RESOLUTION 85-3179 \ CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 85-3179 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE CONTROL DATA BUSINESS ADVISORS, INC. JOINT COMPARABLE WORTH STUDY WHEREAS, Mlnnesota Statutes 471.991 enacted In 1984 requlres all polltlcal subdlvlslons In the State to establlsh equltable compensatlon relatlonshlps among ltS employees; and WHEREAS, The Metropolltan Area Management Assoclatlon, the Coalltlon of Outstate Cltles, the Mlnnesota Munlclpal Utllltles Assoclatlon and other related publlc Jurlsdlctlons deslre to meet the requlrements of the law through a jOlnt Job evaluatlon study; and -. WHEREAS, The Metropolltan Area Management Assoclatlon In consultatlon wlth representatlves of outs tate cltles and after meetlng and conferlng wlth representatlves of organJzed labor screened and selected Control Data Buslness Advlsors, Inc. as the consultant to perform the study; and WHEREAS, The cost of the study lS to be divlded among the partlclpatlng Jurlsdlcltons In the followlng manner; Each entlty wlll pay a base charge of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) and a char~e per employee of Thlrty-flve Dollars ($35.00) per person. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Councll of the Clty of Hopklns that It hereby approves partlclpatlon of the Clty In the JOlnt Comparable Worth Study to be conducted by Control Data Buslness Advlsors, Inc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sum of $6,315.00 based on the above speclfled formula be transmltted to the Clty of Golden Valley, Mlnnesota whlch Clty has offered to serve as the flscal agent. Passed and adopted by the Councll of the Cl ty of Hopklns, Mlnnesota, thls 15th day of January, 1985. J. SCOTT RENNE City Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER Mayor JERRE A. MILLER, Clty Attorney ~.