Resolutions , . . t CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 84-3161 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 84-3157 of the Council adopted August 21st, 1984, a report has been prepared by John Strojan, City Engineer, with reference to the easement on the east side of Chapel View by the installation of watermain extension and fire hydrants thereon and this report was received by the Council on September 4th, 1984. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, as follows: 1. The Councll will consider the improvement of such watermain extension in accordance with the report and the assessment of: (PID #24-117-22 12 0006) That part of the Northwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter lying west of east 486 87/100 feet thereof and southerly of State Highway No.7 and east of Gethsemane Road; (PID #24-117-22 12 0007) That part of the north 1066 9/10 feet of east 486 87/100 feet of Northwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter lying south of State Highway No.7, except road: (PID #24-117-22 12 0008) South 200 feet of north 1266.9 feet of east 486.87 feet of east 486.87 feet of Northwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter, except road; (PID #24-117-22 12 0009) South 50 feet of north 1316 9/10 feet of east 164 feet of west 1/2 of Northeast Quarter, except road: (PID #24-117-22 13 0001) South 50 feet of north 1366 9/10 feet of east 164 feet of west 1/2 of Northeast Quarter except road; (PID #24-117-22 13 0002) South 50 feet of north 1416 9/10 feet of east 164 feet of west 1/2 of Northeast Quarter, except road: (PID #24-117-22 13 0003) South 50 feet of north 1466 9/10 feet of east 164 feet of west 1/2 of Northeast Quarter, except road: (PID #24-117-22 13 0004) Commenclng at intersection of norther~y line of Mlnneton~~ ~ills Road and center line of Gethsemane Road, thence north along said center line to north line of Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter, thence east to a point 164 feet west from northeast corner thereof, thence south - 179 78/100 feet, thence west 84 feet, thence south to northerly line of Minnetonka Mills Road, thence northwesterly to beginning, except road; (PID #24-117-22 13 0005) That part of west 84 feet of east 248 feet of Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter lying south of north 179.78 feet thereof and northerly of Minnetonka Mills Road; , . . , all the above in Section 24, Township 117, Range 22; also Tracts A, B, C and 0, Registered Land Survey No. 253 for all or a portlon of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S.A., Secs. 429.011 to Secs. 429.111, as amended, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $34,643.00; and will further consider the market value before and after said improvement, of the property affected thereby. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed lmprovement on the 2nd day of October, 1984 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and the Clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Hopkins, Minnesota, thlS 4th day of September, 1984. J. SCOTT RENNE, City Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER, Mayor JERRE A. MILLER, City Attorney -2. . '" . .e . ;> CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, MInnesota RESOLUTION NO. 84-3162 A RESOLUTION ORDERING ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE BY REMOVING CERTAIN INFECTED ELM AND/OR OAK TREES IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS Whereas, pursuant to CIty of HopkIns OrdInance No. 79-467 and pursuant to MSA Chapter 18, and pursuant to Chapter 4, Rules and RegulatIons of the Department of AgrIculture (AGR-IOl-120), the forester of the CI ty of HopkIns has found condItIons 1nd1catIng the presence of Dutch Elm or Oak W1lt InfestatIon eXIst and have eX1sted upon the follow1ng propert1es; 628)- lOth A~erlu~ South 23" Elm $149.50 WHEREAS, not1ce of such f1ndings has been gIven to the owners of record of the premIses; and WHEREAS, NOTICE OF INTENTION OF THE Counc1l to abate saId nUIsance was publIshed once and a copy mailed to the affected property owners, and a hear1ng was set for September 18, 1984. NOW THEREFORE, 1t Counc1l of the C1ty of HopkIns remove these 1nfected trees as to the owners of saId property. 1S hereby resolved by the C1ty that the city w1ll take act10n to lIsted above and charge the costs Passed and Hopk1ns, M1nnesota at September, 1984. adopted by a regular the Counc1l meet1ng held of the the C1ty 18th day of of /' J. SCOTT RENNE City Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER Mayor JERRE A. MILLER C1ty Attorney .... ',. ...... - ,.. