ORDIANCE 85-547 CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ~- ORDINANCE NO. 85-547 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING GARBAGE RATES FOR 1985 AND AMENDING SECTION 1030:35 OF THE 1977 HOPKINS CODE OF ORDINANCES WHEREAS, The State of Mlnnesota has levled a new and substantlal tax upon the dellvery of garbage to landfllls, and WHEREAS, Thls tax was not contemplated by elther party at the tlme the ongolng garbage collectlons and dlsposal contract was slgned, and WHEREAS, The Clty Councll agreed on February 5, 1985, to pay the tax as bllled, BE IT ORDAINED by the Councll of the Clty of Hopklns as follows: 1. That Sectlon 1030:35, Subdlvlslon (c) of the 1977 Code of Ordlnances as amended by Hopklns Ordlnance 80-484, and 82-520, lS hereby amended as follows: Hopklns 80-474, (c) CHARGES FOR COLLECTION BY CITY: The followlng charges for the followlng serVlces performed by the Clty shall be charged by and pald to the Clty upon bllllng therefor as follows: SINGLE FAMILY AND MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNITS, AND TRAILER COURT $7.40 per month per unlt $5.75 per month additlonal for In-yard plck up serVlce. II. That the eXlstlng charge for the above locatlons serVlces as contalned In Hopklns Ordlnance 82-520, confllct herewlth, are hereby repealed. and In III. EFFECTIVE DATE: The provlslons of thls Ordlnance shall take effect and be In force In connectlon wlth all bllllng rendered hereunder from and after Aprll 1, 1985. Flrst read at a regular meetlng of Hopklns held on February 19, 1985, adopted and ordered publlshed at Councll of sald Cl ty on March 5, 1985. the Councll of the Cl ty of and f lnally read, approved, a regular meetlng of sald J. SCOTT RENNE Clty Clerk ~1J;/~@A ~OBERT F. MILLER Mayor JERRE A. MILLER Clty Attorney .