Parking on former RR right of way 1, DATE: August 2, 1984 ~. TO: Mayor & C1ty Counc1l FROM: W1ll1am P. Cra1g, Clty Manager SUBJECT: Park1ng on Former Ra1lroad R1ght-of-Way Hopk1ns has leased the former M & St L r1ght-of-way from 7th to 10th Avenues from the Hennep1n County Reg10nal Ra1lroad Author1ty (for $1 plus maIntenance serVIces), and can use It for parkIng but cannot charge for sa1d park1ng. Cost of Work The attached mater1al from the engIneers shows that a total of 665 CUb1C yards of f1ll, plus grad1ng, would be needed to eff1c1ently dra1n and use the parcels between 8th and 10th Avenues. They est1mated $6 - $10 per yard, depend1ng on the qual1ty of the f1ll aggregate. USIng $8 as an average, and 1nclud1ng a nom1nal sum for regulatory slgns and paper' perm1ts, the cost of prepar1ng the slte would be est1mated at $5,500. Recommendat1on - Slnce we cannot charge, I recommend d01ng the above work, charg1ng 1t to the redevelopment dIstr1ct, then giv1ng permits for the new lot to renters at our eX1st1ng prem1um permIt lot, one permIt for every two spaces now rented. Let them use or d1spose of the permIts any way they WIsh. For the cost of one space 1n a ramp, we can then get forty or more cars off the street, w1thout really hurt1ng our perm1t sales. ObV1ously, we can end the "glveaway" any month we choose. Th1S w1ll 1nvolve add1t1onal snow plow1ng, but for the "free" spaces the pr1or1ty for haulIng will be low, and the space w1ll be f1rst come, fIrst served. Please reVIew thIS and glve us your dec1sIon prior to the end of the construct1on season. Respectfully submItted, /;;.QJ2 "\ w,Cam P. ~ C1ty Manager