PLAQUE IN DOWNTOWN PARK HOPKINS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 717 Highway 7, Hopkins, MN 55343' Area 612 938-8300 PASTORS REV DONALD UTZMAN REV SUSAN ADAMS · TREMBATH December 20, 1984 ,",ONORING OUR HERITAGE D~ck W~lson Hopk~ns-M~nnetonka Recreation Dept. 14600 M~nnetonka Blvd. M~nnetonka; MN 55343 Dear Mr. Wilson: Th~ members of Hopk~ns United Methodist Church, as part of their Centennial Celebrat1on, would like to place a placque 1n Downtown Park, Hopk~ns. This is the original site of the Hopkins Method1st Church, built 1n 1889 and used unt11 1954 when the congregation moved to its present location on H~ghway 7. There 1S a poss1b~lity of a picnic/unve~ling of the placque on July 21, 1985, if everything qoes as planned. Members of the Centennial Committee have 1nspected the park and con- cluded that the s1rnplest way would be to place a rock about 10-15 feet west of the 9th Street entrance. (There's a space in the shrubbery bed.) The placque, which would read someth~nq like "Origina,.l Site of Hopkins Un~ted Methodist Church 1889-1954" would be placed on this rock. John Fink, chairman of our Board of Trustees, has covered this infor- mation with you and he will be attend1ng the January Park Board meetinq to answer any questions you might have concerninq this spec1al request. The Methodist Church was one of the p1llars of the Hopk~ns commun1ty when the town was Just beg1nn~ng its growth, and it seems appropriate that th1s original site be recoqn1zed during our 100-year celebration. Thank you for your consideration. Hopkins United Methodist Church Centennial Committee Joan Berry, Chairperson (938-7004) ""4i vl...it DATE: January 28, 1985 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council THROUGH: SUBJECT: William Craig, City Manager Richard Wilson, Recreation and Parks Director Jf~ Hopkins United Methodist Church Plaque in Downtown Park FROM: The Hopkins United Methodist Church is now celebrating their cen- tennlal. They have brought to our attention that the original site of their church was on a portion of what is now Hopkins Downtown Park. The attached letter explains this, and details their request to place a plaque in the park, acknowledging this part of theirs and Hopkins' history. '> The above noted request was presented to the Hopkins Park Board at its meeting of January 21, 1985. Mr. John Fink, Chairman of the Church Board of Trustees, was in attendance to further describe their intent and answer questions. Following that discussion, the Park Board voted to recommend that the City Council approve the Hopkins United Methodist Church request. Conditions agreed to by Mr. Fink were: 1. That the plaque be of a size, material, etc., similar to the plaque commemorating Jennie Arimond. 2. That the plaque be placed on a rock similar in size, etc., to the current rock with a plaque on it, subJect to the approval of the Park Director. 3. That the wording of the plaque be as proposed in the December 20, 1984 letter from the Church Centennial Committee. Based on the foregoing information, it is recommended that the City Council, at its meeting of February 5, 1985, adopt the following motion: ~. That the Hopkins United Methodist Church be allowed, at their expense, to install a commemorative plaque in the Hopkins Downtown Park, subject to the conditions included in the staff report. RLW:ph