MINUTES A regular meetlng of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Hopklns, Mlnnesota was held on Tuesday, February 5, 1985 In the Councll Chambers of the Clty Hall, at 7:30 p.m. Present were Mayor Mlller, Councllmembers, Mllbert, Lavln, Anderson and Shlrley. .AISO present were Clty Manager, Cralg; Clty Englneer, StroJan; Clty Clerk, Renne; Asslstant Clty Englneer, Anderson; PubllC Works Operatlons Dlrector, Beecher; Admlnlstratlve Asslstant, Gennellle; Communlty Development Analyst, Nancy Anderson and Clty Attorney Jerre Mlller. MINUTES: Mlnutes of the January 15, 1985 meetlng. ACTION: Mr. Mllbert moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motlon to approve the mlnutes. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. After the vote was taken, Mr. Shlrley pOlnted out that he had abstalned on the vote concernlng Items 84-140 and 84-141, and wanted the mlnutes changed to reflect thlS change. Then, Mrs. Lavln moved and Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon to approve the amended mlnutes. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. LICENSES: Mr. Mllbert moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motlon to approve the mlscellaneous 1985 llcenses (see IlSt) A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. BILLS: Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon to approve and authorlze payment of the expendltures, dated 2/5/85, Prellst #707 In the amount of $207,065.25. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. BIDS: Tabulation of blds for labor and materlals necessary for furnlshlng and lnstalllng a 7~ ton crane system. ACTION: Mrs. Lavln moved and Mr. Mllbert seconded the motlon to accept the recommendatlon of the Englneerlng and Operatlons Dlrectors to award the contract to Alltech Englneerlng Corporatlon In the amount of $48,300. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye;Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr.Mllbert, Aye Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanl- mously. e Item 84-140 Ordlnance # 85-545 "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT PART OF ORDINANC 82-503 PERTAINING TO THE LICENSING AND REGULATING OF SWIMMING POOLS AND HOT TUBS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS" ACTION: Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Mllbert seconded the motlon to approve the Ordlnance for flrst readlng. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Item 84-141 Ordlnance #85-546 "AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING INSPECTION AND ISSUANCE OF CERTIFCATES OF OCCUPANCY UPON CHANGE IN USE OR OCCUPANCY OF COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES." ACTION: Mr. Mllbert moved and Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon to approve the Ordlnance for flrst readlng. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. page 2 " Mlnutes of the February 5, 1985 Councll Meetlng" . I tern 85-8 ACTION: Waste Technology request for Clty to pay landflll abatement tax / / , Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon to grant the request and lncrease garbage dlsposal rate to homeowners by 40~ a month, and reVlew the charge In June. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Item 85-9 11th Avenue South brldge englneerlng contract wlth Bakke, Kopp, Ballou and McFarlln, Inc. ACTION: Mrs. Lavln moved and Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon to approve the contract as amended and authorlze the Mayor & Manager to slgn. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Item 85-13 An AGREEMENT between the Cl ty of Mlnnetonka and the Cl ty of Hopklns to provlde for a JOlnt Recreatlon program. ACTION: Mr. Mllbert moved and Mrs. Lavln seconded the motlon to contlnue thlS ltem to the February 19th meetlng and asked the Clty Manager to contlnue negotlatlons. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Item 85-17 Pull Tab and 3.2 beer llcense requested by the Church of St. John the Evangellst for Saturday, February 16, 1985 from 8 p.m. untll 1 a.m. ACTION: Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon to approve the llcense request. A poll of the vote was as follows; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Item 85-18 Recommendatlon by Zonlng and plannlng to approve a Condltlonal Use Permlt to construct a 10' fence at 312 Wllshlre Walk. ACTION: Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. S h 1 rl ey seconded the mo tlon to accept the Z & P recommendatlon and approve the Condltlonal Use Permlt. . Item 85-19 Lease between Clty and Dr. Blake for publlC parklng In Lot 26 & that part of Lot 27, lYlng East of a Ilne drawn __,arallel to and dlstant 80 feet East of the West Ilne thereof, all In Block 4, West Mlnneapolls. ACTION: Mr. Mllbert moved and Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon to authorlze the mayor and manager to slgn the lease. