered to be 1mmed1ately abated by cutt1ng and removal of all such Infected trees thereon. It IS further ordered that a Not1ce of the IntentIon of the Counc1l so to abate saId nU1sance shall be publIshed once and a copy thereof maIled to the affected property owners, WhICh Not1ce shall specIfy that action upon th1S ResolutIon shall be taken at a spec1al meet1ng of the C1ty CounCIl to be held August 21, 1984 such publlcat10n to be not less than one week prIor to the date of such meet1ng. The Counc1l at such meetIng shall hear all property owners w1th reference to the above matter. It 1S further resolved that a copy of th1S ResolutIon shall be maIled Immed1ately to the owners of the property Involved hereIn. Hopk1ns, 1984. Passed and MInnesota at adopted by the Counc1l a regular meeting held of the the 17th CIty of day of July J. SCOTT RENNE C1ty Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER Mayor JERRE A. MILLER C1ty Attorney