0 3.
February 23, 1984
Case No: 84-06
Applicant: Oakridge Country Club
Location: 700 Oakridge Road
Reques t: 'tm~'4lt..q~t~\;~~f\~&~KR...}~!if~iill'f:;~,~,[:~~t4!Jlli~~:''f'~~''''
1. The 'applicant is'proposing to construct a new golf cart storage building. This
building would replace the 'existing building used for this purpose. This re-
quest is in conjunction with a Conditional Use Permit application.
The building would be located'basically on the same site as the present struc-
ture. The new building would be larger than the existing structure, but the
frontage along Oakridge Road would be less than present.
The setback of the building would be 4'3". The applicant is maintaining the
same setback as the present building. 427.33(2) requires that all accessory
or ancillary structures for outdoor recreation areas not .designated and owned
as a part ofa single family or two family structure or not ,owned or oper-
ated by the City of Hopkins have a sq' setback from all property lines.
The landscape. plan as prepared for' the Condi ti.ona 1 Use Permi t improvement pl an
details plantings on the east side of the proposed building to improve visabil-
i ty from the street.
5. The applicant has stated the building ,cannot 'be constructed any further to the
west as the Fire Marshal is requiring that a specific distance be maintained
between the clubhouse addition and the proposed building for fire truck access.
The appl icant has further stated that the building cannot be moved to the north-
west because of ,the location of the existing tee to the north. Thus it would
appear that the only al ternative to a variance is to reduce the si ze of the
cart storage building or the addition on the northerly side of the clubhouse.
6. 427.04(108) of the Hopkins Zoning Ordinance states that.a variance shall only
be granted because of undue hardship due to circumstances peculiar and unique
upon such parcel. The applicant states that because of the topgraphy, the
building would not be able to be constructed to meet City Fire Department and
State Public Service Requirements and comply with setback requirements.