ORDINANICES 85-548 CITY OF HOPKINS Hennep1n County, M1nnesota ORDINANCE NO. 85-548 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 409 OF THE HOPKINS CODE AND AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE 427 PERTAINING TO SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS BE IT ORDAINED, by the C1ty Counc1l of the City of Hopkin~ as follows: That Section 409 of the Hopk1n~ Code and amendments thereto Ordinances No. 80-479 and 82-514 are hereby repealed. That the Hopk1ns Zoning Ordinance No. 427 be and the same is hereby amended as follows: That subsect10ns I, 15 and 16 of Section 427.42 of the Hopk1ns Zoning Ord1nance be and the same 1S hereby amended by revision and there 1S hereby enacted and adopted 1n place thereof the follow1ng subsectlon: . 427.42 (1) All outdoor signs 1n eX1stence and those proposed to be erected pursuant to thlS Ordlnance in all zoning distr1cts shall be governed by the provislons of the Hopkins Zoning Ord1nance and such other ordinances and regulations as may be enacted. (15) Applicat10ns for other proposed slgn permIts involving a lesser setback than that requlred by the Hopklns Zoning Ordinance, may be granted only by and under a Condltlonal Use Permit as defined ln Section 427.04(26) and under the applicable provlsions and regu- lations of Condit10nal Use requ1rements set forth 1n Sectlon 427.26 of the Hopk1ns Zoning Ordinance which Conditional Use Permits may requ1re perlod1c reVlews and may be cancelled for cause. (16) Slgn Perm1t: No slgns perm1tted by th1S Ordinance shall be erected or ma1ntalned without the eXlstence of a valid permit lssued therefor by the C1ty of Hopk1ns. That Section 427 of the Hopk1ns Zon1ng Ord1nance pertalnlng to slgns, adver- tising lights and dev1ces 1S hereby amended by add1ng the follow1ng prov1sions' 427.42 (18) 4.a DISTRICT/USE: B-2, PERMITTED TYPE OF SIGN: Name plate or symbol In the shape or form that denotes the nature of the business be1ng conducted wlthln, at r1ght angles to the bU1ld1ng wall are perm1tted at 1ntervals of not less than 15 feet; ILLUMINATED: No, MAXIMUM AREA OF SINGLE SIGN' The area of such signs shall not exceed three square feet and shall extend no more than twenty-four 1nches (24") from the wall or slde of the bU1ld1ng to WhlCh sa1d sign is attached and shall be mounted no lower than ten feet (10') from the sldewalk, TOTAL AREA OF ALL SIGNS: 2 square feet per front foot of bU1ld1ng abutt1ng a publ1C r1ght-of-way 50 feet or more 1n w1dth. : (22) Repa1rs: Every blllboard or slgn located in th1S mun1clpal1ty Wh1Ch may now be or hereafter become out of order, deterlorated or unsafe. and every b1llboard or slgn WhlCh shall hereafter be erected, altered. resurfaced, reconstructed or moved contrary to the provisions of th1S Section. shall be removed or otherw1se properly secured in accordance w1th the terms of thlS Section by the owners thereof or by the owners of the ground on WhlCh sa1d b1llboard or slgn shall stand. upon recelpt of proper not1ce so to do, glven by the C1ty Manager, and no such b1llboards shall be repalred or rebu1lt except ln accordance with the prov1sions of th1S Section and upon a perm1t lssued by the Clty Manager. (23) Removal: In the event of the fa1lure of the owner or person, company or cor- porat1on havIng control of any blllboard or slgn, or the owner of the ground on Wh1Ch the b1llboard or slgn is located, to remove or repa1r sa1d board or slgn wlth1n the t1me stated 1n such not1ce, the same may be removed by the mun1c1pal1ty at the expense of the owner or manager of sa1d board or slgn, or the owner of the ground upon whIch such b1llboard or slgn stands. F1rst read at a regular meet1ng of the C1ty Counc1l of the C1ty of Hopk1ns held on 1985, and flnall read. approved, adopted and ordered publ1shed at a regular meet1ng of said Counc1l of sa1d C1ty on J. Scott Renne City Clerk Rober F. Miller Mayor Jerre M1ller C1ty Attorney . e