day of
19 , by and between the CITY OF HOPKINS, a munlclpal corporatlon
(called "Clty") and HOPKINS PROJECT, INC., a non-proflt corporatlon
(called "ProJect") and
WHEREAS, the Clty In malntenance of law and order wIthIn
Its boundarIes experIences a conslderable amount of domestIc
dIsturbances; and
WHEREAS, the pollce department of saId CIty has observed
tradltlonal methods of enforcement do not deter the recurrIng
IncIdences of such dIsturbances; and
WHEREAS, It IS the mutual Intent of the partles hereto to
reduce InCIdences and severIty of domestIc assaults In HopkIns; and
WHEREAS, It IS recognIzed that effectIve counselIng IS a
needed supplement to standard polIce law enforcement.
NOW THEREFORE, the partIes hereby agree as follows:
1. ProJect shall provIde the followIng serVIces In each
Instance of a domestIc dlsturbance referred to It by the polIce
department of the CIty:
a. ImmedIate crISIS Interventlon advocacy (IncludIng
accompanIment, support, referral and Informatlon) wIth
vIctIm and assaIlant.
b. ContInuous follow-up on each arrest case untIl crlmlnal
JustIce systems Involvement has been termInated wIth vlctlm
and assallant.
c. Fallow-up on non-arrest cases wIth vlctlm and assaIlant.
d. RecruIt, traln
e. Malntaln reportlng on dISposItIon of each case to pollce
and/or CIty Attorney.
f. ASSISt vlctlm In fIndIng safe houslng and advocacy serVlce
If requested.
g. Coordlnate and provlde tralnlng of partlclpatlng agenCles.
h. CoordInate communIcatIon among partIcIpatIng agencIes.
2. ProJect agrees to document and record the varIOUS
serVIces performed as outllned In Paragraph 1 and furnlsh reports
to the CIty In the fOllowIng manner:
a. An unaudIted flnanclal statement concernIng the fIrst SIX
months of the contract term, and an audlted finanClal
statement coverIng the entIre contract year, both to be
provIded wIthIn a reasonable tIme after the end of that
fInancIal perIod.
b. Program statIstIcs regardIng serVIces provIded to vlctlms
and assaIlants, to be tabulated after SIX months and after
the end of the contract year, delIvered to the CIty on a
tImely basis.
3. That In compensatIon for the serVIces enumerated In
Paragraphs 1 and 2, Clty shall provIde the sum of Elght Thousand
NIne Hundred ThIrty-eIght Dollars ($8,938.00) payable In four equal
Installments of Two Thousand Two Hundred ThIrty-four and 50/100
Dollars ($2,234.50) each.
Each payment shall be payable to the
ProJect durIng the fIrst month of each calendar quarter of the
contract year except the thlrd payment shall not be dIsbursed untll
the SIxth month report lIsted In Paragraph 2 are furnlshed to the
4. The calendar year and term of thIS Agreement shall be
January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985.
5. The partIes do not Intend nor shall the terms of thIS
Agreement be construed to be a contract of employment or otherWIse
create an employee relatlonshlp between the partles or thelr
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partIes have hereunto set thelr
hands the day and year flrst above wrItten.
Robert F. MIller, Mayor
WIllIam P. CraIg, CIty Manager
State of MInnesota)
) ss
County of Hennepln)
On th IS day of , 19 , before
me a notary publlC wlthln and for saId County personal~ppeared
Robert F. MIller and Wllllam C. CraIg to me personally known, who,
beIng each by me duly sworn dld say that they are respectlvely the
Mayor and the CIty Manager of Clty of HopkIns the munlClpal
corporatIon In the foregoIng Instrument and that saId Instrument
was sIgned In behalf of saId munlClpal corporatlon.
Notary PublIC