Record keeping requirements f- age 5 ~Ecn~D .EEFING FEOUlhEMEN1S t.Ouarterly pedestrian counts at ~ey locations. ~.Ouarterly par~ lng counts of all downtown lots. -:::. Busl nes~ or devE'loper contact form. a.Ddte b.Inltlal contact or Follow-up c. Nanle d.Flrm or Business name e.lelephone number f.Notes g.Actlon required h.Actlon taken I.Partlcular Interest: space to rent. bUildIng to purchase. major development proJect. tenant. owner-occupant. or landlord. J~Malllng address. 4.Newsrelease and publIcIty fIle. a.date b.dlstrlbutlon list. c.copy record 5.Artlcle and media coverage file. 6.Membershlp and partIcipation lIst. Keep list of who dId what for each activity. 7.Attendance records for task force and general meetIngs. 8.Advertlslng file. /' a.general description of ad copy and artwork or photo copy of ad. b.Date C.SI=e d.media e.Cost 7.Fund drive records 8.Llst of events and attendance estimates for each.