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Item 85-20 Recommendatlon by the Park Board Hopklns Unlted Methodlst Church Downtown Park. to approve a to place a request by the plaque In the ACTION: Mr. Shlrley moved and Mr. Mllbert seconded the motlon to approve the Park Boards recommendatlon to allow the Hopklns Unlted Methodlst Church to lnstall a commemoratlve plaque In the Hopklns Downtown Park, at thelr expense, subject to the condltlons lncluded In the staff report. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. page 3 "Mlnutes of the February 5, 1985 Councll Meetlng" Item 85-21 HMEA wage contract for 1985 ACTION: Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Mllbert seconded the motlon to approve the contract wlth the HMEA for 1985. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carr led unanlmously. . Item 85-22 1985 Munlclpal Caucus leglslatlve pollcles ACTION: Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Mllbert seconded the motlon to approve the leglslatlve pollcles as presented In attached memo. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Item 85-23 Englneers report on alley (north-south) west of 8th Avenue south of Excelslor. ACTION: Mr. Mllbert moved and Mrs. LaVln seconded the motlon to adopt Resolutlon 85-3180 settlng a hearlng for the last meetlng In Aprll (Aprll 16). A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Item 85-24 Englneers Report - Bank stablllzatlon, Nlne Mlle Creek ACTION: Mr. Anderson moved and Mrs. Lavln seconded the motlon to adopt Resolutlon 85-3181 orderlng In the rlprapplng of the banks of 9-Mlle Creek, Just east of lIth Avenue. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Item 85-25 Englneers Report of trafflc regulatlon near Burger Klng ACTION: Mr. Anderson moved to approve the recommendatlon of the pollce and Englneerlng department to post NO PARKING ANYTIME slgns on the north slde of Excelslor Avenue WhlCh would extend from the alleyway near the Hopklns theatre to the east most part of the Burger Klng parklng lot. Post NO PARKING ANYTIME signs on the south slde of Excelslor avenue startlng at the drlveway leadlng to the Hance Dlstrlbutlng Center to the east slde of the eXlt drlve of the Hopklns Car Care Center. In addltlon, three (3) NO LEFT TURN BETWEEN II A.M. and 1 PM. slgns would be placed at the eXlt drlveway of the Hopklns Car Care Center; one at the eXlt drlveway of the drlve up wlndow for the Burger Klng Restaurant and also at the eXlt drlveway of the large Burger Klng Restaurant south parklng lot. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. . Item 85-26 Ordlnance # 84-542 "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING HOPKINS ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 427 PERTAINING TO SIGNS". ACTION: Mr. Mllbert moved and Mrs. Lavln seconded the motlon to approve the Ordlnance for second readlng and order publlshed. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Nay; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled.. Item 85-27 Commerclal Rehab Loan POI1CY ACTION: Mrs. Lavln moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motlon to refer thlS ltem to the HRA Board. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Page 4 "Mlnutes of the February 5, 1985 Councll Meetlng" DISCUSSION: Industrlal Development Bond "Trade" POllCY for 1985 wrlte to the Councll lnstructed the Clty Manager to/ Clty of Apple Valley lnformlng them that the Clty of Hopklns lntends to use thelr full IRB entltlement. . DISCUSSION: Insurance Revlew The Councll lnstructed lnsurance pollcles held adequate, etc. the by Clty Attorney to the Clty to see reVlew lf they all are The Coupcll declded to lnVl te the Rogers Cable televlslon attorneys to meet wlth them at 6 p.m. on February 19 and also the lnvlte the School dlstrlct representatlves & Ralph Campbell. On March 5 the Councll wlll meet wlth Hugh Strawn, Flre Chlef,at 6 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Lavln moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motlon to adJourn the meetlng at 10:30 p.m. The motlon carrled. ATTEST: S2Jl:Um Robert F. Mlller, Mayor Respectfully submltted, r, ~/} .. )~ )r .ub-u-L :Jean Kaedlng, S6cy. f!.... }, ~4 · fJ:rt:: ~1!::!:t e