LEASE BETWEEN DR. BLAKE LEASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made thIS day of 1984, by and between ALLAN J. BLAKE, RUTH BLAKE, PETER BLAKE, THOMAS BLAKE, JOHN BLAKE AND STEPHEN BLAKE, of the CIty of HopkIns, County of HennepIn, Party of the FIrst Part, hereInafter called Lessors, and the CITY OF HOPKINS, a munIcIpal corporatIon, Party of the Second Part, hereInafter called the Lessee, WITNESSETH: That the Lessors In consIderatIon of the rents and covenants hereInafter mentIoned, do hereby demIse, lease and let unto the Lessee, CIty of HopkIns, and the Lessee does hereby hIre and take from the Lessors the fOllowIng descrIbed premIses sItuated In the CIty of HopkIns, County of HennepIn, State of MInnesota, to WIt: All of Lot 26 and that part of Lot 27, lYIng East of a lIne drawn parallel to and dIstant 80 feet East of the West lIne thereof, all In Block 4, West MInneapolIs TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the saId premIses Just as they are WIthout any lIabIlIty or oblIgatIon on the part of the Lessors of makIng any alteratIons, Improvements, or repaIrs of any kInd on or about saId premIses for the term of ten (10) years from November 1, 1984, for the purpose of a publIC parkIng lot or area, YIeldIng and paYIng therefor the rental of One Dollar ($1.00) per year. That the saId Lessee will at ItS own expense maIntaIn saId premIses durIng the full term of thIS Lease IncludIng any extenSIon thereof and WIll In addItIon to the rent hereInabove prOVIded, pay all specIal assessments for sIdewalk, curb, gutter, street Improve- ments, ornamental lIghtIng, as well as sewer and water, If any, affectIng or pertaInIng to that portIon of the above premIses here- Inafter leased, It beIng understood that the Lessors wIll pay the general tax coverIng such premIses, only. The CIty agrees to reserve for exclusIve use of Lessors upon the premIses suffICIent space to provIde parkIng for eIght (8) automobIles. The Lessee wIll keep and maIntaIn the saId premIses durIng the aforesaId term, and qUIt and delIver up the saId premIses to the Lessors peaceably and qUIetly at the end of the aforesaId term, In as good order and condItIon and state of repaIr, reasonable use and wearIng thereof and IneVItable aCCIdents excepted, as the same now are or may be put Into by saId Lessors or saId Lessee. That saId Lessee WIll put and keep saId premIses contInually In a neat, clean and respectable condItIon, and WIll also keep the SIdewalks adJOInIng saId premIses cleared of Ice and snow, or other obstructIons or obJectlonable thIngs, also all ashes, garbage and refuse, of any klnd to be removed at Lessee's expense. SaId Lessee wlll not make or suffer any waste thereon or thereof, and WIll not aSSIgn or underlet saId premIses or any part thereof WIthout the consent of Lessors, wrItten and sIgned on the back of thIS Lease. Lessee WIll not use saId premIses, nor any part thereof, for any purpose called extra hazardous by Insurance companIes. Should the Lessors or, In the event of theIr deaths, theIr heIrs, representatIves, aSSIgns or co-owners of the property deSIre to termInate saId Lease, Lessee WIll upon wrItten demand WIth thIrty days notIce, relInquIsh the premIses from the operatIon of thIS Lease, wIth the understandIng that such relInquIshment relIeves the Lessee of Its covenants and agreements pertaInIng thereto. Should any term, condItIon, or covenant of thIS Lease be vIolated or neglected, Lessors shall gIve Lessee wrItten notIce to correct such vIolatIon or neglect wIthIn fIve workIng days. Should such correctIons not be made In the stated tIme, Lessee does hereby authorIze Lessors to cancel and annul thIS Lease at once and to re-enter and take full possess Lon of the premLses. AND IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED between the partLes to thIS Lease that If the partLes are mutually satIsfIed wLth the Lease at Its tIme of termLnatLon, It may be contInued on a year-to-year basLs, under the same terms and condItIons as above, wIthout formal amendment of thLS Lease. AND IT FURTHER AGREES, that all the covenants, terms and condItIons of thIS Lease shall extend, apply to, and fIrmly bInd the heIrs, executors, admInIstrators, successors, and assIgns of the respectIve partIes hereto as fully as the respectIve partLes are themselves bound. LESSORS LESSEE CIty of HopkIns a munIcIpal corporatIon {lA-{/>--- ~"' Allan J. Blakeu v J j-- by Its (~ .;h/.t3 ~ ". Ruth Blake by ;L/I~~- Peter Bla ItS ~ ;j J J. r 7dnfz4 /){;tbJ: Thomas Blake I / I" "~'/'" I,v' Joh,n' Blake , /-;>// .,,\~ ~ ~' , I .. I... ~~/ (. Stephen Blake /, . / /. .' 'i.; /r k! 1.