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepln County, Mlnnesota RESOLUTION NO. 84- 3163 A RESOLUTION ORDERING ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE BY REMOVING CERTAIN INFECTED ELM AND/OR OAK TREES IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS WHEREAS, pursuant to Clty of Hopklns OrdInance No. 79-467 and pursuant to MSA Chapter 18, and pursuant to Chapter 4, Rules and Regulat10ns of the Department of Agrlculture (AGR-101-120), the forester of the Cl ty of Hopklns has found condltlons 1ndlcatlng the presence of Dutch Elm or Oak Wllt lnfestat10n eXIst and have eX1sted upon the follow1ng propert1es: (see llst attached, marked Exh1b1t A) WHEREAS, not1ce of such f1nd1ngs has been glven to the owners of record of the prem1ses; and WHEREAS, no part of sa1d 1nfected trees have been removed or otherw1se treated, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the C1ty Counc1l of the C1ty of Hopk1ns, as follows: That the prem1ses of sa1d 1nfected trees, Wh1Ch are 1n number and lIsted have been and are duly marked and are located as llsted, const1tute a publ1C nU1sance as more fully set forth 1n the prov1s1ons of HopkIns Ord1nance No. 79-467 M.S.A. Chapter 18, and Rules and Regulat10ns of the Department of Agr1culture (AGR 101-120), and such nU1sances are hereby ordered to be ImmedIately abated by cutt1ng and removal of all such 1nfected trees thereon. It 1S further ordered that a Not1ce of the Intent10n of the Counc1l so to abate sa1d nU1sance shall be publ1shed once and a copy thereof ma1led to the affected property owners, Wh1Ch Not1ce shall spec1fy that act10n upon th1S Resolut1on shall be taken at a spec1al meet1ng of the C1ty Counc1l to be held October 16, 1984 such publ1cat1on to be not less than one week pr10r to the date of such meet1ng. The Counc1l at such meet1ng shall hear all property owners w1th reference to the above matter. It 1S further resolved that a copy of th1S Resolut1on shall be ma1led 1mmed1ately to the owners of the property 1nvolved here1n. Hopk1ns, 1984. Passed and Mlnnesota at adopted by the Councll a regular meet1ng held Clty of day of Sept. of the the 18th J. SCOTT RENNE Clty Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER Mayor JERRE A. MILLER C1ty Attorney CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepln County, M1nnesota Resolut1on No. 84-3l64 EXECUTION OF THE ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST WHEREAS, THE Employer ma1nta1ns a deferred compensat1on plan for lts employees Wh1Ch 1S adm1n1stered by the ICMA Ret1rement Corporat1on (the "Adm1n1strator"); and WHEREAS, other publ1C employers have J01ned together to establ1sh the ICMA Ret1rement Trust for the purpose of representlng the lnterests of the part1c1patlng employers w1th respect to the collect1ve 1nvestment of funds held under the1r deferred compensat1on plans; and WHEREAS, sa1d Trust 1S a salutary development WhICh further advances the qual1ty of admln1strat1on for plans adm1n1stered by the ICMA Retlrement Corporat1on: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Employer hereby executes the ICMA Ret1rement Trust, attached hereto; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the F1nance D1rector shall be coord1nator for thls program and shall rece1ve necessary reports, not1ces, etc. from the ICMA Ret1rement Corporat1on as AdmInIstrator, and shall cast, on behalf of the Employer, any requ1red votes under the program. Adm1n1strat1ve dut1es to carry out the plan may be ass1gned to the appropr1ate departments. Passed and Hopk1ns, M1nnesota at September, 1984. adopted by a regular the Counc 11 meetlng held of the the C1ty 18th day of of J. SCOTT RENNE C1ty Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER Mayor JERRE A. MILLER C1ty Attorney -e I, J. Scott Renne, Clerk of the C1ty of Hopk1ns do hereby cert1fy that the above resolut1on, proposed by Counc1l was duly passed and adopted 1n the Counc1l of the C1ty of Hopk1ns at a regular meet1ng thereof assembled thlS l8th day of September 1984, by the follow1ng vote: AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 ABSENT: 1 (SEAL) J. ~Cott ~ J. SCOTT RENNE, C1ty Clerk ( APPENDIX B 'e DECLARATION OF TRUST of ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST ARTICLE I Name and Definitions >- SECTION 1 1 Name The Name of the Trust created hereby IS the ICMA Retirement Trust SECTION 1 2 Definitions Wherever they are used herein, the following terms shall have the following respective meanings (a) By-Laws The By-Laws referred to In Section 4 1 hereof, as amended from time to time (b) Deferred Compensation Plan A deferred compensation plan established and maintained by a Public Employer forthe purpose of providing retirement Income and other deferred benefits to ItS employees In accordance with the prOVIsions of section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended (c) Guaranteed Investment Contract A contract entered Into by the Retirement Trust with Insurance companies that provides for a guaranteed rate of return on