Outreach services
THIS AGREEMENT IS entered Into th1S day of
,1984 between Suburban Communlty Servlces, a
M1nnesota Non-proflt Organ1zatlon, and the Clty of Hopk1ns, a
M1nnesota Mun1clpal Corporatlon.
WHEREAS, the C1ty of Hopk1ns recogn1zes the needs of 1tS
older clt1zens and the des1reablllty of the1r remaln1ng
1ndependent 1n the commun1ty as long as poss1ble, thereby
avo1d1ng premature 1nstltutlonallzatlon,
THEREFORE, It 1S hereby agreed between Suburban Commun1ty
SerVlces and the C1ty of HopK1ns as follows:
1. Suburban Commun1ty SerV1ces shall prov1de counsellng,
case management, and outreaCh serVIces to resIdents of
the C1ty of Hopk1ns aged 55 and older des1rlng these
serV1ces. These serVIces shall be provIded through
1nformatlon and referral (telephone and face-to-face);
recruItment, tralnlng, and superv1slon of frIendly
V1s1tor volunteers; In-home assessments and lInkage
WIth needed formal and Informal servIces; and
ind1v1dual and/or group counseling for needs such as
support for carIng for a chron1cally 111 older adult,
loss and gr1ef, and concerns of familIes of older
adults; and any other serV1ce deemed necessary for
the program covered by thIS Agreement.
2. The counsel1ng, case management, and outreach serV1ces
provided hereIn shall be for a per10d of SlX months
commencIng on the f1rst day of July, 1984 and endIng
on the th1rty-f1rst day of December, 1984.
3. The C1ty of HopK1ns shall pay the sum of $4,000.00 for
these serVIces on the follOWIng payment schedule:
$2,000.00 on or before the f1fteenth day of August,
1984, and $2,000.00 on or before the f1fteenth day of
December, 1984. Payment of sa1d amount shall be made
d1rectly to Suburban Commun1ty ServIces at 1001
HIghway 7 Hopk1ns, MInnesota 55343.
4. The above serVlces wll1 be based at the Hopklns Communlty
Center, 33 - 14th Avenue North, Hopklns, Mlnnesota.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorIzed representatIves of
the part1es hereto have set the1r hands the day
of , 1984.
Clty ~dmlnlstrator