RESOLUTION 85-3182 ~. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepln County, Mlnnesota RESOLUTION NO. 85-3182 RESOLUTION URGING HENNEPIN COUNTY TO REPLACE THE EXISTING CULVERT ON MINNEHAHA CREEK AT C.S.A.H. #73 DURING 1985 as follows: BE IT RESOLVED by the Clty Councll of the Clty of Hopklns, Mlnnesota, Sectlon 1. Background 1.01. Mlnnehaha Creek lS a great recreatlonal asset to all of Hennepin County. 1.02 . 1.03 The eXlstlng culvert whlch conveys Mlnnehaha Creek under C.S.A.H. #73 has settled to the pOlnt where It lS lmposslble for any type of conveyance to navlgate that sectlon of the creek and canoelsts must portage around the current obstructlon, whlch can be hazardous for the canoelsts. The approved 1985-1989 Hennepln County Capltal Improvement Program shows that thls culvert lS proposed to be replaced In 1985. 2.01. Sectlon 2. Concluslons, Petltlon 2.02. ~ pted by the Clty Councll ~5. J. SCOTT RENNE Clty Clerk JERRE A. Mlller Clty Attorney . The replacement of the eXlstlng culvert conveYlng Mlnnehaha Creek under C.S.A.H. # 73 wlth a structure of sufflclent Slze to allow canoelsts safe passage lS a very deslrable undertaklng that wlll make the use of Mlnnehaha Creek a much more enjoyable experlence for all partles concerned. The Clty of Hopklns hereby petltlons the Hennepln County Board of Commlssloners to expedlte the reconstructlon of the structure to convey Mlnnehaha Creek under C.S.A.H. #73 and authorlze the actual constructlon for 1985. of the Clty of Hopklns, Mlnnesota on thls 19th day of February ROBERT F. Mlller Mayor