Investments made pursuant to such contract (d) ICMA The International City Management ASSOCiation (e) ICMA/RC Trustees Those Trustees elected by the Public Employers who, In accordance with the provIsions of Section 3 1 (a) hereof, are also members of the Board of Directors of ICMA or RC (f) I nvestment Adviser The Investment Adviser that enters Into a contract with the Retirement Trust to provide advice with respect to Investment of the Trust Property (g) Employer Trust A trust created pursuant to an agreement between RC and a Public Employer for the purpose of investing and administering the funds set aSide by such employer In connection with ItS deferred compensation agreements with ItS employees (h) Portfolios The Portfolios of Investments established by the Investment Adviser to the Retirement Trust, under the supervIsion of the Trustees, for the purpose of providing Investments for the Trust Property .-. (I) Public Employee Trustees Those Trustees elected by the Public Employers who, In accordance with the prOVIsions of Section 31(a) hereof, are full-time employees of Public Employers (j) Public Employer A Unit of state or local government, or any agency or Instrumentality thereof, that has adopted a Deferred Compensation Plan and has executed thiS Declaration of Trust (k) RC The International City Management Association Retirement Corporation (I) Retirement Trust The Trust created by thiS Declaration of Trust (m) Trust Property The amounts held In the Retirement Trust on behalf of the Public Employers The Trust Property shall Include any Income resulting from the Investment of the amounts so held (n) Trustees The Public Employee Trustees and ICMA/RC Trustees elected by the Public Employers to serve as members of the Board of Trustees of the Retirement Trust ARTICLE II Creallon and Purpose of the Trust, Ownership of Trust Property SECTION 2 1 Creation The Retirement Trust IS created and established by the execution of thiS Declaration of Trust by the Trustees and the participating Public Employers SECTION 22 Purpose The purpose of the Retirement Trust IS to provide for the commingled Investment of funds held by the Public Employers In connection with their Deferred Compensation Plans The Trust Property shall be Invested in the Portfolios, In Guaranteed Investment Contracts and In other Investments recommended by the Investment AdViser under the supervIsion of the Board of Trustees SECTION 2 3 Ownership of Trust Property The Trustees shall have legal title to the Trust Property The Public Employers shall be the benefiCial owners of the Trust Property ARTICLE III Trustees SECTION 3 1 Number and Qualification of Trustees (a) The Board of Trustees shall consist of nine Trustees Five of the Trustees shall be full-time employees of a Public Employer (the Public Employee Trustees) who are authorized by such Public Employer to serve as Trustee The remaining four Trustees shall consist of two persons who, at the time of electIOn to the Board of Trustees, are members of the Board of Directors of ICMA and two persons who, at the time of election, are members of the Board of Directors of RC (the ICMA/RC Trustees) One of the Trustees who IS a director of ICMA, and one of the Trustees who IS a director of RC, shall, at the time of election, be full-time employees of a Public Employer (b) No person may serve as a Trustee for more than one term In any ten-year period SECTION 32 Election and Term (a) Except for the Trustees appointed to fill vacancies pursuant to Section 35 hereof, the Trustees shall be elected by a vote of a majority of the Public Employers In accordance with the procedures set forth In the By-Laws (b) At the first election of Trustees, three Trustees shall be elected for a term of three years, three Trustees shall be elected for a term of two years and three Trustees shall be elected for a term of one year At each subsequent election, three Trustees shall be elected for a term of three years and until hiS or her successor IS elected and qualified SECTION 3 3 Nominations The Trustees who are full-time employees of Public Employers shall serve as the Nominating Committee for the Public Employee Trustees The Nominating Committee shall choose candidates for Public Employee Trustees In accordance with the procedures set forth In the By-Laws SECTION 34 ReSignation and Removal (a) Any Trustee may resign as Trustee (Without need for prior or subsequent accounting) by an Instrument In writing signed by the Trustee and delivered to the other Trustees and such resignation shall be effective upon such delivery, or at a later date according (v) do all such acts, take all such proceedings, and exercise all such rights and privileges, although not specifically mentioned herein, as the Trustees may deem necessary or appropriate to administer the Trust Property and to carry