Resolutions CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepln County, Mlnnesota ~. RESOLUTION NO. 84-3158 A RESOLUTION ORDERING ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE BY REMOVING CERTAIN INFECTED ELM AND/OR OAK TREES IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS WHEREAS, pursuant to Clty of Hopklns Ordlnance No. 79-467 and pursuant to MSA Chapter 18, and pursuant to Chapter 4, Rules and Regulatlons of the Department of Agrlculture (AGR-IOl-120), the forester of the Clty of Hopkins has found condltlons lndlcatlng the presence of Dutch Elm or Oak Wllt infestatlon eXlst and have eXlsted upon the followlng propertles: 232 Tyler Avenue North-3 Elms 175.50 130.00 WHEREAS, notlce of such flndlngs has been glven to the owners of record of the premlses; and ,.,. WHEREAS, notlce of lntentlon of the Councll to abate sald nUlsance was publlshed once and copy malled to the affected property owners, and a hearlng was set for September 4, 1984. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Clty Councll of the Clty of Hopklns that the Clty wlll take actlon to remove these lnfected trees as Ilsted above and charge the costs to the owners of sald property. Passed and adopted by Ho pklns, Ml nneso ta a tar egul ar September, 1984. the Council meetlng held of the the Clty 4 th day of of J. SCOTT RENNE Clty Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER Mayor JERRE A. MILLER Clty Attorney , ~~'e the neighl'Ors of I QD1-::ins Park: Plaza Dl;titiol1 l:.he !ionkillS Ci\:y Council to :,rohil.>it \Jay:1~ RiYJ'1aflTl; ~'1l1Cr 0-: ::OO}:iLS '-'ark FIP1.za :ra~ re!{"ovi~l(J t'lf2 /]Tassy !:J~se of blacktopryir CT area bet:deen -::he ~>a.rkLl~T lot a'1'':;' the curb 3.1011'::, ~iXt:l l'v"'--DLle 'Iorth for t'1C rc-ol'8.in Dltact for all to erjov '1.'110 L'Oulevcrru. is nublic proyx:r::.y ard ""C r0'''1..lC-SC that l:.l1e 'JrASS and tr<::es _ ~~. ~,.-l~ _ _ :f?~ -..? ~ ..4t!.,. ?7. ~~~ JCL f.e~ _AvIC N ~VID, I{tJ _~_~Ap?}.~ _ ~? ~.~_~ ~ ~.!_~Z J~ ~-~ J:J_ ~ -=- _4r~ ty.:=!';jJ>/,... /-J~~ --n -... ~-f._e" ~~r! '3 -'7 6 n Q, '-'h ~ ;'r/ nA.)., - .. - . ~ - .1--#-L/ r .z ~- 'f--~'C/;-~ ~. .~~~,@-~ .. ~31 : ~r5 ~ l' ~LI.f /~ ~JI-~ ~~=~~ ~.11~" ~ .- / '1~ '" ~ . - C-(:~~;V Petitio:! I'agz 2. Petition to DrohilJi-c \'iayne r>i>n:mn ffiid l~or'\ki"lS P::;.n:. rla4a .Tor: reI1oviu; boulE-yard alan!} Cixtll 1'.Vc.,,"1~ for DUY))OSC 0:: blacKto'y",j 1"';/j 33-~~eure~~. ~ f-: ;::"7---- '"3 :> G~~,If} I/'~ ~- ~e AUgust 28 1984 Dear City Council ~ler.lbers: Regarding the blacktopoing of the boulevard aljoininry ~7 property I appre- ciate the auick action of the Police Denarbrent '/esterc3a" when I noticed the boulev~d ...,as being prepared for blac}:topping. Earl Johnson of our Police Department sent Officer Harley Kjos over irme.diately This is a residential area and since Hopkins Park Plaza adjoins my prop- erty I seriously object to the blacktopping of the toulevard area. Please do not allow this to h.a:rpen. I am therefore requesting that ti1e City COuncil prohiliit Wayne pb:mann of Trerront Plaza fram renoving the grassy area for blacktopping. I" I am very much interested in the IIo1Jkins' Beauti:eication program and also are In,! neighLors, In an effort to get this resolved <1uickly I would a!?preciate it i:' this could come before the City Cou..'1cil meetii'1g next Tuesday evening SepteP1ber 4. 21y rrost special thanks for the splendid coooeration of evcrvone "ester- day. 17:;~ i';eva I. F'eiler 15 6th A venue North Hopkins, t 1innesota ~- Tel.' 938-6519