RESOLUTION 85-3184 .... . . . CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepln County, Mlnnesota RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-3184 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO CHAPTER 349 OF MINNESOTA STATUTE RELATING TO LAWFUL GAMBLING AND THE CREATION OF A STATE CHARITABLE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD R E C I TAL S : a. The State of Mlnnesota amended Chapter 349 of Mlnnesota Statutes In Aprll 1984 relatlng to lawful gambllng by creatlng a statewlde charltable gambllng control board to regulate and llcense gambllng actlvltles. b. The effectlve date upon whlch the charltable gambllng control board assumes such responslblllty is March 1, 1985. c. Chapter 349 allows the Clty of Hopklns to adopt more strlngent regulatlon of lawful gambllng wlthln lts Jurlsdlctlon and to adopt resolutlons dlsapprovlng lssuance or renewal of such llcenses. d. The Clty of Hopklns has heretofore lssued certaln blngo and gambllng llcenses to fraternal and rellglous assoclatlons. e. The Clty of Hopklns has recelved appllcatlons for llcenses through the Mlnnesota charltable gambllng control board appllcatlon process. contlnue approval renewals THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Clty of Hopklns for a perlod of nlnety (90)days ltS conslderatlon of upon all appllcatlons for such llcenses other than of eXlstlng llcenses heretofore lssued by the Clty. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That thls matter be referred to the Clty Clerk and Clty attorney for a report on the lmpact of the statute and promulgate procedures for addresslng and lmplementlng present and future appllcatlons. Passed and adopted by the Clty Councll of the Clty of Hopklns thlS 19th day of February, 1985. J. SCOTT RENNE Cl ty Cl erk ROBERT F. MILLER Mayor JERRE A. MILLER Clty Attorney