out the purposes of the Retirement Trust SECTION 42 Distribution of Trust Property Distributions of the Trust Property shall be made to, or on behalf of, the Public Employer, In accordance with the terms of the Deferred Compensation Plans or Employer Trusts The Trustees of the Retirement Trust shall be fully protected In making payments In accordance with the directions of the Public Employers or the Trustees of the Employer Trusts without ascertaining whether such payments are In compliance with the provIsions of the Deferred Compensation Plans or the agreements creating the Employer Trusts SECTION 43 Execution of Instruments The Trustees may unanimously designate anyone or more of the Trustees to execute any Instrument or document on behalf of all, including but not limited to the signing or endorsement of any check and the signing of any applications, Insurance and other contracts, and the action of such deSignated Trustee or Trustees shall have the same force and effect as If taken by all the Trustees ARTICLE V Duty of Care and Liability of Trustees SECTION 51 Duty of Care In exercIsing the powers hereinbefore granted to the Trustees, the Trustees shall perform all acts within their authority for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits for the Public Employers, and shall perform such acts with the care, Skill, prudence and diligence In the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent person acting In a like capacity and familiar with such matters would use In the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like alms SECTION 5 2 Liability The Trustees shall not be liable for any mistake of Judgment or other action taken In good faith, and for any actIOn taken or omitted In reliance In good faith upon the books of account or other records of the Retirement Trust, upon the opinion of counsel, or upon reports made to the Retirement Trust by any of ItS officers, employees or agents or by the Investment Adviser or any sub- Investment adviser, accountants, appraisers or other experts or consultants selected with reasonable care by the Trustees, officers or employees of the Retirement Trust The Trustees shall also not be liable for any loss sustained by the Trust Property by reason of any Investment made In good faith and In accordance with the standard of care set forth In Section 5 1 . SECTION 5 3 Bond No Trustee shall be obligated to give any bond or other security for the performance of any of hiS or her duties hereunder ARTICLE VI Annual Report to Shareholders The Trustees shall annually submit to the Public Employers a written report of the transactions of the Retirement Trust, including financial statements which shall be certified by Independent public accountants chosen by the Trustees ARTICLE VII Duration or Amendment of Retirement Trust SECTION 71 Withdrawal A Public Employer may, at anytime, with- draw from thiS Retirement Trust by delivering to the Board of Trustees a statement to that effect The withdraWing Public Employer's benefiCial Interest In the Retirement Trust shall be paid out to the Public Employer or to the Trustee of the Employer Trust, as appropriate SECTION 72 Duration The Retirement Trust shall continue until terminated by the vote of a majority of the Public Employers, each casting one vote Upon termination, all of the Trust Property shall be paid out to the Public Employers orthe Trustees of the Employer Trusts, as appropriate SECTION 73 Amendment The Retirement Trust may be amended by the vote of a majority of the Public Employers, each casting one vote SECTION 74 Procedure A resolution to terminate or amend the Retirement Trust or to remove a Trustee shall be submitted to a vote of the Public Employers If (a) a majority of the Trustees so direct. or (b) a petition requesting a vote, signed by not less than 25% of the Public Employers, IS submllted to the Trustees ARTICLE VIII Miscellaneous SECTION 8 1 Governing Law Except as otherwise required by state or local law, thiS DeclaratIOn of Trust and the Retirement Trust hereby created shall be construed and regulated by the laws of the District of Columbia SECTION 82 Counterparts ThiS Declaration may be executed by the Public Employers and Trustees In two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same Instrument 3 CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin CountYt Mlnnesota . RESOLUTION NO. 84-3165 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice published and given as required by law, the City Council of the City of Hopkins has met and heard on September 18th, B84, and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessments for the improvement of certain streets, avenues and thoroughfares in the City of Hopklns, all as more fully set forth and described in Exhibit A. attached to Resolution No. 84-3146 adopted the 7th day