WASTE TAX r" CITY OF HORINS SOLID WASTE TONNAGE FOR MAY - NOVEMBER '!!' 1984 TONBAGE TU ON Em ( POUNDS) LOADS CUBIC YARDS - !By 25 - June 25, 1984 975,460# 85 $ 1,683.00 July 25 - Aug. 25, 1984 850,520# 1,275 71 1,405.80 Aug. 25 - Sept. 25, 1984 917,720# 1,376 83 1,6431140 Sept. 25 - Oct. 25, 1984 873,120# 1,309 79 1,564.00 . Oct. 25 - Nov. 25, 1984 723,380{/ 1,085.00 76 1,504.00 As you can see, the tax based on a "weight" basis is as much as $300.00 per month less than on a cubic yard basis. I would ~ees it is because we don't always dump a "full 11 truck load and beoause there are timea when bulky items fill up the truck but do not weigh much. ' , \ Waste Technol 9Y Inc. 4 1 0 - 11th Ave So. Hopkms, Mmn 55343 Phone (612) 935.6921 Automated Refuse VAV/lF INC. CollectIon Systems Oi ty of Hopkins Ci ty Htl.ll 1010 s. 1st Jtreet Hopkins, ;:!J.m18sota 55343 January 4, 1985 Attn: ;tt. thll Cra~g - City Manager Mr. Bob Miller - Mayor RE: r~ve-Year Refuse Collection Contract Gentlemen. Effective January 1, 1985, there is one (1) year remaining on the City's colleotion contract. At this time, we ?'ould like to request a five (5) month extension to run froM January, 1986 to May 31, 1986 as discussed with the City's etaff baok in 1981. The membership of the Council has ohanged somewhat since then, but most of the members are probably aware of the contractunl proble~B we had at the beginning. The contract was bid and nwarded on a basis of approximately 3,510 homes for collection. It wasn't until the second month of the contract that we were informed that there, unfortunately, were about 700 fewer homes. This caused a considerable amount of anguish on our ~'Rrt as well as a sever financial problem. It neoessitated restructing our f~nancial loans from First Bank of Hop~ns to First t~icipal Leasine Corporation and extending the f~nanc~ng five (5) months since our monthly income was cut by about ~3,500.oo. I have attached a copy of R letter from ~T. Bill Craig disoussing and recocrmenrting this extension. ~ Our attorneys advised us at the time that we would have been justified in taking legal nction to force conpliance with the contract terms. We felt that was a rather extreme measure at the time and we proposed various a1ternat~ves to help us recoup the lost income. All these alternatives were rejected over a four (4) or five (5) month period of time and so we made th best of a bad s~tuat~on and stuck it out. We feel we did the honorable thing at the time and as a result were put under considerable presRure to perforo on our "part of the contract". Over the last three 0) years, !!& the changes requested by Council have been implemented by us. ~e now feel it is the City's turn to help in a small way by extending the contract for the time requested and allowing us to finish ~~th at least o~ skin intact. Thank you, and I'm willing to discuss this or any other item with you or the other members of th~ Council in person. ~U(.dg me. S~noerely, f8!y