RECOMINDATION ~ ,/ Date: Aprll la, 1985 To: Cl ty Councll From: Hugh Strawn, Flre Chlef Regardlng: Recognltlon. I propose the Councll offlclally recognlze two cltlzens who alded In the rescue of the John Carroll famlly on January 22, 1985. The two are Fredrlck Anthony DUPU1S of Rosevllle and Steven Chrlstopher Hubbs of Plymouth. Both are employed at Zantlgo Restaurant on Cambrldge Avenue. These two men notlfled the dlspatcher of flre at 517 Hlawatha Avenue. The telephone alarm was glven to the dlspatcher In a clear VOlce. The dlrectlons were conClse. There was no confuslon or lncorrect dlrectlons. After telephonlng In the flre alarm, the two men rushed to the resldence and asslsted the three survlvlng occupants safely from the bUlldlng. Speclflcally, Mr. DUPU1S helped 16 year old Mlchelle Carroll from her bedroom wlndow. She had become stuck In the wlndow frame. ThlS actlon undoubtedly saved the woman's Ilfe. I would also llke the Clty Councll to offlclally recognlze Captaln Mlchael Zlla for savlng the Ilfe of a flre flghter. Captaln Zlla saved the Ilfe of flre flghter Scott Boyle durlng a "hot" drlll In an abandoned house on 11th Avenue South. The clamp on the low pressure alr hose of flre flghter Boyle's self contalned breathlng apparatus broke. The hose separated from the regul a to rand Boyl e s ud denly began 1 nhallng 100 percen t smoke. Captaln Zlla heard alr rushlng from Boyle's alr cyllnder and lmmedlately went to the man's ald. Zlla escorted Boyle to the front door WhlCh was Just a few feet from where the actlon occurred. The door knob came out of the door when Zlla trled to open It. Zlla then rushed Boyle back through the house to the rear door. By the tlme they reached the rear door, Boyle was beglnnlng to collapse. Zlla then carrled Boyle to the door, pushlng hlm through the door to safety. Zlla hlmself collapsed seml-conSClOUS after gettlng Boyle safely out of the house. I would also llke to clte Cllfford Roblnson, Street Superlntendent, Clty of Hopklns, for hlS asslstance In helplng the flre department wlth a house flre at the Rlchard O'Rellly resldence, 232 Madlson Clrcle South on March 5, 1985. Roblnson was lnspectlng the streets at about 3 a.m. on March 5th followlng a 17" snow fall. He smelled smoke and lnvestlgated untll he found the source at 232 Madlson Clrcle South. Roblnson radloed the dlspatcher to notlfy the flre department and then pounded on the front door untll he awakened the O'Relllys. Roblnson placed the O'Relllys In hlS car, cleared the snow from around the hydrant lmmedlately ln front of the resldence and then radloed another slze-up report to Chlef Strawn who was respondlng to the address. " When Chlef Strawn arrlved at the address, Superlntendent Roblnson lnformed hlm everyone had been removed from the house and was secure in hlS car. Durlng the flre suppresslon operatlons, the O'Relllys were able to hear all the flre department radlo trafflc. Roblnson interpreted the trafflC for the O'Relllys and explalned In de tall what the flre department was dOlng as lt extlngulshed the flre WhlCh destroyed about 50 percent of thelr attlc. I wlsh to clte Roblnson for hlS asslstance in keeplng the famlly lnformed of developments as thelr home was damaged by flre. It lS through hlS efforts that a calamltous sltuatlon was explalned and made understandable to the vlctlms of thlS tragedy. The O'Reilly famlly was most appreclatlve of Cllff's efforts and made a pOlnt of telllng me so followlng the flre. .. \ Date: Apnl la, 1985 To: Clty Councll From: Hugh Strawn, Flre Chlef Regardlng: Recognltlon. I propose the Councll offlclally recognlze two cltlzens who alded In the rescue of the John Carroll famlly on January 22, 1985. The two are Fredrlck Anthony DUPU1S of Rosevllle and Steven Chrlstopher Hubbs of Plymouth. Both are employed at Zantlgo Restaurant on Cambrldge Avenue. These two men notlfled the dlspatcher of flre at 511 Hlawatha Avenue. The telephone alarm was glven to the dlspatcher In a clear VOlce. The dlrectlons were conClse. There was no confuslon or lncorrect dlrectlons. After telephonlng In the flre alarm, the two men rushed to the resldence and asslsted the three survlvlng occupants safely from the bUlldlng. Speclflcally, Mr. DUPU1S helped 16 year old Mlchelle Carroll from her bedroom wlndow. She had become stuck In the wlndow frame. ThlS actlon undoubtedly saved the woman's Ilfe. I would also llke the Clty Councll to offlclally recognl~e Captaln Mlchael Zlla for savlng the Ilfe of a flre flghter. Captaln Zlla saved the Ilfe of flre flghter Scott Boyle durlng a "hot" drlll In an abandoned house on 11th Avenue South. The clamp on the low pressure alr hose of flre flghter Boyle's self contalned breathlng apparatus broke. The hose separated from the regulator and Boyle suddenly began lnhallng 100 percent smoke. Captaln Zlla heard alr rushlng from Boyle's alr cyllnder and lmmedlately went to the man's ald. Zlla escorted Boyle to the front door WhlCh was just a few feet from where the actlon occurred. The door knob came out of the door when Zlla trled to open It. Zlla then rushed Boyle back through the house to the rear door. By the tlme they reached the rear door, Boyle was beglnnlng to collapse. Zlla then carrled Boyle to the door, pushlng hlm through the door to safety. Zlla hlmself collapsed seml-conSClOUS after gettlng Boyle safely out of the house. I would also llke to clte Cllfford Roblnson, Street Superlntendent, Clty of Hopklns, for hlS asslstance In helplng the flre department wlth a house flre at the Rlchard O'Rellly resldence, 232 Madlson Clrcle South on March 5, 1985. Roblnson was lnspectlng the streets at about 3 a.m. on March 5th followlng a 17" snow fall. He smelled smoke and lnvestlgated untll he found the source at 232 Madlson Clrcle South. Roblnson radloed the dlspatcher to notlfy the flre department and then pounded on the front door untll he awakened the O'Relllys. Roblnson placed the O'Relllys In hlS car, cleared the snow from around the hydrant lmmedlately In front of the resldence and then radloed another slze-up report to Chlef Strawn who was respondlng to the address. .. .. When Chlef Strawn arrlved at the address, Superlntendent Roblnson lnformed hlm everyone had been removed from the house and was secure In hlS car. Durlng the flre suppresslon operatlons, the O'Relllys were able to hear all the flre department radlo trafflc. Roblnson lnterpreted the trafflc for the O'Relllys and explalned ln detall what the flre department was dOlng as lt extlngulshed the flre WhlCh destroyed about 50 percent of thelr attlC. I wlsh to clte Roblnson for hlS asslstance In keeplng the famlly lnformed of developments as thelr home was damaged by flre. It lS through hlS efforts that a calamltous sltuatlon was explalned and made understandable to the vlctlms of thlS tragedy. The O'Rellly famlly was most appreclatlve of Cllff's efforts and made a pOlnt of telllng me so followlng the flre.