of August, 1984 and Resolution No. 84-3154 adopted the 21st day of August, 1984, and WHEREAS, each of said improvements as set forth in Exhibit A. hereto , attached, were presented and considered by said Council separately at said meeting and each separately accepted and adopted by unanlmous vote of sald , Hopkins Council: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, as follows: 1. Such proposed assessments, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assess- ments against the lands therein named and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement ln the amount of the assessment levied against it. I 2. Such assessments shall be payable in equal, annual installments extending over the periods of years set forth in the Schedule of Assessments, the flrst of the installments to be paid with the real estate taxes due and payable ln 1985. Any deferred installments shall bear interest at the rate as set forth in said Schedule of Assessments from the 1st day of October, 1984. To the first installments shall be added lnterest on the entire respective assessment from October 1st, 1984 untll December 31st, 1985. To each subsequent installments, when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may at anytime except between J November 15th and December 31st, prior to the certification of the assessments to the Hennepin County Audltor, as herein provided, pay the whole of the assessments against any parcel to the City Manager, and no interest shall be . charged if the entire assessment is paid before November 15th. Also, the owner of the property may at anytime thereafter, except between November 15th and December 31st of each year, pay to the City Manager, the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpald. 4. The Clerk shall forth with transmit a certified duplicate or duplicates of these assessments to the Hennepin County Auditor to be extended on the proper tax lists of the County, and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins,Minnesota, this 18th day of September, 1984. , J. SCOTT RENNE, City Clerk JERRE A, MILLER, City Attorney ROBERT F. MILLER, Mayor I I . , , CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 84-3165 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice published and given as required by law, the City Council of the City of Hopkins has met and heard on September 18th, 1984, and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessments for the improve- ment of certain streets, avenues and thoroughfares in the Clty of Hopkins, all as more fully set forth and described in Exhibit A. attached to Resolution No. 84-3146 adopted the 7th day of August, 1984 and Resolution No. 84-3154 adopted the 21st day of August, 1984, and WHEREAS, each of said improvements as set forth in Exhibit A. hereto attached, were presented and considered by said Council separately at said meeting and each separately accepted and adopted by unanimous vote of said Hopkins Council: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS MINNESOTA, as follows: 1. Such proposed assessments, a copy of WhlCh is attached hereto and made a part hereof and hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assess- ments against the lands therein named and each tract of land therein lncluded is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessments shall be payable ln equal, annual installments extending over the periods of years set forth in the Schedule of Assessments, the first of the installments to be pald with the real estate taxes due and payable in 1985. Any deferred installments shall bear interest at the rate as set forth in sald Schedule of Assessments from the 1st day of October, 1984. To the first installments shall be added interest on the entire respective assessment from October 1st, 1984 until December 31st, 1985. To each subsequent intallments, when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may at anytime after the adoption of the assessments and before November 15th, pay the whole of the assessments against any parcel to the City t1anager, and no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment lS paid before November 15th. Also, the owner of the ~ property may at anytime thereafter, except between November 15th and December 31st of each year, pay to the City Manager, the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid. 4. The Clerk shall forth with transmit a certified duplicate or duplicates of these assessments to the Hennepin County Audltor to be extended on the proper tax lists of the County, and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other munlcipal taxes. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this 18th day of September, 1984. J. SCOTT RENNE, City Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER, Mayor JERRE A. MILLER, City Attorney '4 ,