UPGRADING N. SERVICE RD. ~<~ o <0 *~. cft) ~ 01: T9.~~ Minnesota Department of Transportation District Five 5801 Duluth Street Golden valley, Minnesota 55422 (612) 545-3761 · December 5, 1983 Mr. John Strojan Director of Public Works City of Hopkins 1010 South First Street Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 Re : S . P. 2 706 -141 (T. H . 7) At CSAH 73 in Hopkins Dear Mr. Strojan: The above referenced project consists of the grading and. surfacing of a frontage road and right turn lane at CSAH 73 and some signal revisions to the inplace system at that intersection. The project is scheduled for a March 23, 1984 letting. As we recently discussed, there will be some cost participation by the City in this project. Cost participation items include curb and gutter on the outside of the frontage road and two catch basins and leads which are in that curb line. It is estimated that the total cost to the City for their share of the project will be about $9,400. A Cooperative Agreement will be prepared by our Central Office, and a more detailed cost breakdown will be furnished to you later. If the City desires to use State Aid funds for their cost of the project, please contact C. E. Weichselbaum, District State Aid Engineer at your earliest convenience. As we discussed, the City will relocate the two hydrants.and provide adjustment of the two water valve boxes ~ithin the limits of this project. Iwillnotify our construction personnel so that coordination can be provided during construction. It is also the responsibility of the City to pay for this work. If you have any questions about the project or need anything further, please give me a call. Sincerely, .I: (!." ~ 'Gl~04'rc'. Ell is, P. E. District Final Design Engineer An Equal Opportunity Employer ~@ :0 rO o ~\~ {(t) Minnesota Department of Transr)ortation District Five 5801 Duluth Street Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 July 28, 1983 (612) 545-3761 Mr. John J. Strojan Hopkins City Engineer 1010 South 1st Street Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 Re: SP 2706-138 TH 7 Construction of right turn lane and frontage road improvements at CSAH 73 Dear Mr. Strojan: Attached for your information are two copies of Layout #1 for the above referenced project. This proj ect is scheduled fC;:>l;' a March 1984. letting with construction to be completed during the, 1984 construction season. Upon completion of this project Mn/noT will be releasing the. frontage road on the north side of TH 7 to the jurisdiction of the City of Hopkins. The frontage road termini to be released is from CSAH 73 to approximately 100 feet west of CSAH 18. Approximately 600 feet of new concrete curb and gutter (B624) will be installed on the north side of the frontage road. This curb and gutter cos t will 'be the respons ibili ty of the City of Hopkins. Municipal State Aid (MSA) funds may be used if desired by the City and. approved through the State-Aid process. AllState Aid inquiries should be c:lirected to Mr. Chuck Weichselbaum at 545-3761 ext. 128. If you have any non-state aid questions concerning this project, please feel free to call me at 545-3761 ext. 150. ~fY Gregory M. Felt, P.E. Proj ect Manager GMF:bn An Equal Opportunity Employer ~@ "