Econcmic development schudule J..~ J.1...\';J._.l._' 'J) ~~O~ Gi,l~ JJ';V~i.C:l~'~.I..';..l .l{(d C....llL.. Jl.L u~J. ~..)l......'; 1) ~cvclop ~oncept for hdvcrt1s1nc ~~npa1cn: j c;_ :e0 of advert1s1~1~ pro.:ecs1ollals 1ntcrestcd 1n v/or1an[: on a conceptual campalDn have been obta1ned. A COIrun1ttee made up of !ii2J1lJcrs froIn ~cononllc .Jevelopment and. :.1_ 1S be1nc formed to In te:rV1e\1 2Jld select a candidate. 'l'he concept should be ready by January 1 st. L f:l&llln; Ilst of bus1nesses 1n Eopl:1ns \'1111 be purchased by Ja'1.uary 1 st, and marl:et analys1s and research will be lni tiated. 2) Advert1sinc: Advert1s1ng w1ll beGin ln January, to run in business and trade publications aimed at developers and the business community. 3) Brochures: Production of the brochures, folder and business directory will begin in January. The process, including selecting an artist, writing copy, photography and preparation will take approximately 2 ~onths. The materials should be ready for distribution by l1arch 1 st. 4) ~'lorl:shop: The advertising workshop will take place sometime after the first of the year. " I