Condition og Minnehaha Creek
September 14, 1984
Clty Councll and Clty Manager
Clty Englneer
Condltlon of Mlnnehaha Creek at Lake Street Brldge
Earller thls year, a letter was recelved from the Creekslde
Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of Amerlca pOlntlng out the
eXlstence of some boulders and chunks of conrete In the bed of
the creek whlch detract from the appearance of the creek and
posslbly present a problem for canoers.
The condltlon was lnvestlgated by both the Clty and the Mlnnehaha
Creek Watershed Dlstrlct and nelther partles felt that the
condltlons were such as to warrant lmmedlate removal.
However, a more recent survey of the same sectlon of the creek
showed a condltlon whlch needs correctlon. A bUlldup of debrls
under the brldge should be removed. The Street Superlntendent
wlll schedule a crew to remove thls debrls as soon as other
actlvltles under way are completed. At thls tlme he wlll use a
backhoe to reach lnto the stream bed and move the prevlously
mentloned rocks, etc. closer to the shorellne. These rocks wlll
then be a protectlon from creek bank erOSlon and at the same tlme
resolve the concerns of aesthetlcs and canoe safety.
Respectfully submltted,
John J. StroJan
Clty Englneer