THIS AGREEMENT, made thlS ~ day of 7"~~~, 198f.
by and between CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a non-proflt
corporatlon, flrst party herelnafter called "C1ty Center" and the
CITY OF HOPKINS, a duly organlzed and eXlst1ng mun1c1pallty, second
party herelnafter called "Clty".
Clty Center 1S a non-proflt corporatlon organlzed for
operatLon wlthln the Clty of Hopklns to promote general lmprovement
of ltS central buslness dlstrlct, encourage new commerclal lnvest-
ment, facllLtlate growth and development of eXlstlng buslnesses and
lmplement the 1981 downtown development plan and the Natlonal
Malnstreet Center Resource Team Report for Hopklns wlth the
asslstance and cooperat1on of the C1ty.
It lS the mutual deslre of the partles that C1ty Center
attaln the followlng enumerated goals:
1. Improve and expand the malnstreet organlzat1on;
11. Publlclze the Clty of Hopklns and ltS central bus1ness
dlstrlct to lncrease lnvestor developer buslness and
general publlC awareness thereln;
111. Expand the number and
actlvltles and events;
LV. ASS1st eXlstlng maJor developments and expand the
effort ln attractlng and asslstlng new and eXlstlng
lnvestments, buslnesses and developments;
v. Provlde deSign ass1stance to loan program appllcants
ln upgradlng the quallty and lmage of the central
bus1ness distrlct;
Vl. Improve downtown Hopklns;
Vli. Utlllze the Nat10nal MaInstreet Tedm Report as a gU1de
for malnstreet CIty Center Development CorpOratlon
The mutual goals hereln expressed by the part1es together
wLth the enumerated obJectlves In Exhlblt A WhlCh IS made a part
hereof can more efflclently be pursued and atta1ned wlth the
flnanclal asslstance of the Clty.
Both partles to thlS Agreement agree the attalnment of the
goals and obJectlves contalned hereln are Ln the publlC good and
serve the best Lnterests of the Clty'S responslbllltles to ltS
In conslderatlon of the mutual beneflts each of the partIes
to tnls Agreement wlll attaIn ln serVlce to the publlC welfare and
betterment of the Clty and for the cltlzens and users of ltS
facllltles, the partles agree as follows:
I. In addltlon to the actlvitles contemplated ln attalnlng
ltS goals and obJectlves as expressed hereln and ln Exhlblt A, Clty
Center shall perform the functlons and serVlces outllned below for
a term of one year from and after the date of thlS Agreement.
a. CompIle and malntaln lnformatlon on downtown
structures, houslng and bUlsness actIvltles lncludlng
key features, Slze and occupancy.
b. SOllClt sale of and development for bUlldlng sltes,
structures and premlses acqulred by the Clty or
deslgnated by them from tlme to tlme.
c. Inltlate as well as coordlnate merchant partlclpatlon
ln the lmprovement of the Clty parklng facllltles.
d. Monthly prepare, publlSh and dlssemlnate a quarterly
newsletter of at least 300 caples to property owners,
merchants and resldents ln the communlty.
e. Prepare and dIstrlbute a bruchure prumotlng the
downtown redevelopment dlstrlct and fOllow-up w1th
prumpt attentlon and aSs1stance lnqulres generated by
such lnEurmatlon.
f. Collect and dlstrlbute Informatlon on Elnanclal
asslstance programs to encourage and asslst In the
acqulSltlon, constructlon, rehabllLtatLon and
maintenance of real estate ln the downtown busLness
dlstrlct and pursuant to the goals and obJectlves of
the Downtown Development Plan and the NatLonal
Malnstreet Center Resource Team Report.
g. Inltlate actlons and programs Ear lmplementatlon and
achLevement of the goals and obJectlves outllned ln the
downtown development plan and maLnstreet proJect
Includlng WLthout Ilmltatlon:
1. Promotlon of new development and buslness Ln the
central buslness dlstrlct from both wlthln 'and
outslde the CLty of Hopklns;
2. SOllCLt lnvestor lnterest ln and proposals for
proJects and developments;
3. Identlfy opportunltles to revLtallze the central
busLness dlstrlct ln keepLng wlth the gUldellnes
expressed wlthln the Downtown Development Plan.
h. Determlne the feaslblllty of conductlng semLnars and
workshops to acqualnt Clty of Hopklns owners and
merchants ln real estate lnvestments, buslness, leas Lng
and locatlon programs and lssues.
1. Formatlon of a buslness recrultment team as speclfled
and provlded for ln the Natlonal Malnstreet Resource
Team Report.
Clty Center shall furnlsh to the CLty of Hopklns or Lts
representatLves perLodlc reports concernIng LtS progress ln the
performance of the functLons and serVlces outlIned ln Paragraph I
and as dlrected by the CIty from tlme to tlme.
3. The Hopklns Ma1nstreet and Clty Center budget Eur the
year 1984-1985 heretofore subm1tted to and rev1ewed by the C1ty lS
hereby made a part of thlS Agreement by reference and marked
Exhlblt B.
4. 'rhe Clty shall pay Clty Center for the serV1ces to be
rendered the sum of $118,901.00 payable ln 12 equal consecutlve
monthly lnstallments on the flrst day of each month commenclng
October 1, 1984 and for a perIod of l2 consecutlve months there-
a f te r .
5. CLty Center shall submlt reports to the Clty Councll
from tlme to tLme outllnlng Ln detall the manner, method and
procedure for achLevement of the obJectIves In attaInlng the
outllned goals for reVlew and dLScussLon by the partLes to thiS
6. Clty Center shall furnLsh to the CLty of Hopklns In the
12th month of thLS Agreement a fLnancLal statement reflectIng
specLflc use and dlSposltlon of the payments receLved hereunder.
7. Unless otherwlse renewed by the Clty by wrltten notlce
thereof furnlshed to CLty Center 30 days prior to September 30,
1985, thlS Agreement shall termLnate on October I, 1985 ln all
respects and all partles shall be released from the obllgatlons
undertaken hereln.
8. The partles do not lntend nor shall the terms of thLS
Agreement be construed to be a contract of employment or otherwlse
create an employee relatlonshlp between the partles or theLr
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partles have hereunto set theIr
hands the day and year f1rst above wrltten.
Its Mayor