HR LOAN GRANT e MEMO TO : HOPt INS CITY COUNCIL FROM HOPt INS MAIN STREET I e....'l n l.od e DATE : 1I:'l/8~ 51 )RJ ECT : COMMERC I AL FiEHAB LOAN PROGR{~M POL I C ,I The Hop~lns Mdln Street organl=atlon would ll~e to propose an addItIon to the publIc polIcy gUldlng the use of the CommercIal rehi:\b loan program. The !?;~lstlng proe;Jram reguldtlons specify that the city will finance half the cost of approved permanent Improvements. We propose that under certaln circumstances the city should consider providing a loan for more than 50% of the total permanent cost of a project. IntroductIon of thiS pOJlCY would strengthen the loan program"s effectlveness as R tool to encourage quality development and prlvale Investment for the benefit of downtown and the communIty at l~rge. SpeCIfically we propose the following: The Hop~lns CIty CounCil shall conSider on a case by case bas]s grantIng a loan under the Commercial Rehab Loan Program of more than 50% of the total permanent costs under the following conditions. I.The proposed proj!?ct must Include substantial publlC beneflt. :2 n An arlaJ ',/51 s of the tR)~ 1 ncr-emeflt generRted by the proposed project must 1ndlcate that suffiCIent funds w111 be ~enerated to cover the total publlc subS1dy 1 ncurr ed by ITldl 1 nq thE' loan. ~ . :'.Addlt1onal pr1vRte 1nvestment wlII be spawned by the 1mplementdt1on of the proposed project. 4.The project must demonstrate the hlgest standards of the Malnstreet Deslgn qU1de11nes and be conslstant with the downtown development goals. 5.1n addlt10n to the standRrd loan program forms and legal documents. a separate deveJopment Rqreement between the city and the loan applicant shall be drafted to cover dny and all conditIons which the applicant must meet for approval of theIr loan.