Resolutions , e l' . . . CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 84-3154 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 84-3146 passed and adopted by the Council on August 7th, 1984, the City Clerk and Engineer were d1rected to prepare proposed assessments o~ the costs of improving various streets, avenues, and thoroughfares in the City of Hopkins, all as more fully described in Exhibit A. hereto attached and attached to Resolution NO. 84-3146 and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, the said Clerk has not1fied the Council that such proposed assessments have been completed and f1led in his off1ce for public inspect1on. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, as follows: 1. A hearing shall be held on September 18th, !28~to pass upon such \" proposed assessments, and at such time and place, all persons owning property affected by such improvements and assessments will be given an opportun1ty to be heard w1th reference to such assessments. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a Not1ce of the Hearing on the proposed assessments to be published at least two weeks pr10r to the hearing, and he shall state in the Notice the total cost of each of such improvements. Passed and adopted by the C1ty Council of the C1ty of Hopkins, this 21st day of august, 1984. J. SCOTT RENNE, City Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER, Mayor JERRE A. MILLER, C1 ty Attorney , . E X H I BIT A 1. ProJect 77-08. Extens10n of watermain and installation of hydrants to provide additional fire protect1on and to eliminate dead end maln in a high service location, on the north side of County Road No.3 from west of the Chicago Northwestern Railroad right-of-way (Town Terrace Apts.) to new exit ramp east of Chicago Northwestern Rallroad right-of-way (area bounded by Excelsior Avenue West, 5th Avenue South, County Road No. 3 and the exit ramp from southbound #18 to County Road #3) the total cost being $11,592.00 and the area to be assessed being: That part of Lots 14, 20 and 21 lying southerly of a llne described as beginning at a point in west line of Lot 14 d1stance 240 feet south from Northwest corner threof, thence east parallel with south line of Excelsior Avenue 275 feet, thence north to south line of Lot 17, thence east to southwest corner of Lot 21 and there terminatlng, except highway, Auditors Subdivlsion No. 242, also Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 1, Town Terrace. 2. Project 82-06. Watermain on Tenth Street and Feltl Court from Eleventh Avenue to Eleventh Street South, total cost of the project belng $63,282.94 and the area proposed to be assessed being: Lot 1, Block 1; Lot 1, Block 2, both in Opus II Ninth Addition; and the west 1/2 of the Southwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 117, Range 22. 3. Project 82-05. Sanltary Sewer on Tenth Street and Feltl Court from Eleventh AVenue to Eleventh Street South, total cost being $41,106.98 and the area proposed to be assessed being: Lot 1, Block 1; lot 1, Block 2, both in Opus II Ninth Addltion; and the west 1/2 of the Southwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 117, Range 22. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepln County, Mlnnesota - Resolutlon No. 84-3155 A RESOLUTION ORDERING ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE BY REMOVING CERTAIN INFECTED ELM AND/OR OAK TREES IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS WHEREAS, pursuant to Clty of Hopklns Ordlnance No. 79-467 and pursuant to MSA Chapter 18, and pursuant to Chapter 4, Rules and Regulations of the Department of Agrlculture (AGR-IOl-120), the forester of the Cl ty of Hopklns has found condltlons lndlcatlng the presence of Dutch Elm or Oak Wllt lnfestatlon eXlst and have eXlsted upon the followlng propertles: 1 Lorlng Road 1 Elm 31" $201.50 730 Drlllane Clrcle 1 Elm 6" - 1 Oak 22" $182.00 20 - 20th Avenue North 1 Elm 14" $91.00 140 Interlachen Road 1 Elm 26" $169.00 630 West Park Valley Drlve 2 Elms 37" $240.50 -? WHEREAS, notlce of such flndlngs has been glven to the owners of record of the premlses; and WHEREAS, notlce of lntentlon of the Councll to abate sald nUlsance was publlshed once and a copy malled to the affected property owners, and a hearlng was set for August 21, 1984. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Councll of the Clty of Hopklns that the Clty wlll take actlon to remove these lnfected trees as Ilsted above and charge the costs to the owners of sald property. Passed and Hopklns, Mlnnesota at August, 1984. adopted by a regular the Councll meetlng held of the the Clty 21st day of of J. SCOTT RENNE ROBERT F. MILLER Clty Clerk Mayor 7 JERRE A. MILLER Clty Attorney '. ~. <'- CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepln County, Mlnnesota RESOLUTION NO. 84- 3156 A RESOLUTION ORDERING ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE BY REMOVING CERTAIN INFECTED ELM AND/OR OAK TREES IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS WHEREAS, pursuant to Clty of Hopklns Ordinance No. 79-467 and pursuant to MSA Chapter 18, and pursuant to Chapter 4, Rules and Regulatlons of the Department of Agrlcul ture (AGR-IOl-120), the forester of the Ci ty of Hopkins has found condltlons lndlcatlng the presence of Dutch Elm or Oak Wilt lnfestatlon eXlst and have eXlsted upon the followlng propertles: (see IlSt attached, marked Exhlblt A) WHEREAS, no tl ce 0 f such f lnd lngs has been gl ven to the owners of record of the premlses; and WHEREAS, no part of sald lnfected trees have been removed or otherwlse treated, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Clty Councll of the Clty of Hopklns, as follows: That the premlses of sald lnfected trees, WhlCh are in number and Ilsted have been and are duly marked and are located as Ilsted, constltute a publlC nUlsance as more fully set forth In the provlslons of Hopklns Ordlnance No. 79-467 M.S.A. Chapter 18, and Rules and Regulatlons of the Department of Agrlcul ture (AGR 101-120), and such nUlsances are hereby ordered to be lmmedlately abated by cuttlng and removal of all such lnfected trees thereon. It lS further ordered that a Notice of the lntentlon of the Councll so to abate said nUlsance shall be publlshed once and a copy thereof malled to the affected property owners, WhlCh Notlce shall speclfy that actlon upon thlS Resolutlon shall be taken at a speclal meetlng of the Clty Councll to be held September 18, 1984 such publlcatlon to be not less than one week prlor to the date of such meetlng. The Councll at such meetlng shall hear all property owners wlth reference to the above matter. It lS further resolved that a copy of thlS Resolutlon shall be mailed immedlately to the owners of the property lnvolved hereln. Hopklns, 1984. Passed and Mlnnesota at adopted by the Councll a regular meetlng held Clty of day of August of the the 21st J. SCOTT RENNE Clty Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER Mayor JERRE A. MILLER Clty Attorney CITY OF HOPKINS . Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 84-3157 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF ENGINEERS REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS a petitlon has been received requesting that conslderatlon be given to the installation of an additional fire hydrant by Gethsemane Lutheran Church and the assessment of benefitting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the proposed improvement be referred to John . Strojan, City Engineer, for study and he is instructed to report with all convenient speed advis1ng the Council in a prellm1nary way as to whether the proposed improvements are feasible and as to whether they should best be made as proposed or in connect1on with some other improve- ment, and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended. Adopted by the City Councll of the City of Hopk1ns, Hopkins, M1nnesota, this 21st day of August, 1984. , J. SCOTT RENNE, City Clerk JERRE A. MILLER, City Attorney ROBERT F. MILLER, Mayor